02/10/1977 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission-1- 2-10-77 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARR COMMITTEE FAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 10, 1977 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committer; was held on February 10, 1977 at 7:30 PM. Those present were Myrel Lundsten, Chairman; Coates, Cooper, Martin, Thurston, Beck, I:oszak and Seurer. Chairman Lundsten welcomed Bob Seurer as a new member of the Eagan Park Committee. Also present were Barbara Schmidt aid Paul Hauge. E. sit SOr :CER PROGRAM. Gardner. Maier appeared as the Director of the CAA Soccer P:ogeam a±d discussed the requirements for soccer in the City of Eagan. Re Tj7er.l inn d rha+ a pit siblc 'Jammer soccer program as an alterp.F e to Fall soccer has been re .Zeeed eaid explained the needs for the coTing seecon Inclu.r.ag two more regulation sized fields with the longer term requ3rieg lighted fields, more fields, and upgrading of the facilities. It is expected that Auguet 22 will be the start of the 1977 season lasting to at least mid October. The Park Committee will review the boys, girls, and adults needs and the requests. Also the policy of the School Districts concerning their programs in the City of Eagan will be reviewed. MINUTES. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Thurston, all members voting in fever, it was RESOLVED that the January minutes be approved with the addition, however, that the December minutes should have shown that Neil Coates was present at the December meeting. EAGAN -v- METRO ENGINEERING AND RAZE NURSERY. The Chairman and Paul Hauge reviewed with the committee a proposal for settlement submitted by the attorney for Rase Nursery and ccmparitive figures laid out by Eldon Hugelen for purposes of cetLlin g the above action. Cooper moved and Martin seconded the motion, all members voting in favor, to authorize Eldon Hugelen and Barbara Schmidt to review and make recommendations to the City Council for purposes of settling the action and to include the recommendation that the contractor do the planting with Eagan supervising the planting of the trees. PROPOSED PARK LAND GIFT. The Chairman reviewed information from Hoerner Waldorf Corporation expressing an interest on their part in donating 10 acres of land as public park consisting of Lots 7 through 12, Blackhawk Acres, West of Blsckhawk Road and East of Highway #13. It was noted that there were outstanding assessments and taxes against the property and the matter was turned over to the Development Committee for review and further report. ORDINANCE NO. 49 PARK ORDINANCE. The Committee again reviewed in detail ce:rt: ic. pr visions of the proposed Ord. #49 Amendments and discussed the issue whether the ord {nonce ought to restrict use of school district land for park purplse3. It era„ suggested a jo4n.t powers agreement be entered i xto with the school d :L3tric :s 11 appropriate and a letter will be forwarded to each of the school districts and private property owners with a copy of the crdin ance requesting that each consider acquiescing in patrolling of school district property under the terms of Ordinance 1/49. In addition, the committee discussed Section 49.05 dealing with discrimination in parks and recommended some changes and further asked the City Atty. to contact the Human Rights Department and review the discrimination issues as suggested in the Ordinance. A provision prohibiting gambling in parks also will be inserted in the amended ordinance. FACILITY POLICY. A proposal for facility usage has been suggested and will be submitted to the Park Committee at a later meeting. SOUTH DELAWARE HILLS. The Committee again discussed the proposed South Delaware Hills plat on the Inver Grove Heights border and a recommendation in the form of a memo dated February 10, 1977 from Barbara Schmidt to the Park Committee was reviewed. It recommended additional land for active areas and that an easement be dedicated around the Eastern shore of the lake to the West of South Delaware Hills to connect with Burr Oak Park. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council the suggestions made in the memo of February 10, 1977 including the dedication of the easement to Burr Oak Park. -2- PLRI( SITE AND BOND FUND BUDGET. The Committee reviewed tlx: park site bond fund budget which indicated a balance of $383,734. I.n ado'• Ltinn, the members discussed proposed park construction projects throughout the city and the Development Committee was requested to review and further research with Barbara Schmidt the suggestions with a meeting to be herd on.March 3, 1977. ORGANIZATI0NLL BUSINESS. yrel Lund discussed with the Committee the possible changes of the committee structure and asked for further recommendations for pu �.:ieity for parks and park activities. P aQT KNOB ROAD TRAIL. Barbara Scht .dt reported on meetings held with Dakota County H .ghw y Ikpoi -.^x nt represcr tati.ir=:s concerning the ph cf a trail along Pilot Knob Road. The first phase could ii:clude a possible bicycle path from Yankee Doodle Road to H :igh =say #/494. Continued study will take place on this subject. 11:00 P.M. DATED: Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at approxiNately