822 Great Oaks Tr - Certificate of Occupancy,4-
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This Certijcate issreed pursuant 1o tJu rrquinments o,f the Unifor?n Building Cade
certifying that at the tirne of issuaRCe ihis structurr was in complia+tce with the various
ordi?tances of tht City ngulating buildirig construction or use. For the following:
u: a.;s.w.: SF DWG Bieg. rrmm rvo. 25970
om,pa-y 7Ype R3/U I zoaisg ona;a R1 Type con5t. VN
owm of Bwid;,s R A KCfr friMM A*bm 79n i LIPM HAMER cr, AME v41JE;
Buildieg Addness M QMT nAKS 1RAIL l.odiry T. I 1?R I.-.f'.RFAT MKS
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