05/13/1976 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission5 -13 -76 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA May 13 1976 A regular meeting of the Eagan Park Committee was held on may 13, 1976 at the Eagan City Hall at 7.30 P.M. Those present were Lundsten, Beck, Coates, Brown, Cooper, Martin and Everson. Also present were Wachter, Schmidt and Hauge. MINUTES. Hyrel Lundsten opened the meeting in the absence of Dale Everson. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Beck, all members voting yes, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meting be approved. THOMAS BROWN NEW MEMBER. Tom Brown, a new member of the Park Committee, was welcomed to his first meeting. COUNCIL REVIEW. Barbara Schmidt reported that the Council has authorized the Park Committee to continue negotiations with the West St. Paul School District concerning Pilot Knob School area improvements. Further, Barbara Schmidt is soliciting bids for a new truck for the tree department. BLACKHAWK PARK. Ted Wachter indicated that he and Paul Hauge had met with Leo Murphy and Bill Sell at Blackhawk Park to investigate the claim that the property line surveyed by the Eagan Park System did not conform with the original East property line survey. Hr. Murphy will order a survey of his property to verify the allignment. OAK CEASE ADDITION. Paul Hauge reported that the lease with the developer and owner of the Oak Chase Addition covering the park lots West of Oak Chase Road had now been signed and would be submitted to the Council for approval. In addition he stated that he just received descriptions for the agreement covering dedication and will redraft the agreement for submission to the Council. METRO ENGINEERING 1973 PARK IMPROVEI4ENT PROJECT. Paul Hauge stated that he had discussed the tree problem with Eldon Hugelen, Lyle Clemenson of Metro Eng. and its attorney and it. appears that no compromise can be reached with Metro Eng. Metro Eng. has requested that Eagan continence an action so that Raze Nursery can be brought in as a third party. The Park Committee renewed its recommendation made at 5 -13 -76 its March meeting that the Council authorize legal action against the contractor. PILOT KNOB SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS. Barbara Schmidt indicated that she had met with the District #197 School Board of West St. Paul and discussed with them a joint Eagan and School Board construction project for the Pilot Knob School area. The participation would be done on approximately a 50 -50- basis. No action was taken by the School Board and further exploration will take place. SUMMER PROGRAMS. Barbara Schmidt stated that several alternatives are being studied including hiring a Recreation Supervisor or having 3 rather than 2 park assistants at each park. In addition there would possibly be a traveling person to cover all parks. She further mentioned that she has clerical help in the mornings in the office and that park programs are taking place at Cedar, Rahn, Woodhaven, and also at McKee and Burrview Parks on a part time basis each. USE OF PARKS FOR PARTIES. It was stated that Heine field had been used for large group of youths for party purposes creating strong objections from neipP -oring property owners. Further review of this issue will take place. PARK IMPROVEMENTS. There was a question as to whether there should be additional improvements in certain parks including aglime and the Recreation Committee was asked to look again at this issue. 1976 BASEBALL SOFTBALL SCHEDULE. The schedule was distributed and a short discussion concerning priority by athletic leagues over non- organized groups was discussed. DOG POLICY IN PARKS. Some complaints have been registered concerning running of dogs in parks and there was a suggestion for a change in the ordinance to pro- hibit dogs in neighborhood parks. It was noted that the Park Ordinance provides that no litter from animals shall be left in parks and the Police Department will be asked to enforce this to the best of their ability. MINI BIKES IN PARKS. A letter from a resident in Eagan requesting that mini bikes be permitted in certain locations in parks was reviewed and Barbara Schmidt -2- 5 -13 -76 was asked to answer the letter indicating that only designated trails, of which there are none at the present time, permit mini bikes and motor cycles. COVERED ICE RINK PROPOSAL. Ken Waisted appeared and reviewed with the Park Committee a proposal for an air filled domed stadium including hockey rink of 17,000 sq. feet with the entire building of 24,000 square feet. The bubble building would consist of teflon coated nylon and its approximate cost would be $77,000 for the dome with the base at an estimated $5,000 with lights installation costs and heaters, etc. extra. It was requested that specific costs figures be acquired including the estimate for maintenance costs and Mr. Waisted could then reappear before the Park Committee. Park Committee members indicated that they would not promote any alternate to the Civic Center at the present time because of the dramatic vote against the bond proposal. CIVIC CENTER BOND PROPOSAL. The Chairman thanked the committee members for the very diligent work and the great amount of time spent in promoting the civic center referendum. Park Committee members stated that they would not promote another civic center at the present time TREE MISERY. There was discussion concerning the possibility of establishing a tree nursery for distribution to residents as replacements for trees that are ordered to be removed from property. CROSS COUNTRY SKI TRAILS. Barbara Schmidt stated that cross country ski trails combined with hiking trails have been designated and that park maintenance people have laid out and cleared the trails in Blackhawk and Patrick Eagan parks. DATED: