08/11/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionS eecia.l i• eetin;�. of tare Ea lark Co.. ;:littee Auk;. 11 1975 Ae:abers AUsent Carolyn Taurston, Dale Ever aon, Grant Lunanerp Also rre sent: Joan Voss and Edon Hu Eldon hu and Jelin Voss reviewed the aids for tne current ::)ar k c astructien contract. Tcie eics for ilot .Knob .ark seemed. hi In cemearison to Lae estimated cost. Eldon exiJlained tnat in Qis tours with tee contracters iY1 or to teeir submissi en of bias, they exereesed c ecern about re ulati,.n of water levels, tne rloldin6 c e ac w ty of the pnd 4:e will as the time needed for construction of the wooden bridges. Tne contr cters also seemed unsure of how to reeeir tee or oken strum drain:. fio6e1 ,irtin :Roved that .allot iinot lark be droiJeed from the current co:itract and that tne bid for ear;i construction in Oak Chase, f'.ver6rc n, B1acr;nawk and Rain i'ark and tne alternate for re i=-e i6 the Dennis fence ut vex reen k rk be awarded to B Tu ilx ce any in the 'amaunt of 464,e e c +Y. aye Cooyer seconded the (no t icn which was unani.uo slj ae rove 1. bane och.a:idt :coved tat tne rarK Co.ie: ittee reco.n:ueric: that the aut.:oraze Boa Rosene to ,ateer esti.nates for reeair of tne broken storm sewer i,i.r,e fro. sewer -grid water contractors working in tne arr id tat reea rs be r aid by tne sewer and water funds. It wee further rece:a.uei... :d tnat tne 'lark De arran6e for a test fill after tne re air of t..s sewer anu the addition of a chemical e eaient with the cear6es i Jr tr.e cr_e.il eal and tne water, if any, to be eald by lark Bone: Funds. Neil Coate., seconded tree motien which was an_+.n :_:no.:s..y u sed. torus Vo :ss ex lee Lnat all invoices submitted by trio contractor will be sent to the lark Committee for review before e npin6 to the council for iJay:aent. Any major c:.ari ore will also 60 to tne lark Committee for review wit:: the exce of topsoil for Ever nark which is an antici a..ed ac L.1 on an:: will u© rev »?:r eel with the ?era Director before ar: Jvod. BLit€: ok,.;trNct,or wA 1: ouL i 100 it;,awt a 01:1y,11""i "116"i in tree pre construction conference which will avow individuate costs. ;t stir. dates will also be detez'_;;tned but seeding; will be co.npleted by 6opt 15, 197'), and the totai c.)i tract will be completed by iaove:noer 15, 1')75, Neil. Coates :novel and no,_ .iartin seconded a ;uoti..n to adjourn at 1:15 Ali .1e.i.oers voted in fr,vor. Respectfully Suo:nitted, A.yrei Lun:isten, secretary r aaan rar4 Co•a ittee