4471 Mallard Tr N - Site SurveyCertificate For: Wlayne Blilie Construction 644 Superi.or Court ? Eagan, MN 55123 DELMAR H. SCMWANZ LANO SVRVEVORS INC PegiateroJ UnCer Laws of The Slete of Mlnneaote 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAtL HOSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 SURNEVOR'S CERTIFICATE ?r?i? M?L` A n ,InR?? qb°VX ,P ?r 97.9C 0" a /D 2.2 33 ,? --? 14 // nM FlR A I ?/.bj?-. ? P {? oo M ? n1 ? 9' Qoi'n'.r-n ,O b ? ? HovSE h k v / \v` ? S/ ?P w \ \ ? ? SR/•'? \,? Descri.ption: Lot 4, Black 4, THOMAS LAICE Wpppg, accordi.ng to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Mi.nnesota. ? Scale: 1 inch = 40 feet qbq? O=, lron pipe monument ? = Set wood hub r9 = Existing spot elevation 6?U o i i' :o.y3 ^ I ? t? oA,?.y t` ? ? Q aV Mp. z Z . l 151/76 872/-02&1769 P ? f-n 4b'4 + qV 0 ? I ? m /B ; ._. % ? ?.-??? ..* ? - d J -j Also showi-ng the location of a proposed house as staked thereon. I hereby certify ihat this survey, plen, or report was prepareA Dy me or unAer my direct supervision and ihat 1 em a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the lewa o} Ihe Stale o1 Minnesota. Dated 11-06-91 01 WxE, RtNT G D E P T Prbposed garage floor elev. -9-7S, b ?-?-?-? Proposed top of block elev. 7 S Proposed lowest level elev. '4?,??? Delmer H. Schwanz ? Minneeote Reglstretlon No. 8625