4145 New York Ave - Site SurveyI Nedlu,nd Engineering Services 9201Eaar8loominqronFraeway . Bbominpion, MFrroota 55420 land Surveyora , Clvll EnQineets Lond Planners Phana: 888-0289 11 ? surrewr`s G'ert?, f "?cute BOOK , PAGE ? _ J08 NO. SS"' gO3 wRyEy ppR; Frontier r?idwest Eomes Cor.poration DESCRIBED ASA ot-47, Block 4, STAFFOR.D PLACE, City of Eagan, T?akota County, I n__ t?innesota and reserving easements of record. SI? ? t.h I ., V I ? ati ? 1 . I \ . ? Z V I _ I I 991,0 ? ;, ? ?? ? o? , ?rn l ? . ? v 895.4 I / I I ?35? ? 48 I Rti O ? 00 o.(9 o °; 89h.2 / EA GAN R E V I EwE 1) 1r) U ? ti 0 yoo C? ? / , -%DnA ? DAT£ ? y - Top NuT NvD. ? Lo+ L,.? 30 ? 3S DLK }bn NeW Yo.'V. Aw.. E?,- 9q4.5 i TOP OF FOUNDATION =b9s•2 GARAGE FLOOR =$q4•a BASEMENT FLOOR =99z.o SEWER SERVICE ELEV. =8s4.3= PROPOSED ELEVATIONS : YxY• EXISTING ELEVATIONS : x=ti.x ^' " 2S 26.76 Dc?AINAGE DIRECTIONS :-?---? d°7639'1B" DENOTES LOT CORNERS : o YENTNOR flVE. 117 $Y3.5 R•20.00 DENOTES OFFSET STAIiE: a LtRTIFICATE OF SURVEY, - , I henby certity thot thia survey , plan ot report wos preparad hy me or undar my dinct supervision and that I am o duly Rayistered Land Survayor under fhe lars ot fhe State ot Ntionesota. ? ? o Date: i / ? 9? / ?3 ? \yf??--D. c? /?/ ?Jr = {7E-.? J _ -? ? /? ?•.s 97 ? °/ y ? Sp?,+,?d P ? SI"'S FY1.y / Cidn O . I II 25 ---7]C) ? L ? ? ? 30 LYbdpren, License No.14376 . v v -ana Surr*rora . Clvll Enyineers Lond Plannen -?j,o ? Bq's / AW rver?orIs G'ert? f "?cate SA II , BOOK_ PAGE J08 N0. SURygy Fpp; Frontier Midwest Eomes Coiporation QESCRIBEO AS:ILDt 47, Block 4, STAFFOAD PLACE, City of Eagan, Dakota County, t?innesota and reserving easements of record. ? ?.1 v 5I ` _ Z ? v I ? J I ?- fI g9?.0 ! v I ? p ? V I ? _ sI D a 895.4 CShvl=i] / ( - „ P'by,?o.d) +, d ? Ga? r a?? `'c y ?eS? , is.s3 FGA? H / /y \ ? ai 894.2 er} S ? 16 R$ ? o0 Bwaminatan, MnMwtc 55420 Phone: 868-0289 / ZS ?.a J? 'EacaN REVfEWED ? 43 p U ? Bv JDM 0 DATE ? y- 70P NuT NYD. 2 le? 4»? ?o ° 3S ? DLK g.O.New Ye.K Ms. E?e+.= g94.31 ? TOP OF FOUNDATION =e9s•2 ? GARAGE FLOOR =9q4•s BASEMENT FLOOR =sqz.o SEWER SERVICE ELEV. =QBg•3' PROPOSED ELEVATIONS ; YxY, EXISTING ELEVATIONS 76 Dc?AINAGE DIRECTIONS :-+--? vENrNOR ?vE h d=7639'7B' DENOTES LOT CORNERS : o ? 8v3,s R•2o.00 DENOTES OFFSET STAh"E: 0 "'- LPRTIFICATE OF SURVEY I hereby certify fhot ihis survey, plon or reporf was prspored by me or under mr dirsct supervisioe and fhof I om a duly Reyistered Land Surveyor under the laws of fAe Stafe ot Minnesota. o Data: 33 - • c' I ? Jeff 6 . L ndaren , license No. 14376 J C'?? .. . N7S? :-7 ? - _"""_.. .""•"'_'""'_'_""?_ . Gril Enqineen Lond Plannars Phonc 688-0289 ?' surver?or?s G'ert?f "?cate / _ BOOK _ PAGE , / _ J08 NO. 882- ao3 i: v SURyEY FpR; Frontier Z4idwest Eomes Coiporation QESGRIBED AS:%jot 47, Block 4, STAFFORP PLACE, City Minnesota and reserving easements of ' 8951 J / I ` ? . ? ? v ssi.o ? ? " n) l `V n W oh ., . ? v Sgs.t ? I I I j ? ? f / I f ? I ta 1 y •- p, 00 e z?,;3 °j y 1 P,b d ? F?f_4 ; C?adn ? : SG J Ie?I? . ?v . H o i 894.2 i zS i of Eagan, Dakota Countp, record. 25 -? in e9?.a ' )4 ? ? / °? a?? a lbti; U ? ryyoo° E A G A N ? REVtEWED er JDM V OA'fE s..cG... a-K • ToP µuT MvD. 2 Le+ l.+c 3Q ° 3S ? DLK }On Me? Ye.-K h?. ? TOP OF FOUNDATION =89s,Z ` GARAGB FLOOR =e59.$ BASEIdENT FLOOR =89z•° SEWER SERVICE ELEV. =884.3= ? PROPOSID ELEVATIONS : 2Y• EXISTING ELEVATIONS : x=tix . 126•76 llt[AliVAIGE L1KELT1uivo :?? YENTNOR flVE. a d- 76:3928" DENOTES LOT CORNERS : o ,v 6v3,s R=2Q00 DENOTES OFFSET STAIiE: c -CPRTIFIGATE OF SURVEY I herobY certify thot fhis survey, plan or report was prepared hy me or undar my dinct supervision and that I am a duly Registend Land Surveyor under tAe IaMS ot fhe Statt ot Mtnnesota. ? o Oate: 93 LYndaren, License Na.14376