06/10/1976 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGA1 ADVISORY PAM' COM14I1TE? EAGAN, MINNESOTA June 10, 1976 A regular Meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on June 10, 1976 at 7 :30 P.rc Those present were Lundsten, Thurston, Coates, Cooper, Beck, Martin and Brown. Also present were Barbara Schmidt and Paul Hauge. MINUTES. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. WILDERNESS RUN 6TH ADDITION. Arnold Carlson and Bob Tilsen appeared as developer: of Wilderness Run 6th Addition consisting of 96 lots on a 32 acre Parcel. Mr. Carlson indicated that Lot 11, Block 5, Wilderness Run 4th Addition is recommended to be dedicated to the City as pond with the exception of the Easterly 30 feet. Park Committee members discussed a possible trail along the North side of Carlson Lake and also discussed the problem of access to the park from the road on the East side of the lake. Mr. Carlson indicated he was willing to give a ponding ease went on the entire lake and that fill could be installed on the East side of the lake by the developers. It was further noted that Carlson Lake is 3 acres and that this was part of the 16 acres proposed dedication made at the time of 160 acre over- all Wilderness Run area intended for development several years ago but that the entire dedication for the 160 acres was not made at that time. RIVER HILLS 9TH ADDITION. Barbara Schmidt discussed the improvements that had been installed in the small park area of River Hills 9th Addition and indicated that they have not been approved by Eagan. There were some recommended changes in some of the improvements and the Development Committee will review the issue and the developers will appear at the next meeting if necessary. ASSOCIATED FAMILIES BLACKRAWK BILLS ADDITION. It was noted that Blackhawk Dills Second Addition plus an Outlot for potential townhouse development is now being -1- proposed and that the Council had recommended against the City accOptih the pond for park purposes. It was noted that no dedication for Dark purposes' had been made 6 -10-76 for either the 1st or 2nd Additions. Upon motion by Martin, seconded Zundsten, all members voted yes, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that the developers be required to pay cash for all of Blackhawk Hills including the 1st and 2nd Additions at the time of filing the final plat for the 2nd Addition. PILOT KNOB SCHOOL PARK. Barbara Schmidt indicated that the West St. Paul School Board offered to participate in two limited areas only for improvement to the park. It included the full cost of the walkway to the edge of the school property and one -half of the cost of grading for a hockey rink for a total of $3,000 They also requested that they be granted the right to oversee the project. It was noted that the total estimated cost of the path includes $8500 for the city and $2250 for the school property and also the hockey rink would cost $22,440. A change order was discussed for the pathway to an existing project, e.g. Wilderness Run Road and it was further suggested that the ballfield be moved and the present hockey rink be reconstructed in the existing location. Barb Schmidt will review and meet with the Development Committee. 1975 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Mrs. Schmidt gave a brief review concerning the current status of 1975 park improvements in miscellaneous parks. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT. Kathy Beck described the proposed equipment installation for Blackhawk Park totalling about $3100. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to approve the recommendation and to recommend that the improvement be ordered in and installed. RAHN PARK SOCCER FIELD. A request from Ken Waisted for improvements for a soccer field in Rahn Park was turned over to the Development Committee for review and recommendation. BUILDING USAGE POLICY. Carolyn Thurston reported on certain recommendations including fee deposit, liability and indemnification and rentals for various types of groups for the Rahn Activities building. Committee members generally approved the recommendations and they will be further formalized by Carolyn. -2- 6 -10-76 LAW -CON APPLICATION FOR NORTHVIEW SCHOOL. After discussion, upon motion by Coates, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, it was recommended that John Voss be authorized to resubmit the Law -Con application for Northview School and for Rahn Trail at an estimated cost of $250. 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION. The Park Committee discussed the possibility of using $250 from Park Committee funds to be donated for the Eagan 4th of July Celebration. No action was taken. It was noted that the City has contributed $500 toward the celebration. RAHN PARK SOCCER NETS. A request for soccer nets to be installed on the goals at Rahn Park was turned over to Barb Schmidt to investigate further and report back to the Park Committee. BLUE CROSS BALLFIELDS. It was noted that Blue Cross officials offered to permit the City to use the ballfield on the Blue Cross property and the City Council requested the Engineer to study the costs of grading and report back to the Council. No action was taken. PARK DEDICATION MEMORANDUMS. A request from Alyce Bolke that the Park Committee prepare a separate memorandum concerning the dedication of each park location to be submitted to the Council for review was discussed. Barbara Schmidt and Paul Hauge will follow through on this issue. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS. Paul Hauge reported on the progress of the following: a. Woodgate Additions Trail Easements. It was noted that the two Home Owners Associations in Woodgate Addition had requested additional information concerning plans for the proposed trails in the Woodgate Addition areas and because of the lack of specific information by the Park Committee, it was determined that further pursuit of the acquisition of trails would not be practical at the present time. b. Pilot Knob Heights Park. Paul Hauge reported that the developers of Pilot Knob Heights Additions have now dedicated all of the land and paid the delinquent taxes and assessments and that all deeds have now been recorded covering -3- 6 -10 -76 parks in Pilot Knob Heights Additions in the area of Fish Lake. c. Metro Engineering Lawsuit. It was noted that the action against Metro Engineering is progressing and that the Council had authorized that an action be commenced. DATED: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M.