4381 Nicols Rd - Certificates of Occupancy. , .... ? . _ _. l ?a ?9 ? 7 ? Ib JERRY'S GARD CENT Wtiiratr uf 'Orrupttury Citp of (Eagan Erpttrimm of lWhing Jnoprrtinn 77iis Cerrifrcate rssued pursuant ta the requiremenLs of Section 306 af the Uniforrn Building Code certifying tlrat a1 the time of issuance this siructure was in campliance with the variorrs ordinances of the Ciry regutaring building construction or use. Far the following.• use Cjassjerauon ADDITION a,dg. Pe,r,;, Na. 17236 o-Mwy Tya B-2 ZoninS nisuict L$ Tyx comn. I I-N Owaff Of Bui?RRY' S GARDEN CENTER Aw. 4381 NICOLS RD BWiffingA?ress 4381 NICOLS RD IAX&iity Ll, B2, CEDAR RIDGE 1ST `{?i{i i?„l ns?: JULY, 31, 1990 ""Iding otrw;.l ? POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE '? ? {