4541 Majestic Oaks Pl - Site Survey; 45 L,ZRwe`,t' FoR ?'` C??C ?AKS no?atisveQC+?,. ?yQ? MFdr_s?rie O??? lJoiF,:AIu ?uusr. AIO NUMdrRS ?uF.P.lWPTf2FPeP?P'Yi + ? Tjy? CUe.6 0o E? J = 9 zz 2 ?,? • ? r- 9n.4 3 1 . , ? 003"23 a ) e,. 7 D . W 3 ., ti -t F°ed .-()22.55 I0 r 1'I nIZ.F? ? ..(Y. I? = I,?} `Y39 4C1 U 0 ?j ? 7 Eic .: vz ?JFJ ?U?' E?,=q2a.i3 0 ? a vgs N o u , ` I (? 1 JF V)F . o 1.9 D l ??/ ? ? ? Bi E ?t ?' Y? J-(?1? •? I [ `?? ?1 ? N ? O0? GI.CV ,- 9Z434 _ /? " ? V A ' NI ? ? i = I ' V •I? -TOp l4 UP- UI " nZI.D w.2a 7'3.o ?Ay Iv,o 9ib•? ? 9 9i7.o aQ EICJ, = 9Z3.92 G / I , , lY U) Ap pe? ?s"?', la ? 21 ?? % ?Wec? a, ' I o ?---------- - ? . ? 0 p ?4:45 ' Gr?o= ?3?o? -Z7 Deerings ere easumad Subject to easementa of record if any 0 Denotee eet or Eound Sron pipe monumente $ ?„?E .,, Denotes set arttl-teel<.._.....,. Propoaed geraga tloor elevatlon 1g4.o Denotes existing elevatlon Propoeed top of 61ock elavetion (:J? Denotee proposed flnlsh grade elevation Denates direction of surface drainege ? Proposed loweat iloor elevation I hareby certlly that this is a true end correct repreaentation oi a survey of the boundarles of Lot 7, Block 1?(Y?qJE;tICOAKSJECpapADDlno?II Cnoun?ty?Minnesote es on file and of recortl in the OSfice oi the County Recoxder in end for said County, also ahowing the proposed location of a house es eteked tNereon. That I am a duly Aegiatered Land Surveyor under the Lawe of tha State of Minnesote. OatedfiwCp J?I?.DDl J R?,sEo: AP?,?? 4.? 2IDDt - Allan R. Hastings . . Mlnneeota Regiatration No. 17009 212 Firsi Avenue E. Suite No. C ' Shakopee, Mlnnesote 55379 ' . Phona 952 445 4027 ? 4-104P-a D ??. WC R VWEWX Foi:? • a Hszvmokr, ? ?P dP ? ZO,CD)3 oll i AooncssPEeC??y'`_ 4?41 (YiAJESTIC OAkS PL?c.? ?% ??K C ?tC` R?? I?JDTE: NO tVOlASF. NO 1?IU11?gER.S Y?? 5Q.XJ1ATE2PWPL-M.YS E?.?-J.=9zz.2 'Nq Z.CV?k???ct1t' EX X 22A5 I.,oT kER= 173,439 Q?? J,.c Zz • n ? ? ? M VZ?i 9 Zfo.(o ? ?? E«?,= 9Zi.iz d-? `Top ku g - 4= ?,?'?v C E H'U: -? J ??,= 9z4.34 _ ? ,l ? ?n ?6.3ST- 9 ?? 4g ? r o? P?c?±, ga G,. y t50 I ? - l?b ?,p p5GD oQ sF- ? O?„ ? ? 3 23•o I(o ? pQ. . - fz'q / ( - ? ? ??m) A N I ? .I --7 ? Bu??o?u(? R2FA= 27?I.a-r?. , ?' oP N-ue? 02 x . Q.? ?OIE1 FUJFATFiZ 9 ° ? ? g-.... ?5? Ot3g LL U) S - 912.fo? ,,?r `FoP 1-4 ug °?Zt .O ? ELE? ? =9Z3.9z cD 0 5 o/l I iA d-r 7 a GaCGee01211 ? ng raf v; r?J "Top mu) • __ S `? -3, 23,? ? ? -, -?. - --. ---., _. ? 926.6 -"- ? ?izD = c13 (ot 7 Bearinga are assumed O ? ? P;oposed garage floor elevation Propoaed top of block elevation Sub,ject to easemente oi record if any 0 Dano$es`set or Pound iron pipe'monuments t2o iDE 4B- Denotes sec a?a-Eae?c '7g40 Denotes existing elevation gq.? Denotes proposed finish grade elevation Q I?I? Denotee direction of surface drainage ? Proposed lowest floor elevatioa , Sco, ?v ?h:3D4t , . w o m• ? I hereby certify that this is a true ikndcorrect representation of a survey of the boundaries U ty.Minnesots as on file and oP record DDIT1dNI Coun?? of Lot 7, Block 1 /'1 in the Office of the County Recorder in and tor eaid County, also showing the propoaed location of a house es ataked thereon, That I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Laws of the State oi Minnesota. oacea: MAVE-4 3D, 2001 4.?.2,001 ?F,1)LS??J'. APei? 1g, 7?1 I Allan R. Hastings Minneaota Regiatration Ho. 17009 212 First Avenue E. Suite No. C Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 Phone 952 445 4027 f , ? 1 ,1 . ? ? ,. ; i aF a ry. ?. .. • ... . . ... ??? S u p'Isy F OR WC O Hs5v-wr? aoo?ssQ?.c,?y = ???, ma.lESric o?KS r^ O?u S oMorE: A?o ouSF hlo NukgeR.S Y\ FIFAP," N --rp Cu?.g c t.,,S4, =g2Z.2 . (?, PR 18 REV Q ? . Do 'EL.S4'7:') 2 Z.55 Lo-r km-13 439 - eu?L-ow& Ila??: 270 1,?. , ° -r?, ??? a EA.PJ,- qz1;12 T?p V4u 3 - E?,=922Z3 ? 51 L'T - Ei,??,= 924.34 C , .. oQ. ?119 ? 9z(o.75. F?. ; fli?. E,1 .: ,.,. 8;t: y ? ?a- ?!/i " _..........?'.?? / ,?? 33 ..a6 26 6 . Proposed garage tloor elevation Proposed top oi block elevation Proposed lowest floor elevation Ro?cluo ?????R lb-f-E 11) .,r,. V--LxJ,= 92.co.3? ? m, vi Ee A?2 [ .,.. '? g (S) ot 3 I's S - 91Z ,6y X` -ToP 0 u g W - ()Zt.c> ? 6. E?E? ? =q23 .9Z .00 _..._ ... , {n 18 Nol"to a3CCecof rGs ui r? G,ZD = ()3(ot Bearings are assumed Subject to easements of record if any " O Denot'ei""'sat or found iron pipe monumenta 12o P?v? $ Denotes aet wee?-kt? and-?aek 'rg,q.p Denotes existing elevatfon pA.p Denotes proposed finish grade„elevation Denotes direction of surface drainage ev I hereby certify..that this is a true'Ind correct reprfe?aentation of a survey of the boundaries of Lot 7, Block i.maJF-sTICDNKSSPZADADDIT104,C un?. Minnesota as on file and of record in the Otfice of the County Recorder in and tor eaid County, also showing the proposed location of a house as staked thereon, That I am a duly Registared Land Surveyor under the Laws of the State oi Minnesota: Dated: MW{4 3D,(X1 -- ReoSr-b: RPaw- 4.?,.001 ?F?t)?SE?J:APU L I2,00 1 Allan R. Hastings _.Minnesota Regiatratlon.,No. 17009, _ 212 First Avenue E. Suite No. C Shakopee, Minnesota 55379 Phone 4)52 445 4027 z