4664 Manor Dr - Site Survey a r s i tC' P1,0h r1 4 f ,.../ 4'/ (6' li" tio.3a' sta?rs Pr?P??P cFc?(c. , F. ?2 * * * 'k PIQIVEER * l:t"f?In r?ee LhNU FLANNERS • 2422 Ent¢rpriae Drive ManrJoto Heiphta. MN 55120 612) 681-1914.Fax sai-saaa 625 Highway 10 Northeost Slainc, MN 55434 612) 783-1880•Fax 783-1883 Certificate of Survey for: ThOt"p Q 5 H om es In C. House Address: / / i / / / / / / / / ?4c! / 1 I I u I ? I ; 20,67 ! I I ? ? I I I cn 20.10 I p Q! ? o o ? IV ? ct? Q { W m I I I ; ?A ro A iH !f?'WtEyyf-p ? s v ? ----._- l3q?? , 900.o Denates Existing Elevation ' z oa Denates Prpposed Elevation ? penotes Draindge & Utility Eosement $1 3 +? 5 b? ? C3 +' I3y EA'5N ENGTNEERING REQUIR=? PFtOPOSEq HOUSE ELEVAT€QN Lowesfi Floor Elevcation:924.33 Denotes Droinage Flow Direction Top of Biock Elevation:932.p0 --o- Denotes Monument Garage Slab Elevatinn:932.00 -g- Denotes Offset Huh Bearings shown are assumed vi -P ° o° W Cp N N ? m LOT 7, BLOCK 3 MANOR LAKE 4TH ADDITION DAKOTA COUNiY, MINNESOTA 1 hereby certi}y thal thie survey, pian vr repprt was prepnred by me or UfdRr my dtreCl supervigiCn and khat 1 am dul Re atsred Lfln 23 N?f V 9` dSorvsyor under the laws of the Staw ol Mlnnesnta. Uated thls dny ufq,p_ 19 cf? , S le: 1,nh-3p?eet r ? RDBERT , i4(1 . qE6. NO. 14891 -- ! 4666 Manor brive Ea an MN