4396 Malmo Cir - Site Survey ? ? ? I ? t„ I I I t -? m ? F-- z ?- ? s N TY Lwrs S : V __-/ r? i -' S Z ? LJA/E? Q ? ? I° ? ? ?S?* a a,7 0 L %NE , ? t L oT i,] BLac k,?] I ?'.,c?AvrL¢,Qq Vo-? ? ? rl?or.?r_?aoaF?rY _Lir1E b1ll..o_V'LQ-o r Cre?,Ca--- ? ? C?m , `?"Yvi? • ? T -PLAN _ : c i r? Y oF EAG?? n? MALMO I ? . 5 ?CV K CIRCLE z;-- _ ' 2 e- e , . a. 84 fJ .`G •SQ?s,4 . s I M05T N'LY COR ? OF LOT IB \ ? 'oo ? o d l_`' I I ? ) I ,; • w ? " M .? c`c, i - , CD ???1 .. __ . . .. ? ` • DtiSnNG ORMN4GE B UTILiTY EASENfNT . \V f ' .? .?.. 243.21 N 89°59 55' W L5 LIfVE CF LOT IB SCALE: I IfJCH = 30 FEET PROPOSEU TEHPORARY CONSTRULT1U11 EASEMENT A temparary easement over, under and atross tbat part of lots 18 enA 19, 81ock 3, NILDERNESS RUN F011R7H ADDITIOX, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Mfnnesota, lying 20.00 feet on each side of a centerflne descrlbed as beginnmg at the most northerly wrner af said Lot 78; thence South 48 degrees 44 mtnutes 26 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the northeasterly line of said Lo[ 18 a dl5tante of 172.59 feet; thence South 51 degrees 59 minutes 52 seconds Nest a distance of 721.32 feet to the south line of said Lot 18 and said centerllnethere terminadng. The sidelfnes of said easement are to 6e e:tended or shortened to terminate a[ the south, northeast and northrest 11nes of said Lo[5 iB and 19. Said tempo- rary easement is to expire on i •.7T• :.? 3 N O O O 0 N M Z54 z?5 I hereby cerHfy that tMS sketch, plan or report uas Drepared 6y me or under my direct superv151on and that I am a duly Reqistered land Surveyor under the Iaws of the State ot Minnesota. Dafed [Ms 6tn day of July , 1988 SIINOE LAND SURYETIXG, INC? BY: ? u.. ?._? war H. un e. R.L.S. eg. No. I Rzmdv Land Rarveyllng 1nc. WI F M.1qn11ww1 lHw1 ??npMn MN SLM I??11N?-Nu 08-211 .lL. T 27 P 25 S 2'! N GITY OF EAGAIV MALMO CIRCL?? -- r' , i i .? n•L. CM i M LOr la? i i , ? 12 E 3 N 0 b 0 0 f- ? O O Z54 Z55 LIPE OF LOT IB SCQLE 1 INLH = 30 FEET N 89° 59 55' W PROPOSED TEMPONAFY CONSiAULTION EASEMENT p temporary easement over, under and acro55 that part of Lots 18 and 19. Block 3, NILDERNESS PUN FOURTN RUOITION, according to the rerorded plat thereof, Daka[a tounty, Mlnnesota, lying 20.00 (eet on each slde o( e centerline descrl6ed as beginning at the most northerly carner of said lo[ 18; thence South 48 degrees 44 minu[es 26 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the nor[heasterly iine af said Lot 18 a dl5tance of 112.54 feet; [hence South 51 de9rees 59 minutes 52 seconds West a dfstance oF 121.32 feet to the sou[h Ilne of said Lot 78 and said centerline there terminating. The sldeltnes af said easement are to be eztenJe4 or shortened to terminate at the sou[h, northeast and northweSt 11nei of said Lo[5 18 and 19. SatJ tempo- rary easement Is to expire on 1 hereby certlfy that thls zketcM1, Dlan or report was prepared 6y me or under my direct supervlslon and that I am a duly Reglstered Land Surveyar under the lars o( tAe State of Minnesota. Uated thls 61h dey of duly , 1968 SIINDE lANO SUPVEPING, [ er: 4a_..-- u. 1. . war H. un e, R.L.S. eg. o. S/amdr. !_und Surveying lnc. rtpl f O?om?ipM F?ww?y IJSW1 pervnip?en MN 33,'/0 Pl?l Nt?HN 08-2II dL T21 R$3 527 , s ??y, ,,r,