887 Ivy Lane - Site Survey' . ti Disfonces shown on bu./c%n9 a/P fo bric,E /edye i? a?oP/icyb/p C 880, o) d ? $aOo?pRAINAGE o ?•?, 9 UTILITY ?y Z EASEMENT 1.1 006 [. ;?: = . ?81g? •- p 1 0 Denotes Iron Monument xCE]B.SJ o .. ?..,? ? p p Denotes Wood St1ke y' ,C4. 3F_ ry?'!r,•\ Wv ?'? X000.0 Denotes Existin g G7evation 0) (000.0) Denotes PruFJr'r-3 Elevat.i.on ? y32°y02? ry"?)o 3ee ? N Denotes Direction of' Surf'ace Drainage g'1'S 4 -es, IF E? 460g N : m oo Proposed Front Garage F].oor Llevation: Lot 1= 880.5 L S03°37'49'E ?.y`/• r? _ a. ?o m r8 fF cn ? 40.46'%t\• l.nt Z=$80.5 r- y.:•,cay =?'?`3?,?p I-s46/If¢' 00, ':;• Lot j= 880.5 ` Lot h = 880.5 Z J ? O I P /qll / ICL \o?h?', ? 2p°s I OF?K ??ea3? '.\ Proposed Lowest Floor E].evation: Lot i= 8 $ W I ,'q?1,ti ? I,ti . 9V?122 .rN 2?FO; 75• 3 . . o I I ? I?o te73.1 s? l.ot 2= 880.II3 d,"CGf .iF.: j I_:a,t ? I I pOSEp S .3d3? I 6. N? ,O ° ?y0?,h? @C'/I ! hl LOt r•? ro 3 = 880.83 Raesfn,,, ?? r PR 5 42A hq? p'# ? m . Lot 4 = 88p.g3 I.7 I 6? I I O 'I, ?p• g Ao 3j,1k I ?0 2,P ?LG ti'L' :N?? b Id 6., tn ?ej3 o w I r2) ti?o?l ," r F !?. \ I hereby certify thpt this is a true and correcC representc?tion of a gurvey of 10 •• -.- . > > l$0•' ? 0? -? o39J . ? i the bowidaries oI': E \ / NY n ?Q,' d, Lots 1, 2. 3Eiii?] 17, f31ock 2, WESCO"I'"P SQUAI{E, Drilmta CounCY. Minnesota. J , id bV q SS q8 , p,, Ufi?fy eD ' N easemenf 3pe u>\ c? 0m. B p6'< ? [.. ?? . , g' , O 's? •?-- .+ \ And of the locaLion of nll buildin s if any, Lherc?ton, ?tnd aLl visibLe 2? N m ---?- ...? ----? encroachmenLs, i P any. Crom oc on said land. l.t aJ so sliows LIie locaLiori or chE 4`Aa/p 82.63 Z ? 66.52 stal<es as set foc ei proposed bui_lding?. f1s Sui?veyed b,y me or under my direct 63.98 supervision this 18Lh day of J?jnucirY, 1991. F -- 00°28'15E .... P1cCOMIJ f'RANK ROOS ASSOCIAI'ES, INC. , LA NE ?'aul A. Johnson Land Surveyor 7inn. Re Nq, 10938 ??` . Da^ ?,... . ? Fi' A . T f! Tf:?.l•1?Y.Fi'.. OESIGNED CMECKEn I nEXEBY CERTIfr TqAT TMIS VLAN WAS GqEV-qED BY ME Oq 5`qiE UNOEPMVpInERSIIVEMV1510XGNOl11I.TIAMADOL1 NE4I5ifR McCombsFrankRoosAssociates,IAC.. ?IS30? CERTIFICATE T ED YXOiEFSiONAL EYGIHEER UNOEN iME LAWS OR ipE SiATE OL ? 0 F S U RV Eg DAAWN AvPqOVED MiNNE50Tn BOOti vsGE z T.Q/{' 15050T3rdAve.N. Engmeen f0f o N0. GATE BV PEM?PKS O?TE CpMM ? PIyTQ,VIh,MN55447 Pod0I1Cr5 ???EaO pEVI5Ia?5 o.,E NEG NO 6,2,4?6-6o,a sur"YOfs NEW HOR 9247 /ZON f10ME.?