4712 Covington Ct - Site Survey• Certiflcate for: Centex Homes Midwest Inc. 8601 Darnell Road Etien Prairie, Mn. 55344 Certificaie for: Joe Miller Const. Inc. DELMAR H. SCHW?i?ANZ 18133 Cedar Ave. S. LANOSURVEYORy??- Farmington, Minn. R"istaraA unaor lEwsaf Tne SbtA of MmnMn 55024 2978 - 146TH BTNEET W. - 90X M NOBEMIXMT• hUNNEWTA SIM SURVEVORB CERTIFICATE / 1 / i / ?. ? ? 1 7,? ? ?. „ z3 4! ro ? Nr ? 3p31 tLi p,,aN 89044 MIONE 812 47517{Y SCALE: 1 inoh - 30 feet • Denotte r Denotes q21.0 Denotes ? Dseotes Denotos /?s ? dratt?11?L iron pipe monument setback monument Bxiating elevation prapcsed grade elevation directi'on ef 4Wface ? I+MN.???``? \?n 'V 22. J U0- '??`?-' ?L w.. Q ? o ? ? L i G % Z.YS' 17`9 r? U ? J ? ? { 9 Zt.O Propoaed garage Ploor elevationF Z?Proposed top oT block elevation 1?2 Propoaed basement floor elevation I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of Lot 2, Block E, BEACON HILL, according to the reeorded plat thereof, DakotaCounty, Mitlnesota. D3tea: June 18, 1979 Aleo ahowing the location of a proposed house not staked thereon. Revised this 4 day of February, 1983. QEJt5E?0 t4ooSE LoLwt-,or.1 \\ h E . o \ MINNESOTA REdSTRATION NO.8826