4558 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd - Site Survey ? Na F0ELD & NOWAK 7415 WAY2ATA 0LV? scate: 1* = 301 MIkNEAVO15, MINME50'.1 I jt?j JOHNN Y ?a -0 ` CA?E Jk?,L??a?`? oti RJDC7E f I ,1 / .., ? ? !?=' ?=?E?- w ? . o .SO6? 'DFSCRIPTION: Lot 4, 37.ock 4, WOODGATE, 1 ' , , we hereby certi£y ?haf this is e irue and correc' reAresantation of a surve?'of ihe boundaries of ihe tand aCove described and of the locafion crall bulldings, if any, fhereon, and all visibir enCroeChments, if any, from or on said ianC. DatQd lhis 24th dav of November , 1975 . . ECaAN, P-tELD 'a NOWAK, IMC ??.??.sa/ 2? ?oy a?M?.cfi urveyor Fi le N0.1 DAK. 18 , Boak Na_ 2056 - 59 bY? s? 9sES`X i ?FICFiTG OIf' a7YiRVEY . . Far New Horizon Ho mes, Inc.