4595 Nicols Rd - Certificates of OccupancyIAL L',/3-1x2L1AAY • Si3) . t ? 2'ICNAL ?=- SL13JP(.T Ib hZ'lE CX't• Ttrtt#irate af (Orrupttnry Citp of (eagan aPva1'tl'1tP1iY Df SitINUO iwPtxlDtt This Certifrcate issued pursuant ta 1he requiremenu of Section 306 of the Unifonri Brrilding Code certifying that at the time of issuance thir snucture was in compliance with the various ordirrances of 1he City reguTating building corrstruction or eese. For !he following.• lfeeCle+eifinoan 4?, 4'!'b7M4 BWg.RrmitNo. '11'22 pccupaoc,y Tya /K;' Zoning piatric[ C-9_ Type Canst `.'L' Owntr of Bio7ding LT `nf,'7 !i' L Add= F' _{ 1. '•i?'• i : %?i * ? p:; Bwldmg Addreas l.oca5ty j: ?? •??i.T. ?,l.fv. ` D.tc - -- Bw7ding O(ficW POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE n.AJLl.KY J1YLV1\SM . W-vCL`ttp" CRtC 0f cCC"Q1iC? Kim ofi Wagan ZcOarhaeut of isxilbiag 3n6pection This Certificate issued pursuarst to the rrquirer+xents of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this stnecture was in compliance with the various ordrnanees of the City regulateng building constntction or use. For the following: u. cijr..d.: MIM/INID MI9C ew& eemct rro. 32864 Occupa-y Type Zoning Oistria Type Const. ow,a or euila;n IipI.IDAY STATIQ?.5M wamcts P.O. B(K 1224, MaLS ? Building Addnas 4595 N - Lwiry m J ?D71L' ' ' . ' ktiOaofrww PQST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE