4120 New York Ave - Certificate of Occupancy(Sertiftr?tit of (OrrupttMry titp of eagan lgPpartmPttf of l1ttlbT2tQ It[spPrfID'tt Thfs Certifecate usued pursuanl to rhe requirerrtertts of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in conipliance with the various ordinances of the City reguladng building construction or use. For the following: SF DWG/GAR Occ„p,-Y Type R3 /M 1 Zan„g Ehs,W R 1 FRONTZER MIDY!?:? ? 3902 oYw of Buaaing nam. swddmg nddrm 4 120 NEW Y;''•'.K, AVE::;U::'. Lochty L4 1, n.k: DS CE auilaing ofricmt _ ffiag. Pam;, No. {5622 Type COMSL VN CEDAF,VALE DR, EAGAN B4, SZ'AFFORD PLACE LER 13, 1988 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE