08/24/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionEx "r; IN v ..,..T /,C' e 7-,,; t t fc 1 Sa Ce4 a1'.��F::�J al: E.m.9 ..+C:0.! .L1 Le.a 7. E -:dA G:. .LF.� i� ri.LJ WAN, r:, N 1.0 SO r'. S gTe r meting of 4,.. tz g k.,d la v Y o.. j Perk sC�'C;T�L.�.�; te8 L''1C�: i;, ;'I� t1 "•.i:�!' 7' ..3... at e dr, ±.'�.,e T HS' S 4". members �k,. e.. E were Scheidt, Z,:,: a:1 S cG!1 e_ CGlee': a y Eeti and 'op L r, Vice C i:t.pe .son Schmidt Treeiii?d., M ours Wee-ter ;!scge, S•; :if'3't'S y roe minutes of tn. .7.3:4y 20,, 1975 meting ATE? pct motion b Cos es, seconeled Lllndriten, all mrAllo F v na es, approved. Upon fipr aef. ^5 a ed Coop r, Psl.}. Z''c`.u�`.?r voting s t n fl t �t�.e t7 �:.�c,te3aa r r �f. Ll yes, T�.4'S P' +or.: s,�,.: as ilviltsc d? en Anjuot y 1975 1lpeoler. vatting of the F,-..k co mmittee be rpp :,ve l Z'. ,I'liTU COCTIC t'!, B:s7:°L',is e d r? "iA3C 1t ra2orted that the 15n7.,.`.E ele ;,`n b':", at n'y' f Pilot Knob n r Yet the c`."t..,'a% "1C B .for r..y:,..a* saner :x.24 �.,.,�9•. ;;iltwi. ,h. and :,�llu. i:'^� a,:+..�. i�- :3 :i ed be:lu n L J -cv:tl and e;,:a;:c1ed by the Ctf.y Cour:, at its lest mee 3r ^x;. 0. S:..vJr'iiC, :4i. 4:h.ar indicated :12 thi' C177 u'.2..9tiE pro .is''7i at the end of 111 F t I •.y in Pie a r'y7:: Pemk iti being 1, the Egan City fe inee s F TL..,A .t�:i. sr r The comm',t° oc reviewed h p f 7 s r (e 4 Maw,- i a s RIM TRAIL. :.s E`.�:.�"UT4 a w�.. ^Ja.:'ad �1.. '_'.t�.i :'ic?. `3.1 "c:?'t:+ 'P I3.5?iya and CA (sheae Ye by the Engineer fi.' c tirat d eost of $16 O "5' a' 2 R9' F iis, TLe 2t. Y.1 xlov C?.','? fove bids. War( PROPOSkI a. Pl r OT nZ o 1 f` 'g s F ik�S E r- x L 1 1.� ........"xs.r. i. A F SS �f4 7� k Y ^arse a d the r? u o wry g ea. Ga°:i; �...9E3 from �;f,.,, ylF3.?:iz GC`'.i.i rr,E. to i'.�3^.CL'C�. snl..1.. :.v R.n <f p=s: e;..a., i.. +.:°2's t e,':::^ G.7.e.i Z3arn portion r the take_ o_ th q� East side r� q grcb j{ner tea 6 the d. L ,t i Ii Addition be dedicated to l;.be city t ogetfA£a:C' wl-th rli;-' sit 2r t)4",`"To .71 C: cuf;ire dediention~ i oullfl be e 2 trK00 Tolt'Y e to; 1 CSr r 12At'1} v ati 1y of 1sk The counidttce nle b rs discussed J. er Ill:'. a 3oS`.'lFaci t su a eugt on that the area he "c: a semi-pub:. o..thez Y :x7e.Pc C'.0 r %fir .r' Dut ac cer6 to the like $,i(.L also tle need rtai Tsx 3ng, L y 1 a e.. tract this. the park cormit'x'.ee could now dat:.-.wine any exact urc wc, tii Lche, wcs: written by L d ten, sealed CIT.E!tl a ail 1.1av:',',` ers v i !'e.io it was REGOY.V1 A u l d to the council t h a t a cash donation be require:. Zron tha Esc velcr tivo trIsdr.: az the -ti.m 1m:riding ave Os..A4, EVE.M.1E.EN PA cr 3e. Combos aai anei. rcciaastef'.! that ths cc.mittsic. consider the 2/1sta:0 ce a acceer fi.t3 ie parlk The co=.ittee ateinberz.- Lalicateri els park was very small. bzrmilig free eltati4g tr.stallation of the softball ne:j7 not hz a.ppropriate in that loz.s.;•./.c.n., It 7 suggested that X7: GZ 1 F21 6 .=-'4 r rood a.,t Northiyiew and L it appears to be usoble, thc Park Cremiittoo would attemt to reiatif., OU es. solution., RAFT4 Armvi ELTILT.F.C,3„ A ve.presenative of Lindberg Piet wl.. the final piens for the Rallin Part:k activity bull/Arta conoisr.:4..s„g 1,615 2titax3 With two large r rotorle 125 squere fact s?":1 2a0 cach, 1 dicee,s1 that no natural. gaS zuer'antead o be trIcustruction with that in zinc% uere several citernatc.;,3 cdia air-conditioning end pal:I:gay and upon motion by Cooper„ so COreiti a2.1. wart1.3e7.::: voting yes, it was P3au/ArZ) that tan Par! Cors.tt rx,rcc,orA tn. 1.3i. Lite plans arzl specifications be -.11pproved and re.:,:;n:e-aLitkA t'tz to e.dvertiee y,or bies Rep tic 1\1=7, tlib.oiwp.ti iii,i and ox inzrcasa. intene:2t pi,atftnif. riinn.asota el:. No af.•.t.i.cr, i'.7aIreir,o,* 12...ASir.„ Chairperson 3chaita7 iceca use had nc.P.1 been caapietcd. LIMEEPONT. ChaLrpersou aloo onlvittcZ District concerning develogent eri maintznAilns pzoperty irtztiuding Lhe paym,f.:nt of a ti).0: C:243 13y t City of: Eagan, Upon taotion by Luni tort s,v,tolzie2, naefil.:crfa 7oli;c36, *1.71 Savor, it s RESOLVED to recrowinend. -etxnarat3A 7,00 t 07:D tbe gift of $250 roike.ne playgroze equipnel.. and f,,) o%tend thanks to ne fAxa. t'lat tEst 1*o wed snquits 1 ;let for Cak Ohne Aclditlidt, &WINI70, RECRFATIOF T'OYTAM, Committee members discuz cram fez fall sr:d fmelt7d:,..ng evening and Sat9.111May and u;ion uzi„ion duly moic2c and a.irmdca, tt ms RESOLVED to reelermenz 7.0;:eacional committee, isiThR=T OLMPMG AND PARKS„ The ws.:3 discussion relatipg to the gteIrTs for camping L G7S:: night in t etty of! L'Nza. Dtx o: faciles ne. pibLe pci!cLr Ia 6par. 71sde sni sacon4ed, it w racamarilie that cam7ing wouid not be ps;I:7, at Ins present time, YESTA,0.0 LMTMOMENT CCNTaX..11% L on mction duly made by Co Lur.inton, all members voemg yes, it wes PESO.= thst Chsn3e tc foz: Pack improvement ccatraet consistiag cf bick V.; cf A zig xa i:et7sen Rahn Scholl and Rtin% 77 ne e.- S dal C 7 3pon n*ticn t7 sscr,nds4 P=D LMISIATYVE REVTON, P.a1 EaLgo, City Atl to the ocivac&;tec the change in thtl 19E session laws requiring EA h: to have 5, 7 or 9 members evil eertain ether chaeges„ It v tter be referred to the Cnl Upon motion by St;hmidt sclondo.1 Luralsce.en, 411 Neubers voting yea, it as RESOLVTO that thF4 Cou.=n CiZn.y raview the Park Ordinance 09 7/1th the pocsiblU.ty er: tNa lAmIvz f:inairs on 41e park bor.rd from 1 to 9 at the tIno cf iMT.af'..p a end that the wdinance be changed to coufamwah th n75 so:czion 7,atFs 5,7Z Ki,,Y,:nasany„ C7,3e7 ETIGY 10.21 tha% Kermth Appelbau4 7 ,1n:Tsezt to m7,tAv% Ynob plarmad av70 Y Knob Iwai co=erci. to t aul upon motion by 8J4, a1 metabers voting 7 it wan RE107,1117.D that at the t:LavA t ves/.15e4 t.tes piece 4 ultIrlate pLtsting, !':i an .44ttiJuel amount o2 caeh jvaqired Erom the de7i.,:Jpr 44'altribWon for perk purposes, mmIToNn The .a5r AtoLczay eviawad with the ccasmtttee Fit fi:At4 dediestien of several perk parcels tc 'the City of Eagan 43 falst: ood Addition Par.:7. Y.,11 h" L?er, e:adicated to the City cf Eeigh::s No dad.J.c.: has taken plan.° at the. J. 9th Add, j% oe. pe-4 no.;At being wil.1 be recorisloi.2 d, ('',7,k Park Nagottatiors aro stij1 un.Y.orway avim t,..)t Cak Ws. fon tenTy.7x cut pumoseL suggested that the axtre, o2 t cartvant fon ba deferred unil a final dc.ision is male on tIlc. 1g7t; rvrebara 1:Z4f:tate that she iE ir702:tiag on a foz the 'Park Cotee and te issues w:111 !L 0172:: AtIallf•:tt Wit:11 j;OARD pc kr:s,:;4.:11.ttee rsv.: Pa ric. to the Th. e 'Jan Planning 121'13C2 Oif: anl referred to thc.. Ilezf4 r,;i1xe .fo 2371, MMAOD. duly made and seeonici, the mating aljeume4 et l44:i Ar14 II., 19n