01/08/1976 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK C0MMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA January 8, 1976 A regular meeting of the Advisory Park Committee was held at the City Hall at 7 :00 p.m. on January 8, 1976. Those present were Coates, Lundsten, Thurstcn, Beck and Martin. In the absence of Chairman Everson, Chairperson Lundsten chaired the meeting. Also present were Barbara Schmidt, Ted Wachter, John Voss and Paul Hauge. MINUTES. After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Coates, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the pre- vious meeting be approved as distributed. PILOT KNOB HEIGHTS PARK DEDICATION. City Attorney, Paul Hauge, reviewed with the Park Committee the dedication of parks in Pilot Knob Heights Additions. He indicated that all deeds have now been received for the park parcels including Fish Lake and that certain of them include some real estate taxes that are u;;.paid but that it is expected that they will be paid by the developers within the near future. OAK CHASE PARK ADDITION. James Frisbee appeared as the developer inresponse to the request of the Park Committee and reviewed a proposed agreement drafted by the City Attorney concerning the dedication of certain lots along Wilderness Run Road agree upon to be dedicatedly the developer to the City for park purposes. It was noted that one acre has been dedicated and developed and that five addi- tional lots will be dedicated in the future. Mr. Frisbee was requested to come up with a firm counteroffer to the proposal of the City to provide for scheduling of the dedication in order to complete the requirements of dedication as quickly as possible. BL&C IIAWK PAIL BOUNDARY ISSUE. The City Attorney reviewed with the Park Committee members the request of the property owner to the South of Blackhawk Park, Leo Murphy, that an acknowledgement be given by the city that the boundary line along the South line of Blackhawk Park follow the present fence line which does not conform to the surveyed property boundary. It was suggested that in the Spring of 1976 that representatives of Eagan meet with Leo Murphy on the site to review the issue further and report back at a later time. METRO ENGINEERING RAZE NURSERY. There was discussion concerning the request of the Park Committee that a representative of Metro Engineering and Raze Nursery appear at the meeting concerning replacement of trees to fulfill the requirements under the contract with Metro Engineering for park improvements. There was no appearance by Metro or Raze Nursery and it was requested by both that a meeting be held with the Park Committee in March of 1976 to discuss the issue further. PILOT KNOB ROAD TRAIL. Barbara Schmidt discussed a request from the Council to Dakota County that consideration be given for installing a trail along Pilot Knob Road and an underpass near LeMay Lake. The matter will be further pursued by the City Council. TELEPHONE IN RAHN ACTIVITIES BUILDING. There was discussion concerning w;:iether a pay telephone should be installed in Rahn Activities building and Barbara Schmidt was asked to review the matter further. OVERNIGHT CAMPING IN PARKS. The Park Committee members reviewed the current policy concerning overnight camping in parks indicating that permission is required for the Park Director. Upon motion by Martin, seconded Coates, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the issue be referred to the Development Committee for review and further report. NOPHAN BECKMAN RE UEST CONCERNING BALLFIELDS. Norman Beckman requested a response from the Park Committee concerning upgrading of Pilot Knob School an3 other ballfield sites in the northern area of Eagan. A response will be prepared and forwarded by Barbara Schmidt to Mr. Beckman. E:E YCLE CAMP. Barbara Schmidt indicated that the 4 -H Urban Outreach specialist -2- has suggested a bicycle camp for bike safety through the U of M Agricultural Extension Service and the Park Committee indicated its interest in pu,.euing the issue further. SECTION 27 GABBERT DEVELOPMENT PARK DEDICATION. John Voss appeared and reported at length concerning the existing and proposed parks in the Section 27 neighborhood. Nximerous neighbors from Wilderness Run were present. Mr. Voss reviewed the background of the planning by the city for neighborhood 27 which covers Section 27 and the area easterly to proposed Lexington Avenue extended. IIe projected 725 single family dwelling units West of Lexington Avenue and 1569 units in the Lexington South project for a total of 2300 dwelling units. At 3.8 persons per unit there world be a total population of about 6,000 to 6,400 people. A projection for the city of 22 residential sections times 6,000 people per section would be 132,000 people 82 the ultimate population of Eagan. Two (2) acres for each 1,000 people of developable park property is the guideline. Mr. Voss was requested to review and report to the Park Committee concer'u.1:ng active park areas within the Section 27 neighborhood and gave the foil wing report: 1. Lexington South would have 6 acres of active neighborhood park. 2. Oak Chase at present has 1 acre and indicated that the shape of the u 1anee or the area to be dedicated by Oak Chase generally is not suitable for ba1lfielda, etc. 3. Carlson Like was 1 acre of play area meaning there would be a total of 5 1/2 to 6 acres within Section 27 neighborhood for active park purposes. The park plan of the well site was displayed indicating the 5 1/2 acres of develop- able land including two tennis courts, ballfield and potential play areas. As to passive park development, Lexington South would have 43 acres and in addition play areas could be developed along trails. A North -South major trail and East-West :major trail are planned through the general area. In addition, there appeared to be room for hard court areas in several possible sites. The well site includes 23 acre and it was recommended that the driveway along the eastern line of the Gabbert property from Pilot Knob be provided for access to the well site and for a proposed ballfield on the well site. In addition, a small dedication of the Southwest corner of the Gabbert property is necessary to fulfill the ballfield requirements. Mr. Voss recommended that the city not accept the peninsula only because of concern about swimming, public beach, water quality, closenesa to major street and availability of other parks in general area. Only in the event that a community park of up to 50 acres is acquired in the general area would the peninsula including the swimming area be practical. He recommended that the peninsula be dedicated to a Home Owner's Association.. Home owners from Wilderness Run appeared and requested consideration of the acquisition of 15 acres in the northerly portion of the Gabbert development by the City of Eagan according to earlier discussions by the Park Committee. The Park Committee reviewed in detail this request and indicated that demands have changed including revision from multiple to R -1 and R -2 use that the 15 acrea would form a buffer in the event of the use of the property for multiple purposes and that the well site has been acquired since the original review by the Park Committee in 1972 and 1973. Upon notion by Coates, seconded Martin, all members voting in faver, it wee RESOLVED that the Park Committee recommend to the Council as follows: 1. That if the 38 acre Gabbert development land remains multiple then it is recommended that the city acquire the 15 acres on the North for park purposes. 2. If the land mentioned above is rezoned to R -1 and R -2 as proposed, that the City require a cash dedication for the Gabbert 38 acre area and in addition a cash dedication for Wilderness Run 1st and 3rd Additions which should be paid prior to final approval of the Gabbert area. 3. That a determination should be made as to whether the well site land can be utilized as proposed by the Park Planner for park purposes according to Exhibit 'A" attached to these minutes and if this is not possible, that additional land for a neighborhood park be acquired in the area. -4- 4. That the final plat of the Gabbert development not be approved until the park contribution for Wilderness Run 1st and 3rd Additions is satisfied. Upon further motion by Martin, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that the peninsula area not be developed as a residential area; further that it not be accepted by the city for public park purposes but that it be utilized as a quasi public park with potential dedication to a home owner's association and that before the final plat of the Gabbert develop- ment area is approved, that the city staff work with the Wilderness Run Home Owner's Association and with the Gabbert developers to attempt to resolve the issue con- cerning dedication of the peninsula area. The Park Committee also indicated that in light of the facts mentioned above including those that were reviewed by Mr. Voss that there appears to be sufficient public park land proposed in the Section 27 neighborhood under present circnx,tan_ces including the rezoning proposed for the Gabbert development area. Upon motion duly made and seconded that the bill from Urban Planning and resign be approved and recommended to be paid. Upon motion the January 8, 1976 meeting adjourned at 11 :45 p.m. iki