4583 Maple Leaf Cir - Site SurveyCERTI FICATE 9 ? ? z ll 7 40 Q? Q ?92; 24.95 ?` Z = ?, ? `. J z ` J L- O Ul -? OF SURVEY E a5T IcoZ.-ICe LoT 39- 1 (?4 lS Lo-r 3 3 le, qz.33 ? + ppDP'osED N N HornE ? 4z.Sy t? si.so.... ? 9z•3 0 ?- N d; -1 ,o 0 LL , NI? lp Q ? 1 I a N ? ? .? o? i T1ltTY EAS6MlwT ?A 0.? •• I(e4 1?? c=A? i f'.1CV1C1VR5 shuwn are ?ei,cing grades an.i are assumed datum. s?.sI .. ? ? 9Z•8 OI c\?J ? i a ? W V ? I N Q `"__93 e 93•S \ ? ? ( herebv cortirv triat tui< i, a correct representation of a survey of: Lot 13 and i.u[ S,?, !ilock 2, CHES MAN EAST FIRS'i' ADDiTION, Dakota County, }tinnesota, accordinG; to the recorded plaC thereuf. and that I am a July regi:;tered land surveyor under the lawa of the State of Ninnesota. Dated [hiv LO[h day of 'rtav, 1984 C,ene L. Jacobeon, Minn. Reg. No. 773* DR gY SCALE - I_•t o OENOTES IRON MON BEARINGS ARE ASSUMEO DATUM. ?.rJACOBSON SURVEYORS t??t', irto I.ane LAKEVILLE, MINN. 55044 %urn.vi!:,?, '114 55337 PHONE 469 -43?8