4722 Covington Ct - Site SurveyJUN-13-97 FRI 11:19 A11 BURNET TITLE Fite No_ 09789 Ptopetty Adtlress: 4722 COViNQSON COURT, EAGAN 8uyer: SEGAR LegaL• l07 4, BLOCK 6, BEACON HILL P. 02/02 PLAT ORAWING InsD. Date: 5/17197 Insp. By: PCT Thia Piat Drqvinp ia not intentled to be used as : smreY wd a1rouW not be reHed upvn as suCh. 7he lot dlnenslons are faken from 1M rsCOrdsd pqYpr the eouaty t9eotd8 end aro aseume0 ta ba accwate. The beation ol tM improveinente ehown on this draw[rtg are aoprox6nata antl are based upen a visual inspeaftcn of 1ha prem3sas. A Ncensed surveyor stroWA be eontacted if an accoreta smrey ic duMSd. This plat Mewinp doss nW eonatituta a&apft ol t1a eompany aM is iMeaded tor uee by tlre CompBny OMy. N I 1' ; 30' ? O 10' l DOtJBLE U f QARqGE O ? SPUT cev ` : ? Z EL FRAM? U q , 4i t ? U ? ? ? f ?i I onu.o. AM u??eir ?.swnnm ... , ., . . . ?.? ?7-/ r . CertiEicate for: fCentex Homea Midwest Inc. Hk: 58/8 8601 Darnell Road Eden Prairie, Mn. 55344 For: xoas sapssett DELMAR H. SCHWANZ Z-ZS'pZ LANOSURVEVOR RplstuW UnEor Lowf of The Sbu of MinnOsop 7178 - 145TN BTREET W. - 90X M ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 06088 PMONE N2123-17U SUR V EYOR'S CERTI F ICATE . 011,0 Iq?9 ye, <OQ ? ,. ry I q yb: s9f . Q`°' 311 3`'- ? 923' , 6ARp6E 20 u i /?Iq.3 ypK ? ?923'y _ ?33 4 ? Drainage utility? ease"nt ? p oP?.?-9za,? ? ?e ti ;\j scaLE: ToP ! ?G 1 inch = 30 feet s 7?_ ... ?'t<qzZ.e ? a 9ic. CRTCN BASii? Elevations shown are existing ?ov GRqTE = 916,7 Proposed garage floor elevation 92?•?' • , Propoaed basement floor elev. 92/,0 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of Lot 4, Block 6, BEACON HILL, according to the recorded plat thereof, . Dakota County, Minnesota. Dated: June 18, 1979 fe-?oiSED - 73179 House staked and lot corners set February 25, 1982, MINNESOTA fSEGISTFlAf10N NO. 0625