03/11/1976 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionM N'tTTEg Or THE REGULAR NE' TING OF THE EAGAN ADVISORY PARK COHMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA March 11, 1976 A regular meeting of the Eagan Park Committee was held on March 11, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall. All members ware present except Dale Everson. A:iso present were Barbara Schmidt and Paul Hauge. Vice Chairperson Myrel Lundsten chaired the meeting. MINUTES. Upon motion by Roszak, seconded Coates, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED t?iat the minutes of the February regularmeeting be approved subjart to the a:id_?,tion that Fay Cooper is a member of the Recreation Committee. CIVIC CENTER D01D ISSUE. Park Committee members discussed in detail the proposed dates for a civic center bond issue and because of the 180 day issue prior to the November general election, upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Thurston, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Park Committee strongly rccovolend to the Council that the election on May 4, 1976 to avoid confusion with tha l_txw;rJd hours if the election was held on the same day as the Dakota County reorganization election and also because of the potential increase in construction costs if the bond issue Elaction is delayed. Upon motion by Roszak, seconded Coates, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that it set up a public informational meeting on April 8, 1976 at 7:30 p.m. at the City Hall to discuss and review the proposed civic center bond issue. There was discussion relating to informal meetings with civic and public groups in the City. Kathleen Beck will coordinate these meetings. OAK CHASE ADDITION. Paul Hauge indicated that he has received a revised draft from Jim Frisbee, the developer of Oak Chase, providing for the proposed dedication of the two additional park parcels by the end of 1977 and the second by the end of 1979. There was discussion concerning payment of assessment and taxes and because of Eagan's position, upon motion by Coates, seconded Martin, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the agreement in concept to tle City Council. Paul Hauge also submitted a: ;proposed draft of a lease covering the Oak Chase park property West of Oak Chase Road. Upon motion by Roszak, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend approval of the lease to the City Council with the understanding that the owners will permit the city to add recreational improvements to the property that can be removed if necessary. WOODGATE ADDITIONS. Barbara Schmidt and Paul Hauge indicated that they wilt F.ttempt to acquire an easement through Woodgate 1st and 2L.d Additions for trail purposes acLd will contact the Homeowner's Association concerning the proposed ease- ment acquisition. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. Neil Coates, Chairman reported. 1. He reviewed the Gopher Eagan Planned Development and indicated that members of the committee had walked the proposed park area West of Elrene Road intended as a neighborhood park consisting of somewhat over 40 acres. The question as to tree amount of grading necessary for ballfield purposes was discussed and it was suggested that the developer be required to do such grading. Upon motion by Roger Martin, seconded Roszak, it was RESOLVED that John Voss be requested to review the proposal and make recommendations to the Park Committee. All members voted yes, Barbara Schmidt was asked to contact John Voss. 2. Park Cash Dedication Formula. The committee reported that it had reviewed various means of determining a revised formula for cash dedication for parks and recommended that in light of current values for property that a $4,500 raw land figure be used to compute the cash dedications. The Eagan park guide would then be revised to provide as follows: a. $180 per single family unit b. $150 for R -2 townhouse units c. $115 for apartment units d. $150 for mobile home units -2- Upon motion by Roszak, seconded Erb, alit mimLers voting u it vas RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that the foregoing schedule be adopted by the Council for park dedication formula. 3. Commercial and Industrial Park Dedication. Committee members briefly reviewed proposals regarding dedication for commercial and industrial park uses and no action was taken. RECREATION COMMITTEE BUSINESS. Carolyn Thurston, Chairperson reported. 1. There was discussion concerning rental and use of the Rahn Activit es building including the possibility of requiring a liability insurance policy to be acquired by e:?ch user. 2. Barbara Schmidt reported that shelters are being constructed for several park sites where no warming houses are located. 3. The Committee reviewed scheduling ballfields for the 1976 Summer season by the various athletic leagues. 4. Northview School Site. Because of the maintenance problems on the site, upon motion by Myrel Lundsten, seconded Rogar Martin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the city park employees accomplish the maintenance during the year 1976 and that Barbara Schmidt be authorized to pursue the maintenance issue. 5. Barbara Schmidt indicated that tennis leagues are being organized by residents and will be set up privately by groups within the city. GERBER HATTEBERG RESIGNATION. A letter from Gerber Hatteberg was read announ- cing his resignation for personal reasons and the chairman instructed the secretary to send a letter of thanks to Mr. Hatteberg for his long and dedicated years of service. METRO ENGINEERING 1973 CONTRACT. Paul Hauge reported that Lyle Clenienson of Metro Engineering had contacted him on March 11 indicating that Metro Eng. and Raze Nursery do not intend to comply with the request of the City that trees be replaced in several parks pursuant to the 1973 improvement park project. After discussion, -3- upon motion by Roszak, seconded Coates, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that the City Atty. be authorized to commence action against Metro Engineering to comply with the provisions of the contract. All members voted yes. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 10 :50 p.m. March 11, 1976