4715 Narvik Dr - Site SurveycONfUlTINO sHO?Hiee: EHGINEEAING PLpNNlAS and IIMD iUIIYiYOIIi / COMPANY, INC. ? ?I000 [AiT 1461h ETIIC[T. lUIIMSVILL[, MINN[fOTA 53337 PM 432'3000 j,da?al .IaG?crL.eetorL • Lor 9.? (3?.otX 5 ? PaRa- puo&E. , DAKcrA c.cx?.?rv ? M?N•JE??rs. , 0 ? ,A.lo &"l z scA L.E I " - 30' ( L$'°? $£. ECARi,W?S Sriwoo ARE Ayn?ntEp ?2,4A/ ? O D6JOTe5 mol.l,imE?.rr 56r Dexk+tES Foo.JD MDpJvrrtErj7' D; 19° Z (N i • l 31 ? L i O J J ' ?\ i L ? . - - - ?? `?? 2?•? ? `?, b o?ph?o ? O ? ?Q ?'t z ??? y\ ?j.r ? L ? T / ??p? b\ .L.D o? (q L9,0) y 3 o y ?q P s> \ 'q .?oA i_Ll"I tL, ? ? - y\ -\ ? 30 0 CE.br£s ExISrwY+ Ea:J• ? i DRA11JACaE /WD Df-,brES PRc/b<_ED EE4 C915eo ? ??` y? ? s Ull?.l N EASEMF.n1T ? NDK.ArE.S 0 ? RFLttt.»..1 oF? 5L*FKE ' URIVrJnt.E I h?t?br ceMifr that thi? ii i?true ind5carr?ceRr+proi,ni;t?on o? a traet of ? land at shovn'and described hereon$. nl prepAred by m• on this z`_ dar ot 19 83 13600 P AOBE coNSULriNa SNO Ht[8f N6INEEAING PLAHHlIIS nnd ?IIHD ?UIIVtYOIIf COMPANY, INC. L .1000 WT I461h ETII[CT, OUIlN3VILLt, MINNLEOTA 63337 PN 432 -3000 Cert ?'f ca,fg o?? ?Sus-?r-e y _ jda?arl ?..•y.???toss • LoT 9, 31-6G4 S ! Pb4R1K Rt06E ? DAK.nq-q C.cx.? J ry ? ?v1w?5orA . , D n/a P, r?1 ? z sc..qLE ?" , ?' Cgti$•°? ? FeAR1065 50ow.a ARE A--#-,Opvr-D Ly$Aj F o D6JOt65 mooumE,jr SEr . d• DF?.1c?TES Fov.3D MO?uMr`r+T 'V I90 ??i/•? ?p y k / \ L P? i • ? 31,J L ?i- 92.9•7 -/\ V\ % OJ' O Y ? , ?\ \ ?'ehJ C ?p?lh x\ 1??? o o ?+P ?j? y ? a Lo'r ? o q1. ??11?\ ' vO b kb ? Y??? ? / . i c6so,E'.s Fx?sri-Y? EC?/?93?•O? 5\ / ? ? pRe.??we n..iD DE.b*es PRon?? ?i.?J ?43•A ) *s UnuN EASEmEeSr C?`? I NDI[.A7'E.5 D I REL7IO?J OF oSuRFAc@ 0RAurJAt.E iai5F1ED 6/tRA6E pLOOR IE?IA or.l -- 731.50 1? I trebr ctMify that t??ii i? ii true and cornct repreientation oFa traet ot land as thown'and described hereon.$. nr prep4red Dy me on this 7-zu4 dar ot 19 8'3 1 0- ?finn0 1teas 110, /3000