10/13/1977 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE October 13; 1977 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7:30 P.M. at the Eagan City Hall on October 13, 1977. Those members present were Chairperson Lundsten, Beck, Cooper, Thursten, Coates, Martin, Brown and Roszak (who appeared at the meeting at approximately 10 15 P.M.). Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Park Director Barb Schmidt and Zoning Aid Dale Runkle. Absent was Committee Member Hagen. Minutes of the previous regular meeting held on September 8, 1977 was approved. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS. The City Administrator reported that action was taken by the Eagan City Council to hire a CETA employee, Mr. Don Weckop, as a permanent member of the Park Department mainten- ance crew. He also stated that the Park Director was authorized to prepare a grant application to the State Department of Natural Resources for maintenance funds for the City's existing cross country ski trails. The City Administrator stated that the proposed improve- ments of Cliff Road from Blackhawk Road on Cliff Road to a point east of the intersection from Johnny Cake Ridge Road were again discussed by the Dakota County Highway Engineer at the last City Council meeting. According to the City Administrator, the Dakota County Highway Engineer approached the City Council to consider eliminating the right -of -way for an eight foot trail on the south side of the road, and also the median except for the Otersection of Johnny Cake Ridge Road that was planned for the improvement of Cliff Road. The Park 13- a13 -77 Committee addressed the trails on the north side and the south side as planned for Cliff Road and after considerable discussion on the matter, and in a motion by Beck, seconded by Coates, and unanimously approved, the following resolution was offereth WHEREAS, the Eagan Advisory Park Committee has supported the construction of an eivhi- south and north side of Cliff Road from the intersection of Blackhawk Road to the intersection of Johnny Cake Ridge Road; and, WHEREAS, long range planning of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee proposes that trails be constructed on the north and south side of Cliff Road due to the fact that Cliff Road is planned as a major thoroughfare through the City of Eagan; and, WHEREAS, trails were planned on both sides of Cliff Road to serve local neighborhood densities and the regional aspects of the Minnesota Zoological Gardens and Dakota County Holland Jenben Park with a recreational trail; and WHEREAS, the Advisory Park Committee has maintained a policy to develop trails on county roads and major thoroughfares which is consistent with the planning of trails on the north And south side of Cliff Road; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Eagan Advisory Park Committee recommends that the Eagan City Council consider acquiring the proper right -of -way on the north and south side of Cliff Road to allow for the future construction of an eight foot recreation trail. PROPOSED PARK GRANTS. Park Director Schmidt reported on three grant pre applications which have been prepared and submitted to the State Planning Agency. She reviewed the grant proposals for two additional tennis courts at Rahn Park, a trail under the NSP power line easement, and the acquisition of approximately 34 acres of park land as an addition to existing Patrick Eagan Park. An indication of Eagan s ranking on the first two proposals is expected in mid November and on the third in late December. 2 10 -13 -77 PILOT KNOB PARK. Park Director Schmidt reported that a letter was received from the Timberline Civic Association complimenting the Advisory Park Committee and the Eagan City Council on the improvements planned for Pilot Knob Park. Park Director Schmidt stated that though the Timberline Civic Association does agree generally with the improvements to Pilot Knob Park, there is some disagreement with the flood lighting that is proposed for the tennis courts. She stated the Timberline Civic Association does not desire flood lighting to be included in the plans for the tennis courts. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the letter in the matter of flood lighting for the tennis courts proposed at Pilot Knob Park would be further reviewed by the Development Committee. RECREATION REPORT. Dorothy Peterson, Park Department Recreation Coordinator, presented a recreation report that included a cost comparison of summer programs that were implemented in other communi- ties and also plans for a teen center at the Rahn Park Building. She also advised the Advisory Park Committee on several other recreation programs which are due to begin in recent months. DUCKWOOD ESTATES. Mr. John Klein appeared representing Ken Applebaum and presented the preliminary plat entitled, "Duckwood Estates' for review by the Advisory Park Committee. Mr. Klein discussed changing the name of the lake on the property from O'Leary Lake to Duckwood Lake. Mr. Klein also stated that a 15 foot walk- way access is proposed between Lots 22 and 23, Block 1 and a 30 foot walkway easement is proposed behind Lot 24, Block 1 to provide access to "Duckwood Lake'. Mr. Klein stated that the original 3 10- 13 -77 developer of the land abutting Duckwood Lake was in agreement to dedicate a walkway easement from the eight acre park land dedication to the north end of Duckwood Lake. Committee Member Coates stated that the walkways are contiguous to the trail program. therefore was in favor of the proposed walkway dedication. In a motion by Coates, seconded by Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was recommended to the City Council that the 15 foot walkway access between Lots 22 and 23, Block 1, and the 30 foot walkway easement behind Lot 24 to Duckwood Lake be approved subject to the staff and developer working out the final alignment between the lots and rear lot line. It was noted that the park planning map should show designation of the additional link needed to have access around the north end of the lake so that it would be required for dedication when that property develops. WILDERNESS PARK THIRD ADDITION. Mr. Arnold Carlson appeared and presented the preliminary plat for Wilderness Park Third Addition for review by the Advisory Park Committee. He stated that the pro- posed development is abutting Wilderness Park Second Addition and the proposed park land dedication for the Lexington South Planned Unit Development. Mr. Carlson explained that the Wilderness Park Third Addition plat is not a part of the PUD but due to the fact the development is only 10 lots and does abut the park land proposed as a part of the Lexington South PUD, he requested that a cash donation for park land dedication be approved for the development. After a brief discussion on the matter, and in a motion by Martin, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, it was recommended to the City Council that a cash donation be accepted for park land dedication for Wilderness Park Third Addition. 4 10 -13 -77 OAK CHASE PARK LAND DEDICATION. Chairperson Lundsten requested staff presentation on the question presented by Mr. Jim Frisbee, developer of Oak Chase, as to whether the City is in agreement to pick up the assessments on Lot 3, Block 7, Oak Chase Addition, which is the only remaining lot that is entirely proposed for park land dedication. Park Director Schmidt stated that the park land dedica- tion proposed for the Oak Chase Addition was delayed several years at the request of the developer, Mr. Jim Frisbee. The staff stated that the proposed Oak Chase Park is a very unusual park in respect to its large amount of road frontage. As stated by Park Director Schmidt, since the Oak Chase Park land was not dedicated at the time of final platting, Mr. Frisbee, the developer, became responsible for all the road assessments. The staff referred to the policy on assessments for park lands which reads "when park land is dedicated as a part of a residential development, the developer shall be responsible for payment of all assessments against the land existing at the time of dedication. When new assessments are incurred upon park land owned by the City, the cost of these assessments will be born by the General Fund in the case of community parks and will be spread over the normal assessment area in the case of neighborhood parks or walkways." Park Director Schmidt stated that, had Mr. Frisbee dedicated the park land, a majority of the assessments that are pending would have been the responsibility of the City of Eagan, however, since the park land has not been dedicated by the developer, the developer is responsible for payment of all the assessments against the park land. Far. Frisbee appeared and stated that he is 5 10-13-77 willing to handle the assessments on all lots which are to be split, but asked that the City of Eagan pick up the assessments on Lot 3, Block 7, Oak Chase Addition, the only remaining lot which is proposed for park land dedication in its entirety. Park Director Schmidt stated that the recommendation of the staff is that the City of Eagan pick up the assessments. for water and sewer and the collector streets, because of the length of the road and the way in which the proposed park land was laid out. There was considerable discussion amongst the Advisory Park Committee Members as to whether all the unpaid assessments and delinquent assessments against Lot 3, Block 7, Oak Chase Addition, should be paid in full by the City of Eagan. It was generally agreed upon by the Advisory Park Committee that the assessments levied against Lot 3, Block 7, constitutes an inequity as Mr. Frisbee has indicated in recent correspondence with the City. After additional discussion on the matter, a motion was introduced by Martin, seconded by Brown, that the unpaid assessments and delinquent assessments levied as a matter of record against Lot 3, Block 7, Oak Chase Addition, be paid in full by the City of Eagan because of the total amount of assessments paid by the developer to date on the proposed park land, timing of the dedication, and location of the park in relationship to Wilderness Run Road, a major collector road, and in addition that the developer agrees to dedicate all park land for the Oak Chase Addition by January 1, 1978. There were four committee members voting aye and four committee members voting nay, therefore the motion was defeated. After further discussion and consideration on the matter, a motion was introduced by Thursten, seconded by Lundsten, that the unpaid assessments and delinquent 6 10- 13-77 assessments for water and sewer laterals and street improvements be paid by the City of Eagan because of the amount of the assessments paid by the developer, timing of the dedication and location of the park land in relationship to Wilderness Run Road, a major collector street and further that the developer agrees to dedicate all park land for the Oak Chase Park by January 1, 1978. Voting in favor of the motion was Coates, Lundsten, Thursten and Beck. All members voting against the motion was Brown, Cooper, Martin and Roszak. The motion was defeated. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the Park Committee is attempting to resolve the inequity question of the assessments that were levied against Lot 4, Block 7, Oak Chase Addition at the request of the City Council, however, both motions were defeated and therefore requested further consideration by the Advisory Park Committee. The following resolution made by John Roszak and seconded by Tom Brown, was unanimously approved. WHEREAS, a unique circumstance involving park dedication for Oak Chase Addition has occurred, involving timing of dedication, the lineal nature of the park and alleged inequities in the park dedication formula° and WHEREAS, as the developer has requested certain considerations regarding payment of assessments on Lot 4, Block 7, Oak Chase 1st Addition NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Eagan Advisory Park Committee recommend that the City pay appropriate assessments as determined by the Assessment Committee in accordance with City policy and ordinances to remove these inequities. DRIVEWAY RELOCATION ARNOLD CARLSON. Park Director Schmidt reported that the City staff has examined the question of setting a dollar amount on land proposed to be eliminated from the proposed Oak Chase Addition park land dedication. She stated that the staff feels that a cash value would have to be based on unimproved land as determined by the Minnesota State statutes pertaining to park 7 10 -13 -77 to park land dedication. She further stated that since the park land dedication has not been finalized with the City of Eagan, the City is not selling land, but accepting cash in lieu of land for a portion of the previously agreed upon dedication. Suggested calcu- lation for the parcels in question are based on $5,000 per acre, a figure which is substantiated by recent appraisals on the proposed Northview park land purchase by the City of Eagan which is currently in process. Dale Runkle, Zoning Aid, stated that the three parcels that are in question were calculated as follows 1. Carlson driveway relocation 75' x 175' .292 acres or $1,460. 2. Driveway to Lot 5, Block 7 20° x 139' plus a portion of Lot 5= .0675 acres or $342. 3. Triangle of trees is .225 acres or $1,130. Mr. Arnold Carlson appeared and stated that he is suggesting that he purchase the triangular lot to accomodate the developer, J1r. Frisbee. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the triangular lot, or .225 acres of proposed park land, has not been recommended to be deleted from the park dedication primarily because the lot is needed as a buffer between the proposed park land and residential lot development proposed by the developer of Oak Chase, Mr. Jim Frisbee. She further stated that the Park Committee feels that the City should not allow property that is proposed for park land dedication to be sold for development purposes. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the Advisory Park Committee is in agreement that the City accept cash in lieu of park dedication to allow I>r. Carlson to relocate his driveway for safety purposes. She also stated that the Park Advisory Committee is agreeable to accepting a cash donation instead of park land dedication for the driveway to Lot 5, Block 7, to allow access to that property by the developer, Mr. Jim Frisbee. 8 10-13-77 Mr. Ed Meisinger, attorney at law, appeared representing Mr. Arnold Carlson and stated that he is not in agreement with the cash value determination per acre of $5,,000. He stated that the property in question is located under a power line and adjacent to land which abuts a pond which is not buildable unless the City is willing to accept cash donation in lieu of park land dedication. He further stated that by allowing a cash donation for the land in question, one more lot can be developed which provides additional tax revenue to the City of Eagan. The City Administrator stated that the City staff has negotiated with the developer, Jir. Jim Frisbee, on the possibility of trading the south 100 feet of Lot 6, Oak Chase 1st Addition and the east 200 feet of Lot 2, Block 2, Oak Chase 3rd Addition for the northwest portion of Lot 5 and the west portion of Lot 6, however, the developer was not in agreement to considering this alternative as offered by the Advisory Park Committee. Park Committee Member Roszak stated that the Advisory Park Committee is requesting a cash dedication for the loss of park land and that Minnesota State Statute Section 462.358, Subdivision 2, clearly indicates that a subdivider must contribute an equivalent amount in cash based on the fair market value of the undeveloped land if park land is not dedicated for park purposes. The Park Committee is willing to recommend that the City accept a cash donation for the driveway relocation and driveway to Lot 5, Block 7, in the amount of $1,802, in accordance with their original motion on this matter at the August 11, 1977 Park Committee meeting, however, there was no reconsideration of the Park Committee's recommendation not to release the triangle of trees. 9 10-13-77 EAGAN HILLS. Zoning Aid Runkle brought the Advisory Park Committee up to date on the progress of the proposed park dedication for the Eagan Hills development which was delayed to allow processing of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet. Mr. Runkle stated that an EAW may be required for the Eagan Hills development and therefore it was recommended that the matter of park dedication be held over until the next meeting. PARK DEDICATION POLICY. Chairperson Lundsten reported on the first park dedication work study session that was held by the Advisory Park Committee on September 28, 1977. She stated that the City consultants were present and it became apparent after dicussing present policy that many aspects of the present policy and process need to be clarified and coordinated. She further reported that the next meeting to discuss the park dedication policy is to be held at 70O P.M. on October 26, 1977. TRAIL COMMITTEE. Park Director Schmidt requested that members of the Trail Committee each take a specific trail use and attempt to designate destinations and routes on separate maps. She stated that once the trails are mapped out by members of the committee, a Trail Committee meeting should be held to begin work on the trail master plan for the City of Eagan. COMMUNITY SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL APPOINTMENT. Park Director Schmidt stated that a letter was received from the Community Education Director of School District 191 who is requesting reappointment of Carolyn Thursten to represent the City of Eagan as a member of the Community Education Advisory Committee. Park Director Schmidt stated 10 10 -13 -77 that the School District 197 is also asking for an appointment from the Advisory Park Committee on their Community Education Advisory Committee. Committee Member Brown stated he is willing to serve as the City of Eagan's representative on the Community Education Advisory Council of School District 197. ORGANIZATION AND DISCUSSION. Chairperson Lundsten stated that she is concerned about lateness of the Park Committee meetings and that recent meetings have not adjourned until approximately 12 °00 or later. Park Committee Member Roszak stated that all informative matters that are reports from the City Council or other types of reports be presented as memorandums for review by the Park Advisory Committee as a part of the packet instead of as appearing as a formal agenda item. He also suggested that a checklist be prepared for developers which would include all information regardins petitions and also directing developers to revew the proposed development with the Development Committee. After review by the Development Committee a resolution would be prepared and a copy of the resolution be included in the packet for review by the Advisory Park Committee. Committee Member Roszak suggested that special meetings be considered to address certain items all of which should reduce the time of the regular Park Advisory Committee meetings. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 11;47 P.M. DATE 11