1547 McCarthy Rd - Ltr re Building in Rear Yard4 City of Eap
Mike Maguire
Paul Bakken
Peggy Carlson
Cyndee Fields
Meg Tilley
Thomas Hedges
3830 Pilot Knob Road
Eagan, MN 55122 -1810
651.675.5000 phone
651.675.5012 fax
651.454.8535 TDD
3501 Coachman Point
Eagan, MN 55122
651.675.5300 phone
651.675.5360 fax
651.454.8535 TDD
The symbol of
strength and growth
in our community.
July 25, 2008
Jesse Andrea Corcoran
1547 McCarthy Rd
Eagan MN 55121
RE: 1547 MoCarthy Rd
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran:
The City of Eagan has ordinances that regulate land use within the city. One of the
responsibilities of the Community Development Department is to ensure compliance with
these regulations. As a property owner, you are receiving this letter to notify you of City
Code requirements and conditions on your property that require correction. I observed the
following condition on your property during a recent inspection:
There is an addition attached to the rear of the garage. In aerial photos provided
by Dakota County, it is evident the addition did not exists in April of 2006. This
addition was constructed in violation of the Minnesota State Building Code,
which the City of Eagan adopts, as it was constructed without obtaining the
required building permits and inspections.
In order to comply with Code, you must obtain the required building permits and
pass all required inspections. You must make any corrections to the structure
before a final inspection will be approved by the City of Eagan Building
Inspectors. Please provide two copies of your plans along with a building permit
application to the Community Development Department for review and issuance
of the building permit. All permit fees will apply.
Section 4 Building Code Violation
Please take the corrective actions necessary to bring the above violation into compliance,
within twenty -one days from this letter.
We appreciate your cooperation in complying with this request. I will be conducting a
follow -up inspection. Please feel free to contact me at (651)675 -5678 with questions
regarding this matter or our City Code. Please provide the following case number with all
correspondence. Your case number is, 08- 003908.
Jeff Munsterteiger
Code Enforcement Technician
CC: Terry Zelenka- City of Eagan- Building Inspector
(651) 675 -5679