4357 Nestling Cir - Certificate of OccupancyF ?t f `_-- s ? ..?r ?A p'`. (ler#i#tratt of (Orrupanry titp of tagan ?r?rtrnrn? p# lwd'atg jmwmnn This Cerdfuale issuerl pursuant 1o tlre requircments ojSecdon 306 of !he uirifome BulldlRg Code certifyMg dw1 et the time ojissuaxce thls slntcltrne Kas in c»mpUance Wtlr tlw ?Krrious ordbanm ojthe City reguladng fiuilding consvucAion or use For the followiitg: ume a?eo. SE.374JG/GAR ek* %twc xo. 60 RBDH O=lPwKy TRW - --- -----'°-m?°w"u RI. TM-a"-" - VN_ ? .. ?r.., . ?..,,.. .,...,., ?,.,. , . ..,.. Addm ?s +aa?. t?51LII% ..'LRL?.E L50, S2, MALI.ARD PARK ? D,.te 6/2q/q2 f. bading officw POST W A CONSPICUOUS PIJICE t ` i ?*