02/12/1976 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA February 12, 1976 A regular meeting of the Eagan Park Committee was held on February 12, 1976 at the Eagan City Hall at 7 :30 p.m. Those members present were Dale Everson, Myrel Lundsten, Neil Coates, Fay Cooper, Roger Martin, Carolyn Thurston, David Erb and Kathleen Beck; absent was Gerber Hatteberg. Also present were Barbara Schmidt, Ted Wachter and Paul Hauge. MINUTES After the Pledge of Allegiance, upon motion by Coates, seconded Thurston, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the January 8, 1976 meeting be approved as distributed. There should be a correction in the December 18, 1975 on page 2 providing that Mr. Rosene, rather than Urban Planning and Design, approved the final payment request for Westlund Construction C CIVIC CENTER COMMITTEE. Barbara Schmidt indicated that a five (5) member Civic Center Planning Committee has been formed and its next meeting will be held on February 23, 1976 at 7 :30 p.m. at the hall at which members of the Park Committee were invited. JOHN ROSZAK, John Roszak, a new member of the Park Committee, was introduced and welcomed to the Committee. CUES MAR ADDITION. Barbara Schmidt reported that a resolution of the issues revolving around the development of Ches Mar Addition and the Wilderness Run 1st and 3rd areas had been reached at the last Council meeting. It would provide for a 2 acre ponding area and walkup to be accepted by the City of Eagan; the pennisula to the West would be dedicated to the property owners on an undivided interest basis; and that Wilderness Run 1st and 3rd and Ches Mar Addition developers will be paying to the City full cash dedication requirements for park purposes. OATH OF OFFICE. All members of the Park Committee were given the oath of office by Paul Hauge. -1- ELECTION OF COMMITTEE OFFICERS. The following slate of officers for 1976 were elected; Dale Everson, Chairman, Myrel Lundsten, Vice Chairman and Carolyn Thurston, Secretary. COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Neil Coates, Chairman; Robert Martin, Myrel Lundsten and Kathleen Beck, members. RECREATION COMMITTEE. Carolyn Thurston, Chairman; David Erb, John Roszak and Gerber Hatteberg, members. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE. Dale Everson, Myrel Lundsten, Carolyn Thurston and Barbara Schmidt. FINANCIAL COMMITTEE. Dale Everson, Myrel Lundsten, Carolyn Thurston and Barbara Schmidt with review by the Park Committee. 1976 BUDGET REVIEW. Barbara Schmidt reviewed with the committee the final 1976 Budget for park purposes. No action was taken. WINDSOR DEVELOPMENT CO. ED DUNN ASSOCIATES. Bill Price of Suburban Engineer- ing appeared and discussed a proposed 54 acre single family development North of County Road #30 and East of Pilot Knob Road on a 100 acre parcel owned by Ed Dunn. It would include about 130 single family units with 46 acres of developable land. Mr. Price requested a preliminary determination of the Park Committee as to the acceptability of land for park purposes in the draw area bordering directly North of County Road #30 consisting of 5 to 7 acres. There was concern about the water in that area. Committee members suggested a tie -in to Patrick Eagan Park and in addition a review of all of Section 22 for park purposes. Iundsten moved and Thurston seconded the motion to refer the matter for recomm to the Develop- ment Committee but the motion was withdrawn and no action vas taken. SECURITY LIGHTS ON FREE SKATING SHELTERS. Barbara Schi Ldt reported that requests for security lights in Evergreen Park and Burr Oak Park were submitted and reviewed the NSP policy for security lights. It was suggested that the Eagan Park Depart- ment do the rink preparation in the future for Burr Oak Perk. A bid from Dakota -2- Electric Coop for a security light in Evergreen Park for a total amount of $400 was discussed. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Cooper, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED to recommend that the expenditure be made. CETA EMPLOYEES 1976. Barbara Schmidt reported that the city may get a 20 person CETA youth group during the Summer of 1976 and requested suggestions for use of the CETA employees. There had been a request for shelters in Evergreen Park, Burr Oaks Park and Country Home Heights and the Chairman referred the request to the Recreation Committee to determine whether there is a need for mini -type shelters in the parks designated as small neighborhood parks. ICE RINK STATUS. Barbara Schmidt indicated that all the ponds are closed and some of the rinks are closed because of the warm weather in recent days. Some rinks may be reopened before the end of the season. PILOT KNOB PARK HIGHVIEW BALLFIELD. There was a question as to possible improvements to Pilot Knob Park and the Chairman requested that Urban Planning and Design be contacted to review the proposed improvements. Barbara Schmidt was requested to meet with the West St. Paul School District about construction of a tennis court at the Pilot Knob School. Review of the Highview ballfield was turned over to the Recreation Committee for recommendation. WOODGATE ADDITION EASEMENTS. Paul Hauge reviewed with the committee progress in acquiring trail easements in the Woodgate Addition area and Barbara Schmidt was asked to review the exact location of the proposed easements. There was also discussion concerning the progress in acquiring land in the Pilot Knob Heights area and it was noted that deeds for all of the parcels have now been acquired. Taxes and assessments are unpaid on certain parcels, however. OAK CHASE ADDITION. A proposed agreement covering park dedication in Oak Chase Addition was deferred until the next meeting. CASH DEDICATION REVIEW. Paul Hauge reviewed with the committee the proposals regarding dedication of cash and land in parcels unplatted over 5 acres and those -3- under 5 acres including areas where a waiver of platting was requested. Recommen- dations will be made at a later meeting in this respect. OVERNIGHT CAMPING IN PARKS. There has been requests for overnight camping in Eagan parks and also requests for rental of the Rahn activities building. No specific action was taken on either of these items. CIVIC ARENA UPDATE. Dale Everson indicated that two meetings of the steering committee had been held and there had been many suggestions for potential use of these facilities. There is an estimated $2.1 million dollar cost with a total cost including financing and miscellaneous costs of $2.4 million dollars. This would amount to 1 /10th of 1% of the assessed value of the property in Eagan. The committee would prefer a Spring 1976 election date. It was also noted that soil borings in the area have now been commenced. RECREATION PROGRAM. Barbara Schmidt requested recommendations from park committee members concerning spring and summer programs and all members were asked to consider and make suggestions. The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:40 p.m. Dated: February 12, 1976