08/11/1977 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE AUGUST 11, 1977 A .regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7:30 P.M. at the Eagan Public Works Office on August 11, 1977. Those members present were Chairperson Lundsten, Thurston, Cooper, Coates, Martin, Beck, Roszak. Also present were City Administrator Thomas. Hedges, Park Director Barb Schmidt and City Planner, John Voss. Absent were Committee Members Hagen, Seurer, and Brown. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting was waived until August 18, 1977. There were three additions to the agenda: a report on the Summer Recreation Program and a review of Hilltop Estates were added to the Park Department Report and a Noise Impact Report was added to Old Business. WILLMUS PROPERTY. Considerable discussion was held regarding current and future park dedication for the Willmus Property. Upon motion by John Roszak, seconded by Neil Coates, the following agreement was approved by the Park Committee for recommendation to the City Council: 1. Park Dedication for Mallard 1st through 3rd Additions. A. Park dedication related to Mallard Park 1st through zp/3rd Addition��c��ppJn2assing 86.39 total acres shall be satisfiedy ,e dedication of a ponding area and minimum 100° wide easement generally along the NSF power line easement which traverses this property. The actual dedication shall be computed and any deficiencies in land shall be made up as herein after stated. B. The general location of the area to be dedicated shall be as illustrated on the attached map. (Exhibit A) August 11, 1977 C. Dedication of the trail and ponding area shall be done in the manner (deed or easement) prescribed by the City Attorney. D. Said dedication shall be completed prior to the issuance of any building permits for any lot in Mallard 1st through 3rd Additions. E. Outlot "A" as shown on the preliminary plat would not be dedicated or credited for park purposes except where the trail easement may cross said outlot. 2. Future Park Dedication. The remaining areas of the Wilimus property includes approximately 80 acres of residential land. The re quired dedication would be 10% of the gross residential area to be developed or approximately 8 acres plus or minus the difference between the required Mallard Park Dedication of 8.63 acres and the actual amount of land being dedicated at this time. Future park dedication will be subject to the current park dedi- cation requirements at the time the remaining property is platted. A. The developer shall be required to dedicate the remaining acreage to the City for public park use no later than September 1, 1979 or at such time as any additional areas (other than Mallard 1st through 3rd Additions) are platted whichever shall occur first. B. Said area shall be generally located as shown on attached Exhibit B The specific location, however, shall be determined at a later date after the developer has submitted more detailed develop- ment plans for this area and the City has had an opportunity to review these plans. C. Said area shall be suitable for construction of active recreational uses such as a ballfield, tennis court, open skating, hockey and play areas. Said park area shall also have suitable access to a public street. D. The developer shall be required to replace and respread any topsiol that has been removed from any area dedicated for park use. E. This requirement shall be included in the Planned Development Agreement between the City and the property owner in addition to the normal require- ments included in such as Agreement. 2 3 August 11, 1977 PARK DEDICATION POLICIES. Ken Damlo discussed information he has compiled regarding park dedication policies in other communities. It was noted that some communities have their own appraiser and bill the charge to the developer. It was also noted that most communities have commercial and industrial dedication. In Eagan this could perhaps be accomplished when properties are replatted. Jim Frisbee expressed his interest at having the burden of park dedication shared more equitably with business and industry. Ken will prepare a summary of the information and the matter will be discussed again at a future meeting. SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM. A report on the summer activities was reviewed. It was suggested that costs be compared with other communities and that attendance be compared with last year! figures. Park Director Schmidt will have further information compiled and will report back at a future meeting. OAK CHASE PARK DEDICATION. Mr. James Frisbee appeared and requested that the City consider various alternatives to the park land dedication plan for the Oak Chase development area to solve a driveway safety problem on Arnold Carlson's property. Pair. Frisbee also requested that the City pay the assessments against Lot 4, Block 7, Oak Chase 1st Addition. The Park Director stated that the Park Advisory Committee does not resolve assess- ment questions and that the matter would have to be presented to the City Council for consideration. There were several park August 11, 1977 plans discussed including no change of the proposed park dedication, the sale of certain parcels of park land and in addition to trade some park land to resolve the Oak Chase park land dedication requirement. Mr. Frisbee also stated that he has split a parcel approximately 50 feet by 100 feet for a widening of the trail from Lot 5, Block 2, Oak Chase Third Addition and has the necessary paper work ready to turn over to the City Attorney. He mentioned that he has contracts on all lots to be dedicated for park purposes and that said dedication should be completed by the end of the year. After further discussion on the matter, and in a motion by Roszak, seconded by Coates, the following motion was introduced to authorize the City staff to negotiate the sale; 75 feet by 170 feet of Lot 6, a 20 foot wide driveway extension on Lot 6 and part of Lot 5, plus a tree covered triangular section on Lot 5, all Block 7, Oak Chase 1st Addition. The motion failed on a five to two vote. After further consideration of the park land dedi- cation, a motion was introduced by Roszak, seconded by Coates, all members voting in favor that proposed park land presently owned by the developer of Oak Chase, Mr. James Frisbee, described as 75 feet by 170 feet, which includes part of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Oak Chase 1st Addition be sold to Mr. Arnold Carlson for purposes of constructing a new driveway and that further, the money received from the sale of said property would then be given to the City of Eagan by the developer. It was emphasized that a change in the proposed park dedication was being considered for safety reasons. August 11, 1977 There was considerable discussion regarding an east /west easement from Lot 6 to Lot 5, Block 7, Oak Chase 1st Addition. After further discussion on the matter, in a motion by Roszak, seconded by Martin, all members voting in favor, approval was given for a 20 foot east -west easement from Lot 6 to Lot 5, Block 7, Oak Chase 1st Addition to allow access to Lot 5 Block 7, Oak Chase 1st Addition and in addition, to negotiate with the developer, Mr. Frisbee, to enter into a contract for sale of said property. After further discussion of the park land dedica- tion proposal by Mr. Frisbee and in a motion by Beck, seconded Thursten, four members voting aye, two members naye, and an absten- tion from Committee Member Martin, action was taken to recommend that the triangular piece of land located on Lot 5, Block 7, Oak Chase 1st Addition was to be retained as a part of the future park land dedication. EAGAN HILLS ADDITION. Mr. Dale Runkle, City Planner, presented a staff proposal for consideration of park dedication for the Eagan Hills preliminary plat. 1r. Runkle stated that the terrain is such for the Eagan Hills development area that it is not feasible to develop park land as a part of the neighborhood park concept for the Eagan Hills area. Mr. Runkle stated that the developer is agreeable to developing various trails 4,n the proposed subdivision that could serve as primary collector trails carrying pedestrian movement from Pilot Knob Road to McCarthy Park. There was no further discussion on the matter, however, the City staff was directed by Chairperson Lundsten to give further review to the park dedication requirements for the Eagan Hills plat as proposed and report back to the Park Advisory Committee. 5 August 11 1977 City Administrator Tom Hedges reported that a meeting will be held with the Public Works Committee of the Council regarding equipment purchases and that the Northview purchase agreement and road easement are in process. DONNYWOOD. Park Director Schmidt reported that the location of the pathway on Outlot A in Donnywood Addition has been agreed upon by the affected property owners. The Council was polled regarding possible compromises and the final agreement is as followsA The pathway will be located 1 foot south of the north edge of the Outlot, and will be 4 feet in width and therefore will be 5 feet from the south edge of the Outlot and 7 feet from John Tancheff's house. Park Director Schmidt noted that a letter to this effect has been written to Cadence Corporation and work on the pathways is in process. CAA APPRECIATION CERTIFICATE. Park Director Schmidt also reported that the Eagan Park Committee, Park Director and the Park Department staff have been awarded certificates of appreciation by the Cedar Athletic Association for outstanding support given to their baseball softball program and the July 4th Junior Olympics. The Park Committee expressed appreciation to the Cedar Athletic Association for their favorable comments. NOISE POLLUTION. Neil Coates commented briefly on state laws already in existance regarding noise pollution and informed the committee that he will continue to research the problem. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. DATED: 6 r. ..,w CYFI'x� w.6gMt 4 •i f�Jx: iriti i►� 44. 11 OWNS I V& XL k ill 314 144 P'94 1117ivtl f tt w 1...■■•• LJ r.� 4') EST /4 COR OF SEC 28 crr,mreIt-vcr