12/18/1975 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OP A REGULAR MEETING OF TH7 EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA December 18, 1975 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on December 18, 1975 at 7:00 p.m. Those present were Schmidt, Erb, Cooper, Lundsten, Coatee, Martin Everson. Also present was newly elected Board member, Kathleen Beck; Hugelen, Rosene, Wachter and Hauge. Vice Chairperson Schmidt opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and 'iron motion by Coates, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVE: that the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as distributed. NEW MEMBER ELECTED TERMS. A new member appointed by the Council at its regular meeting on December 16, 1975, Kathleen Beck, was introduced to the committee. Also reelected for a three year term were Dale Everson and Faye Cooper. HOCKEY PROGRAM. The committee discussed the hockey and skating programs of the parks on the various rinks and also reviewed the list of warming house attendants who were hired by the City Council. It was decided that benches be acquired fo certain rinks to be built and installed at the direction of the Park Director. Chairman Everson arrived and commenced chairing the meeting at this point. MEND EAGAN ASSOCIATION. A letter was read from Mend Eagan Association thanking the peek committee for the u;,e of the baseball fields during 1975 but requesting that additional maintenance be approved and completed during 1976. CHES MAR WILDERNESS RUN ADDITIONS AREA PARRS. Mr. Teller of the Home Owner Assoc. appeared and also Arnold Carlson was present concerning parks in the Sec.27. The committee discussed the parks in the general area including the potential for the well site for park and ballfield use. There was discussion concerning changes and recommended park dedication in Section 27 including the acquisition of the park site after the rezoning of the Ches Mar area to R -3 and R -4. Access problems and liability relating to the peninsula for park purposes were considered at three earlier meetings of the Park Committee to decide not to recommend dedication of that parcel. Schmidt moved and Cooper seconded the motion to authorize the City consultants to look at Section 27 relating to park dedication and improvements and report back to the Park Committee at its next regular meeting and Special Council meeting on January 13, 1976. MAMA:NANCE REPORT. Jim McGuffy was present and reported on mainLenance cf 'Inks ka the city. He indicated that Lee Barrington had resigned as a park painte- nance employe. URBAN PYAMPIJ REPORT. Eldon Hugelen was present. 1. He submitted an estimate by Urban Planning in the amount of $689 for prepara- tion of the final LawCon application. It was noted that Eagan is rated No. 9 in the preapplication stage. Upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the bids be accepted and that 'Urban Planning be authorized to prepare the final application which action had bcen approved earlier by the City Council. 2. 1975 Park Contract. Mr. Hugelen reviewed the progress on the tennis count and other park improvements in the 1975 park improvoment contract. He submitted a statement cf completed work and request for payment from the contractor, B-TU-Mix Co. in the sum of $74,365 less 10% retainage for a balance of $66,029.17. Upon potion by Schmidt, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVRD to recommend approval of the in 3. Tree Plantings in Parks. Proposed tree plantings in Evergreen Park, Oak Chase Park and Blackhawk Park was reviewed including whether a contract should 1z entered into or have city employees install the plantings. Lundsten moved, Nartin seconded a motion to accept the plans and to have the City of Eagan install the plantings. All members voting yes. WESTIUND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. The final payment request of Westlund Constrao- tion Co. approved by Urban Planning in the sum of $22,020.50 was upon motion hy Coates, seconded LundOten, all members voting in favor, it was recommended for approval. -2- URBAN PLANNING STATEMENT. A statement from Urban Planning in the cum of $489.10 was upon motion by Laedsten, am-ended Coates, all members voting in favoc, recommended for approval. WILLIAM KOPP CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PAYEENT. A request for payment from William Kopp Construction Co. recommended for approval by Lindbergh-Pierce Aranitects in the sum of $8,547.30 was next reviewed. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Coale:re all members vcting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend apprcval. TENNIS COURT LIGHTING. The committee discussed in detail oonsible methods and whether to recommend the installation of lighting on tennis courts in tha city. Upon motion by Schmidt, seconded Lundsten, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED to reeer the issue to the development committee to investigate the cost and report back to the Peak Ccaaaittee. PARK DEDICATION REOUIREMENTS. There was discussion relating to the poseibility of reviewing cash and land dedication requirements under Ord. #10 and upon moi by Schmidt, seconded Lundsten all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED to reica the issue to the Development Committee for later report. WOODGATE 1st, 2nd and 3rd ADDITIONS. The committee reviewed a proposal of the developer to accept trail casements in Woodgate 1st, 2nd and 3rd Additions arl instructed the City Atty. to contact Mr. Burger to complete the transaction 15 feet along the South line of Woodgate lift 2nd Additions and the East line of Woodgate 1st Addition will be requested. METRO ENGINEERING RAZE NURSERY. The City Engineer, Bob Rosen, was preeent and reviewed the correspondence with Metro Engineering and Raze Nursery over the Tact two years relating to a considerable number of plantings in the Metro Engineer- ing contract for park improvements that needed replacement. Raze Nursery hal offered to replace about $1,000 cf additional plantings and it was noted that about $5,000 to $6,000 of plantings need replacing. After discussion, upon motion by Coates, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the -3-. City Atty. be authorized to send a letter tea Metro Engineering and Rae Nurser,/ requesting that a representative of each ha present at the Park Committee meet on January 8, 1976 to discuss this issue and in the event that satisfactory solutions are not reached that action be taken to enforce the provisions of the contract; further that the recent proposal of Raze Nursery be rejected as being insufficient and not in compliance with the contract. WELL SITE SECTION 27. Bob Rosene reviewed proposals for the development cf the well site at Cliff and Pilot Knob Roads including the construction of water tank and individual wells. A water plant would probably not be installed until about the year 2000. Mr. Rosene indicated that the westerly area may be uso<.i for ballfields for an estimated 25 years or more. Mr. Rosene was asked to prepare a sketch and farther that Urban Planning make recommendations regarding general park planning in Section 27. BARBARA SCHMIDT RESIGNATION. Barbara Schmidt submitted her resignation f'roa the Park Committee beginning January 1st because of her position as Park D for and further recommended that the subcommittees be reformed and that new officers be elected at the next meeting, DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING. A meeting of the Development Committee was scheduled for December 30, 1975 at the City Hall. BLACKHAWK PARK SURVEY. The City Atty. reviewed with the Park Committee the boundary line problem on the South line of Blackhawk Park adjacent to the Leo Murphy property. He indicated that approximately 15,000 sq. feet of the park laud was being claimed by Mr. Murphy under adverse pcssession. The City Atty. was requested to review the matter further. CARLSON LAO TRAIL EASEMENT. The City Atty. reviewed with the Park Coam.itttee the proposed trail easement on the South side of Carlson Lake and requested direction from the Park Committee as to the width of the trail easement. It was suggested -4- that the trail easement extend 5' South of the described line and North to the pond area dedication for park purposes. There was also discussion concerning the North portion of Carlson Lake which had not been dedi:atec1 to the City and it was suggested that that area be requested to be dedicated in the future to the City for park purposes. PILOT KNOB HEIGHTS PARK DEDICATION. Paul Hauge further discussed with the Park Committee the progress on acquiring the park dedication of approximately 5 parcels from Pilot Knob Heights Properties in Pilot Knob Heights Additions. He indicated that it appeared that the developers were not able to complete the (12ci— cation during 1975 because of real estate taxes and assessment problem;. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 p.m. December 18, 1975 %U�v�eQSds�✓