06/04/1990 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE
Eagan, Minnesota
June 4, 1990
A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Monday, June 4, 1990 at
5:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center building. Present were Mayor Egan and City Councilmembers
Gustafson, McCrea, Pawlenty and Wachter. Also present were Director of Community Development
Runkle and City Administrator Hedges.
City Administrator Hedges presented a proposal prepared by the Volunteer Firefighters
Relief Pension Committee that requests an increase in retirement benefits to be effective January 1,
1991. The City Administrator reviewed the history of the pension fund, including past benefit increases
and the proposed increase that would replace the existing three (3) year pension agreement. City
Councilmembers asked a number of questions relating to the status of the unfunded liability, the cost
to the pension program if vesting is reduced to five (5) years from ten (10) years and what other
communities are paying their firefighters for monthly benefits and lump sum payments. City
Councilmembers also directed the City Administrator to ask the Pension Committee to consider an
agreement that the proposed pension benefits be considered for a five (5) year period of time beginning
January 1, 1991. There was also a discussion by the City Council regarding the anticipated 2 percent
insurance aid with the federal census change and how that revenue source would impact the annual
contribution from the General Fund.
After further discussion on the matter, the City Administrator was directed to conduct
a survey of firefighters pension benefits with comparably sized cities and discuss the feasibility of a five
(5) year agreement for any increase in benefits effective January 1, 1991. There was no formal action
taken on this item.
City Administrator Hedges stated that property owners for three (3) parcels included in
the R-4 Land Study have requested time to review their plans for development with the City Council.
He stated that the three (3) parcels are Area C, located in the southwest quadrant of Pilot Knob and
Lone Oak Roads; Area M, which is part of the Eagan Hills West Planned Development; and Area V,
which is the Crystal Pond site south of Highway 55 and west of Highway 149. Director of Community
Development Runkle introduced Area C, which is planned for review by the Planning Commission at
their June meeting. He stated that the applicants have proposed a site plan consisting of two (2)
buildings on the north of the R-4 density and another set of buildings to the south. He further stated
that it was originally thought that the applicants would work a compromise with the City; however, they
are requesting to pursue the existing zoning and are not planning to be present at the workshop
Director of Community Development Runkle introduced Area M, the Eagan Hills West
Planned Development. He stated that the City Attorney has reviewed the development to see if the
PUD is a binding agreement and those results have indicated that the agreement is in effect and
suggested that the City Council not consider Area M in the R-4 Study as a potential rezoning to a lower
density. Patrick Hoffman, representing Hoffman Development Company and Eagan Hills West Planned
Development, was present to discuss the background of the Eagan Hills West P.D. Mr. Hoffman has
indicated that they have always developed below the maximum density and plans to continue this
trend in completing this P.D. The City Council acknowledged this lower density and moved to remove
Item M from the R-4 Study at this time.
Director of Community Development Runkle introduced Area V, stating that the
developers are present to review the Crystal Ponds Development, consisting of approximately 13.5
acres. The Community Development Director explained the history of this site, indicating that a
preliminary plat had been approved in 1989 for 130 units. The applicants have revised the plan,
making the new plan more site sensitive.
Mr. Sanders and Mr. Zamanski presented their argument of having a substantial investment and
purchase agreement on the property for R-4 zoning, and that reducing the zoning to R-3 would
substantially devalue the property and breach the purchase agreement in which the owner is selling
the property.
In review of the site plan, there were general comments regarding better site sensitivity and the dwelling
units meeting the R-4 building standards. A detailed discussion on the site specifics will be discussed
in the planning process. Staff was directed to proceed with the preliminary plat application with the
downzoning from R-4 to R-3 to be processed concurrently. This concluded the R-4 Study presentation
at the June 4, 1990 special City Council meeting.
June 4, 1990
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Dated 1 City Clerk