09/11/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR METING (P T'IE ADVISORY PARR:man= EA.CLAN, •t. N1 eO'€A September r 1r, 19;5 A regular meeting ti ,.g of the Ac vico r Perk Committee ittee spas e i oz September lith 1975 et tam City Hall at 7:30 p,m. Those embere present ent ?sere Eveesou, Cooper, S'c eerie, Imedsten, Martin and Coates. Alec. present wee Nu' Reno. 1 :rte After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Ce tne, sac oude? Cooper, all members voting in favor, it wee RESOLVED that the mirrd:es of tine previous meeting be approved as dictsdbuted, COUNCIL METING, Barbara Schmidt reviewed the action ta. en rt the last Council meeting regarding the Park Committee and indicated that ne.cheage Ream the number of i=mbers is necessary for the Park Comittee for the x:: esoxa that the ordinance creating the committee did not set it °3p se a Park Board. RAW ACTIVITIES BLrW iNG. A representative of Lindhefgh'Pie .ce Axchiteet3 appeared and re the bids on tha Rahn Activities Building consiotiag of 14 bids with the low bid being that of William F. IKopp Construction Co. of St. Paul with a base bid of $37,800 together with $1,460 for paved walk alternate and $1,390 for air conditioner alternate. An a timated 90 day completion letion is scheduled with a total bid of $40,650. After review and upon recomeadation of the architect, upon motion by Lurslsteu, seconded Coates, all members voting yea, it was RESOLVED to recormend to the Coueeil that the low bird of William P. Kopp Construetion Co, in the suss of $40,650 together with two alternates be warded. 1975 DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT. The members reviewed tha progress concerning to contract for improvements in the parks for 1975 and it was indicated that the drainage problems created in Evergreen Park possibly require additional fill. ek Ck SE PARK. Atty. Paul huge reported in regard to progress cormernisg the acquisition of Oak Chase Perk and stated that an uadorst.?zding has now bog a reacted for the dedication of Lot 1, Block 1, with the City peyin; the principal and interest en assessments in itha sJk ca:" „2:)7 4i Evil the dearP.102,3': Pc- Ting de"' 1i*quenc a including real estate T:.u. "9 .3601 Thar.e. was a suggestion tilitt: per ri e ha Ece quire from .Y`a 1'3:}'..abee, :'eke 4 ".eve r to perofi.t. #-'.i:« city to Sy:T7 the li 2:i ..o»:: f;S?2 We.st side of O' k Chase dal i':t' t?f ilde R is Rua �y .rte y np v .'.til:34'aih 3. r.. tr'.,Z:A �a ray.( V.t.. rt. eS:.a i!`kk <N9 &iui .s" 3 i vS ChTEtrmn Everson r I2nottacec that tqo new full tin? ct'ainte'.s:. a:k.+°. Ala hc,:.i Set's+, the �l-. a c a r b c i ��:.aa:'3z is,r P x L��� :a�,�.�.� �n 5����r.�� d EVER(REO PARK HOMY RIM. Cacti Ho':u. rt appeared and requested that the Park Committee :tee review the possibility of installing a hockey rink and free skating e.reaa 1.1i a 7e;i g een Park, k I addition., it was requested that ii. warming g house ha supplied and that the residents is will offer their assistance in kespi..g the k :2ge and rin. k maintained. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it I.Vez P, AWED t.o send the matter to the Pa lc DevelopSkont— Committee to review the request on sits and make recorme ouat;iona to the full Park Committee. WC:WT.4S ZlC?ILETtiAZ,T It was announced that a short term 10 weak pro at three schools including Metcalf, Iiorthvica and Pilot Knob Schools for woman's voile 'ba11 is being organized, u 4N :R T "fit EVAL I nav>" t t r." ,r. n f tilil1: l'..w'9. r�E1i4'.t'.e.�1V I�it,s�,�k ,sF' �.f'a: indicated c.ui�'�a. ::I2+^:: did �]x'� :..�'ii^.... the financial results concerning the o :+.�"l n l_ ni.ng b. rr g a. report back �tc�..�... n�- information ion at the next neetinga FALL WINTER R PARK ?R.O RA S. 'here was discussion concerning the re'u±via' of program of the school districts in light of rating re o endations for pr°oE 4 4s by the k C it:y ee. Upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Salnicit, nv..Mbera voting in i7av: ?g, it was RESOLVED to refer the matter to the Reo.re tion Conte 'f:ee to rn" icw x.'13 s >.t is being offered by the school districts ant/ 5 h6.12w w ik 4 >g tilt reCc z %xs::.3.cta to the Park Committee for all se.asonso. IrfaTINTER EALX,FIEI.D WaNN` EN` NCE ACRE NT., nikicrs::pz.i irig has bci :sea,", ;,'.^:r d earlier conccrn1ng k;c1Isrruction a! TstritelAnel o.;7 the 5orth.;ier athletic field and A ,luiret ratmest Dintr5.ct agn. od=erfl 1c mn.irmancsrl :alto 1 T proT t*,-o Disti7 evs :o no ncino. tie 1' would d( all mair sOs.!2cuent to /974. 7 J:on Ii pet!.orini Cooper, &31 members voting yes, it. 7ies RE5CIWO.) to recrmlend to thn Comv::7 1 t the Eagan City Counctl ec‘-pt tZ racomyn lf thi t77.g! District LLL do dm n..;.1.11nrce. on tho, Nc'enwiFfg f1.2 1976 T2121: t.! the Otty o Egan assume maintenance in 1977 e%14 only Lj g7ale uo..i.pi; season. YOTTPr PAPJt AUPWATTON, It vas iznnonnced that tile MeZro cry2 St Planning Agemay had ranked Oa Ncrthview School a' paFk EUD Ember 8 aaaagst aNslications sublolati ;.7 metro?oliten vAl Cot:. pos.t.libility of fundi.ag seems fai7ly simor.G. 1976 BUDGET. The committee revieoed in detail both ths park plcop71se' 1,,L6:4t o2 $116.195 ars:. the tree conservation budget of $15,875. Upon motion by Conc::, soeondod Ne./.;1.r, all members voting yas, it ras PFSOLVED to recomend b bu6zets ;t) Lhl Ccu.:w.ii for approval. u. PIUS. Two bills fro m Urban Planw!nm rzotLor 7 upon motion hy Luzdeton, sec.orded a74-ibu .;„t was recouncoded for approval. STOnCS Ilpresentativas from the Czriar Athletic: Ansoc, and requested that f.he Park Committee find an area for storage of tIleIr probln.a of security in the utility garage and the Rnalm 1 c©Li't were Aisemsa and it was further stated that the Rnhn. Palls vtie was ar't: c,as,..77..ei.1 for storage of that type equipment. It 1471c.; the storin /r.i;a et Cenorel Sports !..a Cedarvale bad been offctc6 by ma c7.1y7mly r",14rgA to the CAA inclIding a 12' x i8 srace. A relueot ra3 tv 11:c CAA for ."450 fon the cot of seUr52irw; the sro;-:'; for CM equtpmemt, Upon mAtion by Lutfistor,„ secorlAcei MAI•tin, all rierbee vot ye, mv 2SOWED to table the mr, emd to cad er thy mg,tter c;' ocztribng fumaa to n.tbattc association with the Council. WILD:MESS PARK TPAS:L. It was noted that Arllold C30L1 6SM,Spa7 Of WiMemsess Run Pa7:k AZidition had requested the dedication of cash mtivem thz,;a a t in Wilderness Park Addition be made to the city. rAcTuTins REPORT. The Park Committee discussed the developmont L azu soccer fieWs and football fields in the City. Upon MDUOV. by Martin, seconded Cooper, all members votihg in favor, it was RESOLVED that the meeting adjourn at 1035 P,M Septembe 11, 1975 '\"3.4f■