11/13/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commissiont;UTk:;S OF A REGULAR M s'T?:NJ OF Tai EAGAN LDVTSC Y PARK COMNI"" FE E A C A N WNWSOTA eevareeer A ::ocular meeting of the Zagen ACeieeey k Beard Zmr held on November 13, �Jt 75 t Hell 7s.,. i 9 e rernat were .Sd.'.beAd Th r.?tcr. k, J y .J at C.l...,. City �,�r. ,..0 at o -.d �.�"30 K 9 a e� c c c a t w g g riz li rrt t Also resent were We cht er �a�p a e,�, I,ttic:.s a i� :t'��b�r are p... 7:le 7 E'..,en xery Heuge, W^ MA E NATURE 2 C °WTE Represent :ti es fremeWeedlake Nature Center in Richfield presented a description and slide presentation regn d:.ng the center including the operation and funding and indicated beut 70,000 visitors n "Meld the center annually. The current budget is $107,000 per year on the 150 meet parcel with. 80 acres of water and 70 acres fee interpretive even. "v: erA.EY VIEW 4 -E CLUB. Ga,a:dne:. M111er appeared with members of the Valley Viet. 4 -ii Club and explained the conservation projects that have taken place during 1975 and presented a report. Work has been done in Eagan parks inck.itt ug bird house projects, tree planting and flower pleating particularly in Patrick Eagan Park, and it is expected that future conservation projects cts will be continued next year. r7p.v. After the Pledge of A11.egien e, upon motion by Thurston, seconded Cotes, all members voting in favor, it mes REOOLVED that the mw autse of time re7io s meeting be approved as distributed. GABBERT DEVELOPMENT Members of the Advisory Perk Committee discussed the proposed dedication of the swimming area along File. Eneb Road to a hoe miners association, 1. They reiterated the policy of the city that internal recreational facilities will not receive credit toward perk contribution. 2. Neighboring residents appeared and suggested that additional land including 1uding the small pond to the East woubi be c on ted for open spece in the devri ..o p =:nt and displayed leyou s suggesting dedication of cbout 10 acres i. the avimmirg arca en pennisula for nntural area and for mtmming. The neighbors 1 aziked to COL/S.:At tIze. Cabbert (10?wlepern prier to the AP tanating and explain 'hsir proposal RAM ACTIVITNS BUTIUNG j.FrIS3 Lindberah of 7,3ndbergh, Pierce Architects appeared tr.li reported comlerninF, the I lrograt ,s of censtructJ.on of ti Rahn AC4IVJ.- tlns. builtA.vg Sevciral 0:;.F.CT. revisions were lys.'esertted and upon motlon by Lundsten, Fcaded Coat, R.U. ramhers voting in f‘var, it van RESOLVED th a:,. t"oe revisicrls bz! reesweilded for 01',,ceptancoo. Hoer ft=enc-r motirm by Direistens seconded Thurst(.1n, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that laxon be sub- stituted as the moto'rial in 18 a7It'Jres in the building. XACKHAWK HETAS !ARX 1.7y an Finsor and two other property owners who ire roubers o2 Associrtterl families co n2.1 discussed the Blackhauk Hills 2rA LOdition. 113 inEicated that if th City ec03 not accept dedication of ase pond for park purposes that Lho elunars of the esecciation would maiutain the poul. Hn further requested that if a cash dedication Le made for park dedication, onlh be paid on a per lot Tannin rt the time cf issuance of the building pormit. It urn exclaims that the ordinance provision es to payment .32 cosh must be foTacTve4 Lod it vas also note4 that tha City Engineer is ex7Jeeted to requoet that the pond be dediccted for pending purposes, Upon motion by Luniat.an, sccondth Coopor, n11 members voting yon, LI' was RESOLVED to ream to th City Ccvneil that cash dedication be revirci fro t developers for the R-.1 and pronosei R-4 area to be paid pursvant to the provisions of tbe subdivision ordinaan cud that the Council consider a request for payment far the lots In the original Blackhmk Hilts Addition, PARK MINTENANCE REPORT, Jim McGnffy appeared ard submitted a repor: con- cerning Ice maintenance during the coming season and there vas also discussion of the VtKee froe stating ere. It was noted that there would be 7 hockey rinkn, 11 free s!-ating rinks ana two ponds fox skatthg during the coming secs 1 r.■ 01 I 4 4, further stated that there are four (4) full-time maintenance persons and one CETA employee who will be used for printer axnten nce, CEDAR HOCRLY ASSOCIATION. A representative from the Cedar Hockey Association appeared and requested that the Rahn West hockey rink be permitted to be need by the hockey program on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings and all day Saturday. He also requested that the policy continue that the closing of the warming houses be at 9:30 p.m. He further requested that he be permitted to operate a small city tractor to maintain the rinks at no cost to the city and this matter was referred to the Recreation Committee for recommendation. N0RTW M SCHOOL LAWS MANT Eldon Hugelen of Urban Planning and Design appeared and discussed the proposed park acquisition in the area of Northview School. It was noted that Lawcon has rated Eagan =4th amongst Twin City areas applying for Lawcon funds and Mr. Hugelen presented a sketch of three proposed sites including the 50 acre cite North of the school, a site West of the school and a site East of the school. Urban Planning recommended that the North cite be used because of a substantially larger area that could be used for athletic facilities. It was noted that $100,000 would be the limit on any Lawcon fund grant. Twwo proposals were re•'iewede (A) The city would acquire 40 acres by retch. ing the amount to be acquired from the Lawcon grant or (B) The city would acquire 27 acres with 50% of the funding from Lawcon, 257 from the State of Minnesota and 25% from the city. It was noted that there was a possibility of future funding from Lawcon in future years. Upon motion by Mertin, seconded Lt+ dsten, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the Park C preferring option B. but in the event that option B can not be fulfilled, that the city pursue option A and father that the'parcel idiately North of North view School be recommended for acquisition under the proposal. 1975 DEVELOPMENT CONTRAST, Eldon Hugelen reported concerning progress of the 1975 Park Development Contract and indicated that work generally to on schedule, Iq1 ttee be on record CHANGE ORDER EVBRGt EN PART A $2700 estimate for grading ar3 reseeding for a hockey facility in Evergreen Park vas reviewed. It was noted that the mount was net inc a udai in the budget end thn t any d itioi 1 cost for maintenance a d development would also be required. Upon motion ion by Lundsten, seconded Thurston, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Park Commdttee recommend that the City Council not approve the change order for additional grading for the hockey f iity in Evergreen Park at the present time. WOODHAVEN WATER FOUNTAIN. Upon nation by Lundsten, seconded Thurston, ell members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the park staff decide on the design for a water .fou!atein for Wecdheven Park. URBAN PLANNING BILLS. Upon motion by Thurston, seconded Lundsten, it wc.s RESOLVE) that the bill for Urban Planning and Design for $650 be approved and upon further motion by Lundsten, seconded. Thurston, dt was RESOLVED that a bill for $385.80 from Urban Planning for bicycle Fpplication, and miscellenoouc work also be approved. Upon motion the meeting ed jaurned at 12400 p.m. Dated: November 13, 1975