09/08/1977 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE September 8, 1977 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7.30 P.M. at the Eagan City Hall on September 8, 1977. Those members present were Chairperson Lundsten, Beck, Thursten, Cooper, Roszak and Hagen. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Park Director Barb Schmidt and Zoning Aid Dale Runkle. Absent were Committee Members Coates, Martin and Brown. Approval of the minutes of the previous regular meeting, held on August 11, 1977, and a special Park Advisory Committee Meeting held on August 18, 1977, were approved. DELAWARE ESTATES. Mr. Dick Parranto appeared and presented his preliminary plat entitled "Delaware Estates'', which includes dedication of open space and a walkway leading to that portion of his development which is in Inver Grove Heights. There were some questions relating to the level of two ponds. It was stated that the park dedication must include 20 feet above the high water line as determined by the City Engineer. Park Committee members questioned whether the open space was useable as park land instead of a ponding area. Mr. Parranto also discussed an outlot which is included in the proposed plat as a buffer zone to the presently zoned industrial park area. Chairperson Lundsten stated that active park land is necessary with the number of single family and two family homes planned for the area. She was also concerned about the City of Inver Grove Heights plans for park land development for their portion of the overall housing development as proposed by Mr. Dick Parranto. Park Director Schmidt stated that Delaware Estates as proposed in the City of Eagan is not conducive to 1 9-8-77 active park land and further that there are lots in the Inver Grove Heights plat that are more beneficial for active and useable park land. Committee Member Roszak stated that the Cities of Eagan and Inver Grove Heights should jointly consider the development of an active park for the South Delaware Hills and Delaware Estates plats which is possible by means of a Joint Powers Agreement between the two communities. The developer, Mr. Dick Parrantop stated that he had informed Inver Grove Heights that if active park land is accepted, he would purchase the necessary park equipment for that park development. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the Cities of Eagan and Inver Grove Heights should discuss the active park concept and due to the rough topography in the City of Eagan, it is hopeful that Inver Grove Heights will dedicate land at the time of final platting for active park land to be used by both communities in future years. After further discussion on the proposed park land dedication for Delaware Hills, a motion was introduced by John Roszak, seconded by Kathy Beck all members voting in favor that the park land dedication for Delaware Estates be accepted with the following considerations 1. Park land is to be established at least 20 feet above the high water level around the pond as indicated on the map identified as preliminary plat, Delaware Estates. 2. The park dedication acceptance is subject to staff review of future platting of land and zoning to the south of the proposed development. 3. The staff is to contact representatives of the City of Inver Grove Heights to urge them to consider land dedication for active park use as proposed by the developer. 4. The final dedication is subject to meeting all park land dedication requirements per City policy. 2 9 -3 -77 DUCKWOOD ESTATES PLAT. Mr. John Klein, representing Mr. Ken Applebaum, presented the intended land use and plans for the proposed development of Duckwood Estates. He stated that 8.07 acres of land was dedicated by the original land owner which satisfies the park land dedication requirements for Duckwood Estates, which is approxi- mately 37 acres of an 80 acre parcel. He stated that the developer would like to rename the lake from O'Leary Lake to Duck =.'ood Lake for identification purposes. Committee Member Roszak asked if the previous developer ever platted or deeded the property which is now proposed as Duckwood Estates. Mr. John Klein stated that the property was deeded, a final plat was approved, however, the final plat was never recorded. He further stated that when the property was rezoned, the park land dedication was approved. Park Director Schmidt stated that a final plat was never approved for that development, so there is a question regarding the old 10% dedication requirement as opposed to the present park land dedication policy. She further stated that under the new policy and regulations there is a joint ponding dedi- cation policy which would require more park land dedication than the old park land dedication policy. Park Director Schmidt stated that there is a definite question as to which policy is to be used for the purposes of determining park land dedication for Duckwood Estates and that the City Attorney is researching this matter for the Park Committee and City Council. Zoning Aid Runkle stated that of the 8.07 acres, approximately 2.9 acres is wetland. Park Director Schmidt stated that park dedication policy and easement requirements for Duckwood Estates must be resolved before park dedication is finalized. In a motion by John Roszak, seconded Fay Cooper, all members voting in favor, the matter of park land dedication for Duckwood Estates was 3 9 -8 -77 referred to the Development Committee and City Attorney Hauge was directed to research whether the present park dedication policy is in effect or if the 8.7 acres of park land as dedicated with the original plat is acceptable as park land dedication, and furthermore, that the City staff contact and coordinate the park land dedication with IDS Properties in an attempt to study the entire neighborhood park use concept for the development area. PARK DEDICATION POLICY. Park Director Schmidt discussed the procedure of how a comprehensive park land dedication policy can be handled to satisfy residential, commercial and industrial development as well as raw land value, development of trails and other related items. Committee Member Roszak stated that a special meeting should be set to review the goals and objectives and outline park dedication policies for consideration by the Park Committee. He stated that the Committee is more effective if time restrictions were placed on the meeting and recommended three hours for the purpose of reviewing a park dedication policy. Chairperson Lundsten stated that September 30 is an acceptable date for review and that all members of the staff should be present for the review process. In a motion by John Roszak, seconded by Norm Hagen, all members voting in favor, a special meeting was set for September 30, 1977 at which time three hours would be allowed by the Park Committee to review the goals and objectives and outline a park dedication policy to include all residential, commercial and industrial development in the City of Eagan. OAK CHASE PARK. Park Director Schmidt reported that Jim Frisbee, the developer of Oak Chase, had not responded to the latest efforts by City staff to determine a fair and equitable approach to resolve 4 the park dedication for that development area. Roszak stated that the sale price of park land at a fair market value and further, since the staff was directed to negotiate with the developer to resolve the entire park land proposal for Oak Chase, there should be no further discussion until the staff presents their findings to the Park Advisory Committee. EAGAN HILLS PRELIMINARY PLAT. Park Director Schmidt and Zoning Aid Runkle presented a proposed trail system specifications and design for the preliminary plat entitled °'Eagan Hills". The City Administrator stated that there was some concern regarding open active park land for that development area by the City Council. He further stated that the City Council was also concerned about the purpose of a trail in the Eagan Hills Development. Park Director Schmidt explained that the trail is intended to provide a pedestrian link between Pilot Knob Road and McCarthy Park and therefore carries more significance as a primary trail than an interior trail. There was considerable discussion regarding the designation of trails in lieu of cash donation or park dedication for passive or active park land. Park Director Schmidt read the.park policy and stated that according to the policy, it is possible to dedicate trails as park land in new developments. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Lunclsten, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, the following resolution was offered: WHEREAS, the Park Committee wishes to encourage trails within developments linking park facilities and other points of interest in Eagan; and, 5 9 -8 -77 Committee Member should be considered 9 -8 -77 WHEREAS, in the judgement of the Park Committee, the Eagan Hills Development does not encompass land suitable for active park purposes due to its topography and its proximity to Patrick Eagan Park; and, WHEREAS, public access from Patrick Eagan Park through the Eagan Hills development to a proposed future regional trail on Pilot Knob Road would be a desirable element in an overall trail plan? and, WHEREAS, provisions for giving park dedication credit to developers who dedicate and install such trails do exist in our present park- ponding policy? and, WHEREAS, successful installation and utilization of a trail throughout a neighborhood could establish a precedent which would encourage more such development. THEREFORE, the Eagan Park Committee recommends that park dedication for Eagan Hills be satisfied by the dedi- cation of land, water and trail as shown on the attached Exhibit A and the installation by the developer of the trail according to the following requirements 1. Trail Specification 6 ft. wide 2'" asphalt on IF base. 2. Adjacent to Pond: Trail on a bench at least 1 ft. above high water elevation as estimated by City Engineer. 3. Dedication of Trail and Pond. Fee title or ease- ment as deemed appropriate by City Attorney. These dedi- cations shall be at time of final platting. 4. Location of Trail: As shown on exhibit "A within the development extentanng west to Pilot Knob Road South to County Road 30. 5. Trail Dedication: As shown except for additional area adjacent to pond and County Road 30 dedicated for access to pond. 6. Construction of Trail: To be constructed by developer at his sole cost with supervision of construction by City staff. Trail to be completed no later than speci- fied date 11 -•1 -79 or at such time as building permits have been issued for 50 homes, whichever shall occur first. 6 9 -8 -77 STADIUM PROPOSAL. There was a brief discussion by the Committee regarding the philosophy of whether the City should consider a municipal park near regional facilities such as a metropolitan sports facility. In addition, there was some discussion pertaining to a policy for cash donation in relation to metro development of regional facilities. No action was taken on the matter. The meeting was adjourned. DATED: 7