4734 Narvik Dr - Site SurveyW60E coNSULriHa lNOtH[tllS PNGINEEAING PLAHN!!fS end LAND SUAVIYOIiS COMPANY, lNC. L .I000 [AST ?46% iTRCCT, SUIINSVILLL, MINNCSOTA 43313T PH 43Z-3000 cep-,r f Qz su.f-x-c y ;d?r ,?leLt'?p?fass ; L-oT I, 8 Lcc9. -7, PARV- R,We DAic.ora, ?.ounl N, rHi.J??eS,rq, _ . L7,o? .._.. . _ . ..... - ?• 9Z8•o? L?y ,` , • L? 304?icpiN6 S[T3ACY. ? a d / ? ? L ?i 17 ?- i The <1 V-? \0 ? 4 ?s \ ?? i. .. `71 4 3, ?o Q •82 ? ? o . ?6,a ,h-=t ? \ NoRT+h ?. ? SCALE: I"= 30' i ? ?S3 fG` ? \ 913.0 BEa2rtiv1 srrowO tlpE ASSVMFD > >DENOTFS MONUMFNT SET ? ? 9Z3 n? 04 ?-? is ' D£NG7"ES MON V rn Erd7 r?JU p DFNOT[S DIKi-cY?ON OF uKUlNA?oc ? \ -Lil 1nli5tt bA067E FtOotf ELGJATION 'aa OFnIOTES EXIS'IiNi9 E?-E?• OEN ?t'fS p+?0?oZ?? FIFV. ??rs i7Y EaSe?neni?- ? ,- '?pi\\ \ . - ?? I httybr certify lhat this iN 4 true and carrtet r+presentAtion ot a traet ot land at shown' and CeRCriDed her*on,. hN prepared by me on this i0- dar ot svLy ? 19 !93