1838 Gold Tr - Site Survey,..JUL-18-94 MON 14:59 STEWART TITLE MPLS FAX N0, 6123751252 P,02 ' STEWA.RT TITLE COMPANY . Stewart Titie File No. ??Zl2'73? euyer A-MAH04 Address _ /B3B Gp4,p Legal /.cr 3 &0? 3 ?f'./?.aQ. Gamv,f t6 Go..o 7b?•i- ' _ ro' I i smev I la Z CIY2 IJooD ,?Ra,?t ?o' .P .? I N ( ? .r ( b' ? b D 63;5°+ 27.Z2? N .?ca?.R, ? 'ro 'fhe locatian of the improvements shown on this drawing are approximate and are based on a Yisual inspection of the pt'emises. 7he loC dimensions are taken from the recorded plat or county recoPds. This drar+ing is for informationai purposes and should not be used as 8 surveY. It does not constitute a liability of the company and is intended for mortga9e purpose only- JUL-18-94 MON 14;59 STEWART TITLE MPLS FAX N0, 6123751252 P.02 ' STEWfIRT TITLE COMPANY Stewart 7itle File No. 94a,z737 N Buyer /Vlc. mAHO.l Address /83B Cip4,p Legal (.V,- 3 &0.,e j Ga2v,f -to6 t+?, 30 Go..o TA04'.i. 1 1 ' Z cAe Gaena6 a4X2 q [,flaY?e I s=y 1,koe fA-40c li.,,? ?loX2(o Ea Rt eh o-ao vs1E fo I '0"3 I N I? I I ? r J6? D ? u 27.za, 7he locatian of the improvem2nts shown on this drawing are approxtmate and are based on a visual inspection of the premxses. The loC dimensions are taken from the recorded plat or cvunty recoT'ds. This drawing is for informatfonal purposes and should not be used as d surver. it does not constitute a liability of the company and is intended for mortgage purpose OnZy. ?12 KVRT YpAAHpM 183? OOID TRAi1L EACAN ?-- -- -- SITE PLAN I/ir .. Ra aop , ; N 1 -- ?::'? -- -- -- Zl.;,' 2 I 1 t ? ? . 1 -- ? LL I 1?