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3664 Greensboro Dr - Certificate of Occupancy. ? a? ? :.4.. . ,, . (gtr#i#iratt uf (Orrupttnry titp of (Cagan MPRrtm? 0d llitIbtlt9 JwPttiDtt Tliis Eertificale rssued pursuant to tJre requirementr of Secrion 306 ajthe Uniform BuiTding Code certrfyrng that a1 the ame of issuance chis structure was in rnmpliance with the various ordirrances ojthe City regulating building construction or use. For the following: U. Cl.ifintion S' U40GAR B1dg. Aermit No. 14118 pccup-7 '('ype R3 Zoning District Type Coast owner oe Buad? JE ?=,• CatS: Am,,. 18 ' "{3 QDM- Aj1E 9Cf., FAMERM IhsyBg. GREEKOM 2MS &nldingAddress .-654 lauiity Da.: e? 23, 1987 BuBdiug Ofririal . • POST IN A CONSPICUOVS PLACE