731 Golden Meadow Rd - Site Survey, RI-LAND INC. SURVEYING 'SERVICES ' Eagan, Minnesota 55121 .e.?l. .. .. _ l_-..: _.?' .. . .. . Certificate of Survey for : DON NlcMahora- tt2.36 ? ? G?10?1 , 41- L ? ED _ ??F r ,r ?-•s . .. .;.. . . ...... . . ...yv. .? _.. -. ?-.. -? , .: _ . . ? _ .. . .. . . _.,_.?. SE 0 rrrrn I , to . qs N7' 5 Vr z \ 8 1 i ? , 'oa`V"0'y ? a q4.>6 NB9-'+i- t .? S ?- qqf q? ? ba,o-L ? ?< < . 0\,- S Z 4C . `00X G4kR).z SL?b . lao .4o LOT 10, BLOCK 2, OVERVIEW ESTATES REPLAT i hereby certify that ihis survey, plan or repori was prepored by me or undnr my direct supervision and ihof 1 am o duly Registered Land Surveyor under ihe Laws of the State of Minnesoia. Bradley?'lS4enson Mn. Reg No. 15235 Date: //A9/93 ? ? bener plnx I:vl l IA1. Ihe followinq: tieller warranls Ihal Ihe prnperly is dirtctly conne<led lo cit?'sewtr? -=?=Jci1?, water _ -: ,?._Sell^wvronls Ihat dl TRI-LAiVD IiVC. Certificate of Survey for : SURVEYING SERVICES pON IVIcMahoo?- Eogan, Minnesota 55121 V4 O ? ? 84 4?-a8E • i " tt?.36 q'1 ,a e xxe 417 0 a 2Y? ; . a 4qt , q4.>6 ti?= 2 V?? ?? ? V v ?- . 6qRR?,z- ?SLyb . ?d? t Oc? . ?j O 2t?. \? X LOT 10, BLOCK 2, OVERVIEW ESTATES REPLAT I hereby cerTify that This survey, plan or reporT was prepared hy me or under my direcf supervision and That I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Laws of ihe Sfate of Minnesota. 8 rad ley ?f75i`irenson Mn. Reg No. 15235 Date: // I9/8