1261 Deerwood Dr - Site SurveyCertificate For: Developers Construction . '-1101 Cliff Road Bu•rnsviPle, MN 55337 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ IANpGURVEVpRC INC RnO'51r1ntl UMer Ldw- nl M- i1AN OI MmnMOp 14150 SOUTH HOBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5506e SURVEYOH'S CERTIFICATE - /DO.O - Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet ? 0 100/1B PHONE 612 4211-1769 \ ? 5I Drainage & Utility Easement5 ? ? ? - - - O O ? N M i 2 ??gn B???P1 j I Z?,o - O= Found iron pipe at oP V property corner U = Set wood hub ? 0 (?„m = Existing elevation ? = Direction of draiange _ from Development Plan 1 f1 ? ? 14 ?d° P?oPas? /-fau5? N yC G9.P4G? 1/3 ?3?4,3 v z -,N o ? _ 2/• % O _ 4Z do9 I O 0 N B73 ? W419 J (Y) o2 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of the following described tract of land: Lot 15, Block 5, BIRCH PARK, according to ttie recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Also showinq the location of a proposed house as staked thereon. August 1, 1986 ?:_X?'?%? [?,•!? ; /.???? / MINNESOiA REGISTRATION NO. 8625 ?