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4639 Manor Dr - Site Surveygn8 nmar ?;. ** * ** - ..;?:. ?--?=-. rn.?n..r?n•» ?+ i unvrr ..?s . ee11Y4d° r.W. 2422 EnlvPrlae a1V0 M?d? Nafqfiif. MN 651? ?6t3) 6b1?1?14'Fa+881? ?? e.???st . ??FOx 7b!^1883 ?CEe12) 783-'io ^IF • Can5tf ? of Su Certifictlte rveY ?d?- Houae Address: ? ? IIy? e•?0? M p,NO r 1? ?? 4?7.4? , ,r r ?J rrf _ Q C, p {J??J ??r???P i? ?r ? dgP 1 A , ? ?? ?? S y ?Jr ' "i0o 1 1 r 3 . •r . I A GAN ??VIEWE0 BY ?? rrl\ oatE 1• . Z # ;i, ? }. c?.e?i gTiGINE W ,r??VAZIQI9.. PROP' . ElswltorN ?Nt Floo? Elawtlon:?.ta-2% oaao Denotes Exleiing flewUorc 934=49 ,?Denotee Proposed EfavatlonEaeement T? ot 9106 Denotee Dratna9e ? Utliity Gara0e Slab,otes Droinogg Flow OUact?on Elevctlon:934.1 ? _?- OMObs Monument - 9. ?own are aseumed P ?DD?? ?? ponotas Oftset Hub Be0? n9 Th6h _ • '" ? RAP ?-OT,?,?' BLOCkC Nrr. rat?t?T? DlU6@YA COU 1? ? ehx 1 v? aulr R?tw?d ion . ow N wimy. v??? a?? vw* P*?P¦hd M? aU dif MT 10 A.D. i MtbV Mdtv tFct dN al r---- ? fi? Mvw e? ?x tu? ef Mlm?ea, o0124 019 ? Q ? , ?ffi?lr?Q? noa T • . c? 1?• T y ? .. * Plowsuw ** hliunv1Y r_n"noroY I/1i 00174tltl r.W? 2422 Entnprlat Drive klendota Haiyhl0. IAN 65M ;612) 091-19149Fex 881-94118 42r5 14Iy11Rar 1tT NbrttlOast 91ainip, MN 5543+ (812) 783-1800•Fox 753-1ee3 Certifictlte of Survay for: HouHe Addrese: Manor Drlve Ea.??. r? r a1ov? T? r f x ? f? 15?6.?9 n y 1/ V.0_54 19 '. M " r $3.65 t?AGAIV I REViEWED P 0aTE-L2 2'? ?L-- ?a??oNw+? ?-^ ao-a? 19,?rJ ? I 1? ° ?I A ° s•r•???r ? ?? . F. . cs? I I I ~z go I j _ I . I • el ? I I 1 I 3 r paA?N?06 Ul?? " V 3t 11 =n N m ?? z Y? g ou ?» W a? . wao Denotee k? Danctee Denatee - Danotes --o- Denotes m_ DanoEes Exieting EfevptlorN ? Propoeed Elavatlon Drainape de UtAlty Eaeement prainogn Flow Dfrectlon Monumant ?o?e?? ??????-- PROP05ED HQ?;?..?I•EVATtON Lowset Floor Elawtlon:nB_38 Top of Blook Elewtlon:934•49 Garaqe Slab EJevatlon:934.1e Ofimet Hub Beorinqe. ehown are aseumad LOT,..J?, BLOCkC 1 S TOpb RAPP ADDITION DAKOTA COUN7Y, MINNMA 1 hpnbV ORt11Y 1M1 1Mt wnv?Y. P4^ a? RD0r1 ms PnpnM by nry Or V?+d7r mY diml NI len iM tktt 1 aT dvlv Rophteld I.nM BurwyeP ,mdK dig Nrhef ehe s,n•afMinn.+ea,Dn.d0pJ.OIwdwtlf •J'?dL? A.D.f6. SCnIP., 1?¦?JD? ? ? HO! T. C LAlG. NO. }?611 ??.GA14