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1385 Interlachen Dr - Site Survey
2422 Enlerprise Orive * PIONEER Mendota Ileiglits, MN 55120 -- - -- * eng * eering.. I (612) 681-1914 F*** , ? ,4L ,?/6R,QM,dr?/?l CoNST. Certificate of Survey for: ? d's$ NORT11 s? y\^ ,,ibr ?o2?;L ? ,17 ? t mm 8 j3 ? c' 1 / 1 ?? ? ~ '?• ?,P \00 ? ? ? ? 41 \ M1 ? ? h /0 ApG?' y bt, m \ ? ?V Q O ? ?l,ro N`?I Aa )v ??',?? s?v roz5•6 r;'r'a,, ??,, ; . •.;?,?;,,?? ? ? ?,9 . : _.___.....- ? £R;GIi?EERING DEE.7, . 90,0,0 Denofes existiq Elevafron ? E vartoro Denotes prop .ed Hevah'oji Lowes Foor eva iofl tio:o.ot. CJenoles Urama* f Utililf Fasemen} Top o+ 8/ock Elevafion tozs.t6 -? Denotes Dr•airO?e rlow `4rrows CarveS/ab flevation /oz7.a3 0 Denoles monumenf o Deno es OrF?'sef f?lub Beu?rins shown c?re assrlmeci Subyeel' f0 CCYSP.mPr!/s 011"Record ; LOT 7BLOCk.l ? FAIRW,4y NILZS 2N0 ADDITION ? DAI(oTA cnuNry ? I hCrehY ttrtlty tbet iLis is a Inir and conrct Irnlesenlnlinn of n snrvrY ol Ihr huiind:uirs ol Ihr abovC J?r/g/ ?ibrd lanyyydd?-uf thB locnlfon ol all ? buildln95. Iha.reon, and all visible enr,rumLmrnls. il nry, Ilnm rn nn said land As onveyrd by mr dlis y C,(}pW1daY x)f / I Sft?_A.b. 199j.., ? ? , (?? / (2111 Sc a/e ? 1 rnph :4O, eel ?,?--'---??°-_----'---- --- 258 01"I .01 nnnrrtii;iKlcm 5 fIF..NO.14E97 I - ? * * * 2422 Enterprise Ortve * PIONEER MenAotalleiglits,MN551Z0 --- ?eng* eerin9,. I6121 6e1 _1914 -- . ? ,4L Certificate oF Survey tor. 1-1K9R/i"1V CoNST. ? ? ??TA'S a'sCb NORTH s? MM 2R ? y?? ,,? ,• F o? ?\ ? M p \ ? ? Dr ti ?; .?.?P `oo a ?,yy p \ M1 ? c? ?Z? ? •o ?G?R ?N'Mm ? ,.? ? \ \ 6 m \ ? ?V 0 O ? ???.a nf <'Pc,y pw . ; ??{? 25t, \ . ' -,. ¢w ?3 `c '? ? ___.?.? ??"?.c , j. . 900,o Denofes exisf;ri Elevafl'on o E E qrIon? ? soo.o Denofes prop , ed E/evatiai Lowes ?oor eva ion itow.at. Uenol es UrauxI?V( UfililYFcrseme?iI Tap of 8/ock E/evafion lazS.f6 -? Denofes Dr•uir?cf?e low'?rrows GarqC S/Ob EleVptlOn /°2za3 0 DenoW monumenf o Deno es Orf"scf Nub Bearinc S sfrvwn are 055(lmed SubyeCl' fo Ecr_serner?/s nj"')?ecard LOT 7_7 BLOCk t_ ?FAIRWA}' f-IILLS 2N0 ADDIT10/V oauora cnurvey 1 hetlbY cetllly thal Ihis is a tiuo and rnurcl ?rp?e5enlalinn M a soivey nl Ihr 6nun.h.irc ol Ihr abo?vepd?r/y/ iibr?l lam.?ly A nl Ihe Iotatlmloi ell ; bulLlings. Ihmeon. end TII Wsilile enc,.nJmirnls. il nny. Lnm rn nn swid Innd As a.rvryrd bY ????• drr, [.(yWplny nh //_-A.D. 19gj-. i / I ? ? i 21 ' mh. 40ee-f - 1 --- ' SCale e 158 o l1.0I 70^nrnr s,ne,.NO.faesi