3114 Joyce Ct - Certificate of Occupancy.1, • *4 (Itrttf iratit n# (Orrupttnry Citp of eagan iDp;twftLettt IIf lo1tnUtg 3YL9}1Pttton This Certificate issued pursuanl to the requiremenu of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the ume of issuance thu structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of ilre City regulating buil+ding construction or use. For the following.• u, ck,&.dw ekig. Ft-rniil No. ? '•; OccuD-Y TYPe Zoomg District Type Coatt. ?- Owoer of Building pddtess !• 1 fJ , 13 : Buildiog Addras Lonliry 4?l }! .. 1'?:4F7 ? )HI l; ,: Datc .1' ":? : ?? _ 1987 Building o@idW POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE .,,f s. (Ctrtif iratit af (Orrupttnry Citp of eagan 1Dp,vMl"Wmf Uf llt?btng JmWPtftDlt Thrs Cer[ifrcare issued pursuant to the requiremenu of Secn'on 306 of the Uniform Building Code cenifying that at the tune of issuance thrs structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the Crty regulating building construction or use. For the following.vmcwomtk, DWG /GAR Ma8. Nm« w. 12, 32, 7 owiro.ncr 7Yve R3 zoning owia Tya COWL ;1 ON'11ROf B11ild1116 2*1 ;JLL%['. `.. 2 77 rT 4'\H0?11 AddIC9S LoW1LY Building ? "`?` • ' - - - Dau: ' ?' - - BuildinB Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE