03/10/1977 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionITAUTES OF A 1.3Z7GULAR .7'TF.TING OF TEE .TTNISORY EAGAN, 1: Uarch 10, 1977 A regular meeting of the EarTan Advisory Park Corrittee was held at 730 P.:!. at the City Hall on Parch 10, 1977. Those present were Chairperson Luneisten, Thursten, Coates, Cooper, Deck and Roszak. Also 7'resent was City Administrator Ton Ileges. Those nerbers absent were iartin Brown and Senrer. 7 1IJUTES. Upon motion by Coates seconded Cooper all members voting in favor, it was RLSOLVL that the minutes of the previous meeting, held on February 10, 1977, be aprroved as read. RLpon: FRO:i COUNCIL Ela!TIaG. City Administrator Tor Hedges reported that the City Council approved a utility trailor in the amount of $1000 for use in the Park Depart- ment at the rlarch 1, 1977 regular meeting and further that there was no additional action taken concerning the Park Advisory Committee by the City Council. CEDAR AVENUE TRAIL, The City Administrator reported that resolutions were sent by the Eagan City Council in support of the Cedar Avenue Trail Crossing to the retropolitan Council and the lannesota State Department of Transportation. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the remaining funds needed for the Cedar Avenue trail crossing will have to core from the Minnesota State Legislature. After further liscussion on the matter, and a motion by Roszak, seconded by Coates, the 2 3-10-77 City Aministrator was directef to write a letter to the area legislative representatives requesting their support toward legislation necessary to provide additional funding 7or the construction of the new Cedar Avenue trail crossing. NORTNVIET SCHOOL rpun cmIsTR. "Ir. Dave Bloxham appeared representing the Northview Elementary Ilature Center group and provider'_ the committee with a history of all development that has taken place since the nature center was oruanizee. He stated that the nature center is to be put and further explained activities such as providing snowshoes for children, tree planting, gardens and nany other activities at the nature center. Tir. Bloxhan presentel a nurher of slides to illustrate how the nature center was developed anC the type of activities that are being planned for use by the public in future years. Ir. Gardner hiller appeare with four members of the local 4-H organization and they presented a number of questions to Ur. Bloxhan regarding the center. :Ir. Dloxham thanked the Park Department for their cool in providing some materials for the nature center and also requested that the Park Committee consider a kuffer area between the city's park land and the Northview Elementary Nature Center when the city park land is developed in future years. SLBCOIUUTTEE3. Chairperson Lundsten recommended that the following subcommittees serve the Park Advisory Cormitte3 in 1977 and rembers were appointed as listed to each sub- cormittee. FI 1ALTCE John Roszak, Chairperson =yrel Lundsten DEVL LOP.`: El?T Neil Coates Tom Drown Kathy Peck yrel Lundsten Roger Martin 3 1a -77 RECPEATIO Faye Cooper Chairperson Carolyn Thursten John Roszak ADIJNISTnA.TIOA 1:;yrel Lundsten Carolyn Thursten veil Coates Chairperson Lurtlsten also acknowledged that Kathy Deck is also responsible for publicity concerning Advisory Park Committee action. PARX OPDINANNCE Discussion was continued regarding revisions in the park ordinance. After a continuec. dis- cussion and review of corrections and changes in the pro- poseu ordinance, the City Adr:ainistrator was directed to prepare a letter and send a copy of the ordinance to each school district which is located in the City of Eagan for their review. Chairperson Lundsten stated that final review and adoption of the ordinance would be scheduled for the next Park. Advisory Committee meeting pending review by each school district in the City of Eagan. !3CCARTiY PARK. Chairperson Lundsten reported that ap- proximately ten acres of land might be available for acquisi- tion which is abutting )1cCarthy Park. She stated that the acquisition of the additional acres for park laird purposes would allow the City to develop cross- country ski trails an other types of trails around the entire perimeter of iAcCarthy Lake. After a brief discussion on the natter, a motion by Coates, seconded by Thursten., all members voting in favor, City Attorney Hauge was directed to pursue ten additional acres 3-1-77 of lane abutting T.leCarthy Park and report back to the Park Advisory Corrittee with his findings. CITY OF PAGAN vs. IxTno ET:JCIIJEERI173. AND .7 NURSERY, II:C. Chairperson Lundsten statec7 that negotiations have continued in the case of the City of Fagan vs. Raze Nursery Inc. anc7 etro :,:ngineering on the trees that must be replanted in various city parks. She stated that the modifie.1 replace- ment list of trees to be provided by Raze Nursery Inc. has been agree,1 to, however, it was :!eternine'q that the reEaantins cost per tree is (21) or api:.roxiriately :,a,200, an issue that has not been settle-1 to date. Chairperson Lun:sten explained that 'etro Lngineering is willinl to provide approydmately $G03 in cash towards the replanting of the trees while Paze Nursery will provide appro111ately $125 worth of dirt and other raterials necessary for the replanting. The City 7Qministrator state (1 that "r. Hugelen of Urban Planning and Design will inspect the replanting an therefore the difference in the proposed settlement is approxirlately $47. After further liscussion on the matter it was agreed upon by the Par]: Avisory Committee that it was in the best interest of the City to accept the final offer that Raze Nursery and Vsetro Lngineering have presented to the City an further that the park crew would plant the trees with the inspection of Vugelen and in a'',1ition provide a maintenance program for each of the trees that are planted this summer. After further discussion on the natter ani in a motion by Thurston, secowled by Roszak, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVLD that the Park Advisory Connittee recomnend to the Eagan City 4 5 3- 10-77 Council that the City accept the offer of metro :ngineering to pay approximately "F ©G in cash toward the replanting of trees that were damaged in 1976, accept the offer of Haze Nursery to nrovic e $125 worth of dirt and other planting ;aterials, approve final inspection of the project by Hugelen of Urban Planning and Design and also that the trees -lust be available for pick up by the Eagan Park Departrr ~ent prior to rflay 1, 1977. PRAIRIE RESTORATION. !Ir. Ron Bowen appeared representing Prairie Restorations Inc. and gave a slide presentation on the various prairies that are located in the State of 21innesota and also illustrated how Eaoan souk? provie3.e for prairie restoration as a part of its Saark prograr_ within the co +m.unity r. Bowen specifically a jdresse the possibility of restoring the land around the perimeter of Thomas Lake back to original prairie land. After an informative presentation and. sore discussion by members of the Park Advisory Committee there was no formal action taken on the :-ratter, however. Chairperson Lundsten clic take the natter of prairie restoration for Thomas Lake under advisement. ^ILDERNtSS PARE II PAIN: DEDICATION. The City Administrator discussed the proposed .;:evelcYi.ment of 7i1e erness Park II explaining that the developer :Ir. Arnold Carlson: is not in agreement with the proposed trail connecting T scCarthy Park an Wilderness Run Road. He further explained that r Carlson objected to allowing a dedicat& park trail through an area between rear yeard lot lines stating that Fr. Carlson felt that the lots were not deep enough to accorzo.ate a trail 6 3-10-77 and also that the lots are not as sellable with the trail located in the rear of the lot, The City Administrator further explained that .'r. Carlson is acquirin? land for the development of Wilderness Park II Ad ition from flr. %'A Dunn and therefore the park dedication for Wilderness Park II should be considered in relationship to the total park dedication of the Lexington South P.U.D. He explainer' that Hr. Carlson aacl Mr. Dunn are proposing that the trail aftq- inalLy designed to connect to ncCarthy Park and. Pilderness Run Road as designed through the Wilderness Park II Audition be changed and determmined as a meandering flexible trail to abutt Lexington Avenue on a :r. Dunn's property and connect i cCarthy Park and T1ilclerness Rua. Road at that location. After a lengthy discussion on tea proposed trail and other park lands as proposed in the Lexington South P.U.D., it was recommended that the matter be continues at the next rzeeting and that Ur. Carlson be present to present the over all trail plan for further consideration. PROPOSED PARK LAND GIFT. The committee again discussed the nark land proposal presented by Horner Waldorf Corporation to give the City of Eagan ten acres of lanai as public park, consisting of Lots 7 through 12, Blackhawk Acres, west of tlackhawk Road and east of Highway 13. A report was given by Coates as to the findings of the Development Committee regarding the suitability of the described property as park land. He stated that the property is isolated from Trunk Highway 13 and has assessment liabilities of approximately 3 -10 -77 r13-16,000 against the property. Coates further state..: that a mall portion of the pro =erty was consieererl ,.ote atial Lark i.anc.i for active development. After further caiscussion on the ?ossible Dark ian F gift by the IT.orner "aldorf Cor ;oration the City mi iistrator was eiven Cir_ection by the Chair,:erson to a :»r.Todd To.3.ges, representative of Horner F'al orf Cor_eoration of the concerns that the Park A:'_visory Corz4 ^ittee has ;Prior to °:.aking any type of co: Fitment on a Clark lava rift such as whether the property can be feasibly cevelo _'ed who will bear the hic!1 cost of assessments and also the fact that by (evei this property it will landlock other Nro ;erty to ti.runk Highway 13 TrL I I: L PL?' ;,r Coates reported on the f ine inc; s o:` the Development Cor ittee regarding the proposed plat for the Heine t'roferty. I,e stated that sai' committee does not :eel the barn is suitable for use as a park building any: in aqdition because of the birth water level a trail aLuttin'r the Heine property aro uncb the pone is not desirable. %r. Coates further state: that the recommendation of the Developnent Committee is to allow for a trail easement access to the pons' to tie in with the Nunn property for future trail an a park larin dedication ane also that Heine be re- quiree. to pay the cash donation in lieu of land to the City of Lacan. After further discussion on the matter an in a motion by Leek, seconc ed by Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that it Le recopinended to the City Council that a nark donation in lieu of park lanes with provisions to alloy for trail easenent between Lots 6 7 DATED 3 3-10-77 and 7 be consijered as requirements for tha proposed Ueine Plat nark dedication. PARK Bon) PRIORITIES. A priority list was considered for the remaining park bonr: and the eldsting park site fun6s. Chairperson Lundsten specifically adCressec:i the recommendations of the AJministrative Committee which called for the funding of the Caponi easement in the amount of an'd also acquisition of appr=inately 10 acres of lanc 7. abutting licCarthy Park. She is also recommending that of the si nriorities listed under the park construction category tint five of those priorities be considered in 1977. The top five priorities are as followsgloTennis courts at Pilot Knob Park, 2. qahn nark lighted ball fields, 3. Development of Northview athletic field /1. Second set of tennis courts at Rahn Park, 5. Liahte tennis court at Woodhaven Park. After a discussion on each of the priorities as recommended by the Administrative Cornittee Chairperson Lunesten recommended that the City Planner review the priority list as staterl and report back with his findings at the next regular meeting. Upon motion duly made ani seconded- the meeting adjourned at 11_00 11.1.