4608 Manor Dr - Site SurveyC,ertificate For: . 43"K _ Michae} TutAwohl Construction 4612 Manor Lane Eagan, MN 55123 DELAAAR H. SCHWANZ UND SURVEYORB. iMG - PpIHw,A UnNr L? GI iTf 3ft1? of MIn? 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMtlUNT, MINNESOTA 55088 614/423-1788 SUfiVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE y?) it,?.r5 9s?'fs -...91c.as ? , ?189 °z4'47 "E ?1,•?,- -- 96.00 -- - ?9ze.o 431•S O Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet ?y = Iron pipe monument Set spike at building setbacks = Existing spot elev. = Proposed elev. from Grading and Development Plan. Proposed,garage floor elev. ... C c'_AR H. 91 N m GAz I ? I N --?- - y?r. s ? A? o.s5 ' 13 teV sr'K? Q M o <? N o . :s reP fp;eE i ' .lor¢, B1a?K3 ? I -??rainage & Utility Easei -71 . 937.0 ? 96-00 I/a9 0z4'42'C , 9? *. (. IwSCYiption: .? Lot 4, Block 3, MANOR L,:'KE ADDITION, according to the recorded _ plat thereof, Dakota Co»nty, Minnesota. Also showing the location nf a proposed house as staked thereon. I hereCy certlry that thls survsy. Dlan. or report waa propareA by ms or undsr my diroet supxvisfon mA tnst I em a duly Rspiftend LanE Suneyor undx tha Iewa of tM Stab of MinMSOta. Delmu H. 3chwant Datsd 03-n5-g1 Mlnn"ob NspbMtlm No. 6625 qy?.o5= 3 i,r so,rc M n ,?,P SpKE . iq N ? z4? ; -- -J ? ? i p,2oPo5EV ? ? /-faUSE ' I CertifiLate r^or: Michdel Tutewohl Construction ' 4612 Manor Lane Eagan, MN 55123 DELMAR H. SCHWANZ uNO sunverons, n+c. RpIHwW IMMn "e W TM Blab of MlnmwtAl 14150 SOUTM ROBERT TRAII ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55088 812/123-1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE aooK lµµ/yf /?? 4td•r5 911•S`+ _ q?pc.as ?Q? UG ? q31.o5 Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet 3>>,r fi M 0 = Iron pipe monument ? Q 0 = Set spike at buildinq th ? setbacks Q O N 931•S = Existing spot elev. ? ? O = Proposed elev. from Grading a nd Developmen t f, P Sy'K& Plan. 930.0 _ floor elev. N8Y"ZV'47°B A=, -- - ?vza.o '•b - -- 96.00 ?-I_ , a T?--? T --? Z¢ N/9 N" ?N ,y 4a?,7n ? ? P,PAPo? I ?¢ -.-L- - 33 _ 24 --l I 93?,5 931,30 ? , ''°.? : ' / aT 41 Bz acsf 3 DE!?. : ? ?Drainage & Utility-?Easements ? ?n,i? ? - r . > y<:? "' • e37.6 - 96: ? "•????;1 .., N8 1 '',\ 9- 4 ,, ,,.. ----- - r/,hrqfilt!1";?1N:?0. ' ? Description: D ?.. ?-? C/s Lot 4, Block 3, MANOR LAKE ADDITION, according to the r cordl plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. r° GAA ELSGIN'r] ? , g3p.i5 ' 6 Te p f?K M Q ;\ N "`?.0 y312S: y re? SP,K? Also showing the location of a proposed house as staked thereon. 1 heroby csrtHy 1hN Mia wrvay, Olm, or ropoR wes /f ?I 1 n n//qq// --• praperod by me or untlx my dirscf aupsrvialon and that Iam a Auy Rsqbtsied LeM Survsyor undx ths laws of Ihs SUb ol Minnpota. Oslmar H. Schwenz Datea n7-n5-?7 MlnnslotaHeYkhetlonN0.8826