07/14/1977 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE July 14, 1977 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park COM1 ttee was held at 7 :30 P.I. at the Eagan City Hall on July 14, 1977. Those members present were Chairperson Lundsten, Thursten, Coates, Martin, Beck, Brown and Roszak. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Park Director Barb Schmidt and City Engineer Bob Rosene and City Planner John Voss. Absent were Committee Members Hagen and Seurer. MINUTES. Upon motion by Roszak, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the June 30, 1977 minutes be approved as read. HILLTOP ESTATES. Mr. Rod Hardy representing Dunn and Curry appeared and presented a preliminary plat entitled "Hilltop Estates an 80 acre development which is planned for the northeast corner of the intersection of County Road 30 and 31. Mr. Hardy explained that if the preliminary plat is approved, the grading will start this fall. He explained that there are two storm water holding ponds located on the property proposed for development and it is anticipated that both ponds will be dedicated to the City for purposes of hold- ing storm water and also to be used as park land. Mr. Hardy then explained that Dunn and Curry is willing to deed a 30 foot primary trail throughout Hilltop Estates to supplement their park dedication requirements He further stated that if some of the irregular corners agound the small pond is not included in development that area would also be deeded over to the City for paw purposes. Mr. Hardy stated that the 2 7-14-77 entire area that is under consideration totals 81.3 acres and further that the average lot is estimated in size to be 16,000 square feet. Park Director Schmidt asked if the trail would be surfaced by the Developer once Hilltop Estates is platted and developed. Mr. Hardy explained that Dunn and Curry is not planning to surface the trail however does anticipate some grading and cleaning so the trail is ready to be surfaced by the City. Mr. Hardy explained that the large pond is approximately 7 acres and that the trail totals approximately 3,300 linear feet. Comments by Committee Members were directed specifically at the trail system and how it relates to Patrick Eagan Park as well as its signifi- cance as a primary trail in the City of Eagan. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Roszak, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, the preliminary plat entitled 'Hilltop Estates' was referred to the Development Committee and its administrative and consulting staff for review purposes. MALLARD PARK FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD ADDITIONS. Mr. Tom Tlillrnus appeared and presented preliminary plats entitled '$Mallard Park First, Second and Third Additions He stated that the three plats are proposed generally in that area north of the Woodgate Development area. Mr. Willmus• stated that the proposed Mallard Park Additions constitute a portion of the 200 acre tract he is planning to develop in the next 7 -14 -77 several years. He further explained that he would lke;to make a cash donation in lieu of park dedication at this time due to topographic reasons and then make a park land dedication on the flat land where future development is planned. Mr.Willmus explained that a future park land dedication could serve the entire development area The Park Committee Members stated that there is a 200 foot ease- ment from Northern States Power Company for the high voltage tension lines that cross Mr.Willmus property and it is possible a part of this property could be used as open space for park land purposes. Park Director Schmidt stated that City staff is making a study of these types of residen- tial developments to determine park dedication, however, it is anticipated that this report will not be completed until late summer or early fall. In a motion by Roszak, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, the proposed preliminary plats for Mallard Park First, Second and Third Additions was referred to the Development Committee and administrative and consulting staff for further review. PARK DEDICATION RESEARCH. Park Director Schmidt stated that the City staff is conducting a survey of several suburban communities in the metropolitan area concerning park dedication and after the information is compiled, the data will be pre- sented to the Park Committee. She stated that the research is directed specifically at the formula for park dedication and cash donation and how each is equitable for a community in consideration of park development. Committee Member Roszak 3 4 7 -14 -77 discussed the possibility of hiring an appraiser to determine land values which is an important factor and consideration in determining equitable cash donations in lieu of park dedication. He stated that an appraiser would relieve some of the burden of determining land value from the City staff and also provide a neutral objective expert for determining cash values for land dedication to the City Council. Roszak stated that it is possible that the appraiser could cost $100-$1000 depending upon the comprehensiveness of the study. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the approach of using an appraiser is good and should be considered as a part of the staff proposal in their study and research of park dedication. She further stated that she would like for the City staff to explore park dedication requirements as to how they are related to commercial development within the City. CHES MAR THIRD ADDITION. Park Director Schmidt reported that the preliminary plat for Ches Mar Third Addition was approved at the July 5, 1977 City Council meeting with the exception that consideration be given to relocating a trail which is designated by the Park Advisory Committee between Lots 19 and 20, Block 2, Ches ?lar Third Addition as proposed. City Administrator Hedges stated that buildable lots located adjacent to a county road require a 50 foot setback and because of the size of the lot the City Council felt the trail would be better located in the county road right -of -way therefore allowing a house to be set back further from Cliff Road. City Engineer Rosene stated that the trail is designated 5 7 -14 -77 to intersect with the location of the two reservoirs which are planned to the west of Ches Mar Third Addition. Therefore, the City Engineer further indicated that it is better planning to locate the trail in the Cliff Road right -of -way for planning purposes. CLIFF ROAD TRAIL. Park Director Schmidt reported that a meeting between the City staff and Dakota County Highway Dept. staff was held recently to discuss the feasibility of designing a 13 foot berm as a part of the road improvements planned by the county this year in the Woodgate area. She further stated that the City staff is recommending that the 13 foot berm be included with the construction plans so that a trail could be constructed adjacent to Cliff Road in future years. After further discussion on the matter, in a motion by Cooper, seconded Beck, all members voting in favor, action was taken to recommend that the Dakota County Highway Depart- ment include a 13 foot berm on the north side of Cliff Road as a part of their construction plan for the update and improve- ment of Cliff Road in the Woodgate area to allow for the future development of a trail along Cliff Road in that area. DONNYWOOD PARK. Chairperson Lundsten introduced the Donnywood Park issue by stating that all the development plans for Donnywood Park were reviewed and established as a part of the original plat approved in 1973. She further stated that Donnywood Park was intended to be a wildlife nature area and that two 6 -foot hard surfaced trails would be constructed to allow accessibility by the public into the 6 7 -14 -77 Donnywood Park area. Chairperson Lundsten explained that because there is some opposition to constructing one of the access trails leading directly into Donnywood Park, the matter was referred to the Development Committee and asked the committee chairman to give a report of their findings. Park Committee Member Coates stated that the Development Committee is recommending the following: 1. Six foot wide asphalt pathways should be installed on Outlots A and B according to the agreement made between the developer and the City Council as a condition of final plat approval. A. To provide clearly defined access to the City park land. R. To provide access to the land locked parcel adjacent to the park land. 2. The Park Committee should also add additional footage leading into the park area to the trail on Outlot A to prevent its ending abruptly at the rear lot line. 3. Fill should be provided by the developer in the low area in the southern portion of the park as originally agreed at the time of platting. A. To allow walking access to the natural area from one side of the park to the other. B. To provide better access to the park in the area adjacent to Outlot R. Mr. Ray Davis appeared and stated that he was in favor of the trails but questioned whether motorized vehicles are allowed on a six foot trail. Chairperson Lundsten explained that the trails are planned for pedestrian move- ment and non motorized vehicles and that motorized vehicles are excluded from use on the trails. Mr. Don Grant appeared and stated that he was in favor of constructing both trails 7 -14 -77 and also asked that the petition from the residepjs in By The Shores be read in full. Park Director Schmidt read the petition from the property owners who are located in By The Shores which basically states opposition to construction of a six foot bituminous trail on Outlot A. Mr. Grant explained that property owners who reside around Donnywood Park were in agreement with the platting of By The Shores if the City Council was agreeable to a six foot hard surface trail access from Quarry Court to Donnywood Park assuring property owners in the area access to Donnywood Park. He further stated that before the final plat for By The Shores was approved, the City Council agreed to constructing a hard surface pathway in Outlot A. City Engineer Rosene discussed the boundary line of Donnywood Park and explained that approximately 2 4% of the wetland area would be sacrificed if fill were allowed to be placed along Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, By The Shores plat. He further stated that the fill would be 0 3 feet in depth and would be excess dirt provided by the developer of By The Shores plat. Mx. Gordie Tierney questioned the water level of the pond and stated that the wetland does not soak away as rapidly as described by the City Engineer. He further stated that he is in opposition to a hard surface pathway on Outlot A. Mr. Tierney stated that he is supporting an alternate pathway through Outlot E which would make better access to the entire wetland and also LeMay Lake. Per. Joe Kellner appeared and stated that he was in support of a hard surface trail on Outlot A and also stated that the pond as described 7 8 7 -14 -77 fluctuates in depth quite regularly depending upon the amount of rain received each year. Park Committee Member Roszak asked the City Engineer to provide information on the desired water level for the pond and also whether the water will encroach the Tierney property if the fill is placed on the edge of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 of the plat as described. City Engineer Rosene stated that the wetland would remain at a more constant level if a storm water pipe were extended between the wetland and LeMay Lake. Mr. Ray Davis stated that he is anxious to have the pathway surfaced which is planned for Outlot B. He further stated that a surfaced walkway will allow a designated route for pedestrian and non motorized vehicles whereas presently, pedestrians and non motorized vehicles are crossing various areas of his property. Don Grant again spoke to the matter of the trail access and stated that access to Donnywood Park was the main issue at the time the plat was approved, therefore, again discussed his support of the hard surface pathways for Outlot A and Outlot B. Mr. Mark Johnhardt appeared and stated that people that are presently using the nature wildlife area are entering at an access point through Outlot E rather than Outlot A and questioned why a hard surface trail was proposed for Outlot A when the people are not using that access to Donnywood Park. Mr. Johnhzrc:t stated that he was in favor of the alternate pathway in Outlot E as opposed to a hard surface pathway on Outlot A. Jolly Sault appeared and was concerned about the variance procedure stating that Hr. Tancheff house 9 7 -14 -77 should not have been allowed to be constructed within two feet of a hard surface pathway. Mr. John Voss, City Planner, was called upon by Chairperson Lundsten to discuss the neighborhood park concept and how the entire development of By The Shores as well as adjoining developments relate to Donnywood Park. Mr. Don Sault appeared and stated that because the property is developed and the fact that Mr. Tancheff °s house was allowed to be built within two feet of the trail he feels that the hard surface pathway designated on Outlot A should not be allowed to be developed and the City should consider developing a hard surface pathway on Outlot E for access to Donnywood Park and LeMay Lake. He further stated that people will use the hard surface trail on Outlot E more than the trail that is planned for Outlot A. Mr. Frank Vukmonich appeared and stated that he is a professional ecologist and feels that a wildlife area as designated for Donnywood Park is not compatible to a play area and therefore feels that a hard surface pathway leading directly into Donnywood Park should not be ilowed. He further stated that the proposal as presented by the property owners in By The Shores designating Outlot E a:; a hard surface pathway is a better proposal for recreational use in the area. Park Director Schmidt stated that there is no maintenance proposed for Donnywood Park due to the fact that the park land has been determined as a minimal refuge area for wildlife nature purposes. Committee Member Roszak asked if it is essential 10 7- -14 -77 to hard surface a pathway and if so is blacktop the best alternative. City Engineer Rosene and Park Director Schmidt felt that a pathway should be surfaced and blacktop is the best alternative because of low maintenance. Committee Member Roszak also asked if funds are available to develop the residents proposal. Park Director Schmidt stated that there are no funds available to develop a hard surface path- way in Outlot E. Committee Member Martin questioned whether the fill is that necessary on a part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, By The Shores plat. City Engineer Rosene stated that if pedestrian movement is to be allowed around the wetland in Donnywood Park, it would be essential that the fill be placed in that corner of the wetland. Committee Member Beck stated that she is in favor of a hard surface pathway so pedestrians are given a designated access area. With there h.h i.rg no further discussion on the matter, Committee Member Roszak complimented the chair on conducting a.good hearing and in a notion by Brown, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor” ::ncolM_ er.:lation of the Development Committee to include the c 1icwing 1. Six foot wide asphalt pathway should be installed on OutI :ts A and B according to the agreement made between the 'lo veioper and the City Council as a condition of final plat approval. A. To provide clearly defined public access to the City park land. B. To provide access to the land locked parcel adjacent to the park land. 2. The Park Committee rlhcald also add additional footage leading into the park area to the trail on Outlot A to prevent its ending abruptly at the rear lot line. 1 7••14 -77 3. The fill should be provided by the developer in the low area and the southern portion of the park as originally agreed at-the time of platting. A. TO allow walking access through the natural area from 'one side of the park to the other. B. To provide better access to the park in the area adjacent to butlot E was given approval PARK CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PLANS. Mr. John Voss, City Planner,, appeared and discussed the park concept plans and cost estimates for the four parks that are scheduled for development in 1977-1978. He stated the four parks are Well Site Park, Northview Athletic Field, Pilot Knob Park and South Oaks Park. Mr. Voss reviewed in detail each of the concept plans for the four parks as stated and also the estimated cost of construction and in addition other expenses which in total are estimated as $183,400. He then reviewed the contract for preparation of plans and specifications and superv.r�r.n of construction for the City parks as stated and recommended that the City Attorney review the contr prior to approval by the City Council Park Director Schmidt stated that the Lei c it ,nro., program t s a grant ro,, -am which is to allow muni 1 ti.. _:G to receive 50% funding on the development of an ath U t"..c court consisting of two tennis courts in the St: t eL v _;.nresota. Park Director Schmidt reconmende r.pp ica.t on be filed with the State of Minnesota request.:.,. x 50 funding on the athletic court whih is proposd for Pilot Knob Park. Park Director Schmidt stated that funding from the State of Minnesota for an 7- •14 -•77 athletic court would reduce the financial commitment as proposed for park development as prepared by the City Planner. In a motion by Roszak, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, Park Director Schmidt was directed to apply for a grant that would participate up to 50% for the financing for an athletic court in the City of Eagan. City Planner Voss further stated that he would direct the engineering in the field as the four parks are developed in the next two years. After several questions on the contract a motion was introduced by Roszak, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor that a recommendation be made to the City Council approving the park concept plans and cost estimate for improving Well Site Park, Northview Athletic Field, Pilot Knob Park and South Oaks Park and that the proposed contract for the preparation of plans and specifications be approved so that bids can be let for construction of these four parks as soon as p- sible. PARK DED ;"�TION PF -SUDD VIDED LOTS. Park Directnr Schmidt stated tla'. t1,. City staff is examining the procedure which r 'ec lo! .s �vI ti',:Il�.3 a. �v :s w; a;,e .ir.;:. as a part of the park dedication an /x -a&i ennati•'•r: nol cy which is a part of the land ra e .F ^:�.:atjnns in the City. After further discussion d in r :c'::.z n s Rock, seconded by Coates, all members vo._ i t, f the City staff was directed to further review the -utter of p�rk dedication or Cwtnh donation fn::" ?;esu'Ie -,[r%ded lots P.9 a part of the overall 12 7 -14.77 park dedication research project. After motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at approximately 12 :00 P.M.