4613 Manor Dr - site Survey_ .? ' - PETERS, PRICE & SAMSON LAND SURVEYORS, LTD. ?2400 PRINCE7'ON AVENUE SOUTH, SAVAGE, MINNESOTA 55378 • 612-890•9201 Certlilcatb Of Survey N89°24'4T"E 103.90 / / O i ? / i N? 2 S /VB/°, ? ti P.R.V. REQUIRED CL /FF MpAO R= 2939,7 d =2°02?p" _ /04.4T i ?DRAINAGE,?? EASEMENT ?/ Dro/nops ond uN&y aammsn/-' . ? oo? N o ? N. ztloO LEGEND o penoles iron monumeM set • Denoles iron monitneM found suo6 Denofes exisl/ng e%vaf/an wzN Denoles proposed e/evotlon 9eorings aie assumed l? . EAGAN REVtEWED BY ,ff-Ub&, y DATE) 10•7-88 _ DESCR/ PTION Lo? 4, Block l MANOR LAKE ESTATES Dokoto County, Minnesofa '- 1'.t1Ff???., u ?a ? 921s qBo ? \W,-, ?yo . -- \ 93L9 cor. ? ? ;*40' A.._ - 0xd 1 ? ? 1 s3o.s 9 1 ' ? 1'0i?I? 1 .7 4?z?'9ga DR?VE ?o We hereby certlly Ihat thla la a Irue end correct repreeentation ol a aurvey ol the Dounderlee o1 IM above deeorlbed land, and of iM locatbn ol ell hulldinga thereon, and ell visible encroechmente. II any, trom a on seld lend. nGhvtCiL{? ? 71? ?,S ?- dayof0C/ 0h2r 198t5 As aurveyed by us 1?I . Mlnneaota LMenee No./4890 PETERS, PRICE & SAMSON LAND SURVEY4RS. LTD. 12400 PRINCETON AVENUE SOUTH, SAVAGE, MINNESOTA 55378 • 612•890-9201 Certl(icate Of Survey N89°24'471E % / O i ? / / ? ? , i ? ? ? R"2939.7? 2 /O QD 4 '2°0" /04.47 P.R.V. G°EC?MIRCD CC /FF ,q0 N ? 7-f . -`DRA/NAGE,-? 1 EASEMENT Orolnoge ond ulplry eoxmsm-% ?p? '? j• -• `? ` ?? ^T , `1 < B?_. ? , ,?,-• ,l <: r•:_..Y ?7t: ? ? ?y 'V LEGEND ? .? x"1 o Denofes iron monument sef Qe o o 1.? ? • Denotes rmn m?onianent found ;) \ 1??,,- o ?d s3o6 Denofes existing e%votia? ? • ?• wzw Denofes proposed e%vot/on 9W24•O Beorfirgs ore assumed 9301 EAGAN y REVIEWED BY ?=& - DATE' 0-7-96 DESCR/PTION ?Cot 41 Block l i19ANOR LAKE ESTATES Dokofa CoUnty, Minnesofa ? 93¢Bi (9'?-3'61 J ?5 9.#L9 ? ?12?g?a tpRIVE ?N' We hereby certlly Ihal thle IB a true 8nd COrreCt repreaeMBNOn W a eurvey o1 the DourMerles 01 the above descrlbed land, and W the loCetbn o/ ell buildinga thereon, end ell vlslbb encrpechmente, N eny, trom or on sek IarW. ^Gti=W?i' ??? L ? As surveyed by ua thl? - day otOC 0,02/ ?g 88 " Minneeote Licerree NB ?Y"o 9D