1293 Crestridge Lane - Certificates of Occupancy_ . -,A (gtr#ifirafr uf (Orrupttnry Citp of (Eagan DppttrtmPtct n# Builbitug Iris.pPrttmt Tbrs Carti firate irsuud Erxrsxaert to tbe sequinmcnts of Sation 306 of tlx Uni form Building Code cMi f yrng thx ctt tFx tinre o f itsxana t6it itructure war in com pliance witb the variou.r ordinaruu o f tix City ngxlating bxildtng con.ttrtiction o? x.tt. For thc follouring: TO4dNH0USE 5433 Uae C1d8atim Bid{. hmit No. o-r.-s TYw P,3-JMtyr construcm.-V zomns nistmt R3 HlC3deri Qak_S . _ ._ -40 F. _ P1 ai-n Rlvri _Gf Paii1 'It/ ft: au: 12-30-80 rws Iw • eo*nn? ruu •u En#ifirtt#t of (Orrupttrtrg ?.: titp of eagan . _?..> - ])p.pttrbttm# nf Vuilbing Ittiipprfirnt T6it Ctrti ficatc ia.cued pursuant to tht rtquircmcnts of 5ection 306 of tbt Uniform Building Cade artif ying that at tfir time o f i.uuancc tbis rtruaure wus rn com ptrancc witb ibc variauJ ordi?rururs o f tfn City rrgulating 6uildisg conttrrxtion or u.re. For t6e f ellouring; . CL" m?im?/A1lG+A n11. 0.- IU.. 5432 ? ? ?? .. -? --- -- - - (gPrfifiratt uf (Orrupttnry Citp of (Eagan Er,pttrtmmt nf Wuiidtng 3nspPrtinti Thi.r Crdi f icatr ir.rued Purttiant to the rcquiscmcrua o f Sateon 306 of tix Uni f o?m Building Codt urti f jrng that at tIx tirnt of is.wamt this ltrxuure tuu.c in com pliancc with thc variout ordinaRas o f tbr City ngrrlating brdlding mre,rtrnctron or usa. For thr f ollou7ng: ,,,. cbmifi=dm TOWNHOUSE a4 h,,,it No. 5431 o-p.d.,,,yp R3-TI?v.C*wUwt" v Fi.z.... 3 ?mtw R3 v:AA__ n_,__ -1n " Tf1-l- D1--A Q1 n_..II wm"mgomar aa: 10-28-80 POii IM A CONYICYO" !4C[ a4 ? (gertifiratt of (Orrixpttnry Citp of eagan J9P}TFiI't2riPttf of NUtlbitig 3ri.SpPtYUtIl Tbit CMi f'uate rssxtd purjuant to the nquireaunu of Sutron 306 o f the U?ii f orm Buitding Codc ccrtifring that at the time of isstrarrcc this uructurt was in comQlianu wrth tlx varioxa ordinances o f the City regxlating brrilding const*rKnan or xsc. For the f oflouring: SF Townhouse &ag.ti,m;t No. 5430 ..... ..... v TTT R3 O.mr Dale S. Peterson Daq May lk, 1980 u.s.w. (gPrtifiratP uf (Orrupttnry Citp of (Eagan EP}tMl'tritPttl Df lLitlbiItg Iri8#1P[ftltIi Thu Ce.ri f icarc issad puri,ranr io the requirrmcna o f Sution 306 o f the Unif osM BuiJding Codc urti fyireg that at the tinu of is.urascc tbia ttrurtare wa.r in corrs pliance witb the varioxs ordinaiecu of the City ngulating building conrt.rrction or xu. For the f ollourng: .. ? ._ .. Townhouse m.. ?...:.w. 5434 y: Aw: ?,T?7, 1980 worr ?w • oo.?neuou? 'awu