10/09/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commissionv ..MES OF A REGULAR MEETING (T TEE WV"13M! pl c: -mili S= October 9, 1Jea A rc a:.l.^.?.' meeting of the Advisory Park Committee tee was held on (".rc:tobz►' 9, 1975 et G ^30 at the City Hail* All s'&:There were p o€ent a cope Saho lc ik7eo pres,a :t was Paul ilauge3 Upon "lotion by Coates, seconded Lundberg, all newbers vr, z .'r'a it was R EO .•VED that the rr mutes of the previous meting be approved the n:ea ere ta.*a' l.r.,g on the first page that Oak Chase Park, Lot 1, Block 1, has r'c been dedicated to Es :aa by the developer at no cost to the City. lay addition,, on pr o 3 relating ing to an application for funding, Lawson should be substituted for C.OT T^.L R•P'MT, Dale Everson and Pays Cooper reported concerning the last two Eagan City Council meetings* EyACITAWX RILLS PA?J' M;,, Wayne Winger; a developer of Elackhawk }I.1 appeared and discussed a proposal for the dedication of .O,6 eases in the North area of Zl .k Ei11s for park and pond purposes, De :Indicated that the pooling g :c-uaA are about 2,,3 acres aM a no from the park director dated October 9, 1975 INA reviewed. The developer agreed to dedicate the pond area on the basis or the current dedication standards less 9,4 scree for proposed 35E and 5,,7 acres con sistirg of a triangular area South and East of proposed 35E, T he committee mlabers discussed the percolation of the ponding area and there 'sera questions as to how mush a_mi:aj.:erwance would be reg:iired, Mr. Wiaiaor indicated that the developers prefa deed that it be left in a basically natural state, Upon motion by Lundbetc, seconded Coates, e17 members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to cep;; the proposal Fs to the park location, to recommend aeptance of the 10.6 acre perk on she bacis of the memorandum submitted with the unders�ar Cing that there may be post; le water proble s in the ponding area an further that the park Area genera lay be used as a passive natural peat, paraTWELOPMEn, The cormittea discussed briefly ti a peseibic dedicetiee of the pceineula in the lake erea Eaot ee;! Pilot Kaob Road ta t'ee peepceed Gabl)eet development te an axea Rem primer's Aesoeietione No aim Wave tFlel by tha Peek cite NNS COURT LIOnT1NG. Th e Park Cetemittee metbcre diecessed the ecat esttaetee eehmiteed by the City Eng. for lighting tennis courts as follows: Single Ceurt 2 poles e 8,000,00 Double Court 2 polan 9,00(400 Double Court 4 poles $10,500,00 gleedruple Court $17,000,00 The committee members generally favored the lighting but tabled the issue until early in 1976 for further review by the Development Cos EVERGREEN PARK HOCKEY RThU BECU SHELTER, Carl Holman appeared as a resident of Evergreen Park renewing his request for a hockey rink durirg 1913- 76 season, The development committee had reviewed the site geed wee concerned s'eeet the lack of a level site. Upon motion by Coatee, seconded Lunibeeg, all members voting in favor, it WAS RESOLVED that the Park Committee review and get an estimate OD the cost of regrading the back portion of park area for a hockey rink with the understanding that free skating will be provided for the cameos eeeson. RAM PARK VANDALISM, Considerable vtedalism on the Rahn Peek Shelter building being constructed it Rahn Park was diecussed including tho possibility of eliminee tins the planned windaws, STOW FACILITIES REPORT. A report from Barbara Sehmidt covering athletic stoeege facilities including the CAA regeest for fund was revieaed. The committee indicated that Eagan should either participate in providing stowage facilities for the CAA or to be consistent in refusing to involve the city in storage for all aseceietions. Upon motion by Luedsten, secotded Ccates, all members vcting iu favor, it was RESOLVED that the Park Committee recommend that the City Council etml .2. Park. Cot Covmfttse re bica the possibility of futnre storage of equipmerX for Saga: community organizations in a proposed future civic center with tins doternination concerning storage facilities to he msde et the time of cons..strne n of such a facility. wirma Pr p: 6UP mINI HOUSES. A meeting to discuss the 1975- winter program and hoc t on of v rming houses vas scheduled for October 14, 1975 at the utility building for the Recreation Committee, PARK DIRECTOR WORKWEEK, Upon motten by Thurston, seconded Lundsten, all members voting in favor, it was recommended that the City Council extend the work week for the Park Director to four (4) full days effective Janauasy 1, 1976. 1976 s^nT she committee considered and reviewed the proposed 1976 Park Budget inn luulir .g the Tree Removal Budget. STS a� The statements from Urban Plannin; and Design, Inc, were upon motion by Cooper, seconded Lundberg, all members voting ryes, approved aid tneom= mended for payment. GARDEN CLUB PROJECT, It was announced that 75 shrubs have been transplanted by the Eagan Garden Club to Woodhaven Park, 1975 IMP PROJECT REPORT, 11y!rel Lundsten reported on the progress of the improvements under the 1975 Park Imp, Project. October 9, 1975 Upon notion, the meeting adjourned. 'c`(\ye