11/16/1977 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE November 16, 1977 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7:30 P.A. at the Eagan City Hall on November 16, 1977. Those members present were Chairperson Lundsten, Beck, Thursten, Cooper, Coates, Martin and Brown. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Park Director Barb Schmidt and Zoning Aid Dale Runkle. Absent were Committee Members Hagen and Roszak. MINUTES. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting held on October 13, 1977 with two Corrections, to eliminate the words '`north and" from the last paragraph of the Resolution pn page 2, and also eliminate the words "street improvements" from the first sentence on page 7, be approved as read. COUNCIL REPORT. The City Administrator reported that the Eagan City Council approved the low bids for a 12 foot dump box with hoist and an 8 foot Western plow to be mounted on the one -ton Ford cab and chassis recently purchased by the Park Department. He also stated that approval was given to submit a grant application to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture requesting partial reimbursement of the 1978 tree program costs which are estimated at $32,500 for removal of trees and $9,800 for replanting of new trees. The City Administrator stated that submission of a preliminary bikeway grant application was approved requesting a total of $106,900 from the Minnesota Department of Transportation for 75% funding of construction of several different bike trails in the community and also an appli- cation submitted to DNR in the amount of $1,090 for maintenance of ski trails in Blackhawk and Patrick Eagan Park. 11-16 -77 DAKOTA COUNTY BIKEWAY PLAN. Park Director Schmidt stated that recently meetings have been held with area Park Directors and Planners to assist Dakota County in preparing a preliminary Dakota County Bikeway Plan. She stated that the major purpose of the County system is to link major regional facilities and to provide a framework for local trail systems. Park Director Schmidt displayed a map of a proposed road bike trail system that was developed by the Dakota County Parks and Planning Departments and stated that a public meeting will be held in the near future to discuss the proposed trail plan before final action is taken by the Dakota County Board of Commission- ers. Park Director Schmidt specifically stated that the Dakota County Bikeway Plan includes trails on Pilot Knob Road, Cliff Road, Cedar Avenue and Johnny Cake Ridge Road.. Chairperson Lundsten encouraged Committee Members to comment on the proposed County bike trail plans and to attend the upcoming meeting to emphasize support of the bike trail concept and also the City of Eagan's interest in the develop- ment of trails. After further discussion on the matter and upon *motion by Coates, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Eagan Advisory Park Committee endorse the concept of a County Bikeway Plan with particular emphasis on the current development of trails on Cliff Road and Johnny Cake Ridge Road, MINNESOTA DB'PARTNENT OF TRANSPORTATION BIKE TRAIL GRANT. Park Director Schmidt stated that a grant application for the development of bicycle trails at five different locations in the City was sub- mitted to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for 75% funding. 2 11 -16 -77 She stated that the trails and cost breakdown for the grant appli- cation are generally described as follows; A. South side of Wilderness Run Road extended east, and west side of new Lexington Avenue south to Lebanon Hills Park. 3 Length 1 mile B. West side of Pilot Knob Roacl from Co. Rd. 30 to Wilderness Run 2700 ft. $13,500 Road. C. East side of existing Cedar Ave. from Beau D' Rue Drive to Shale Ln. 8000 ft. $40,000 plus north side of Co. Rd. 30 from Cedar Ave. to Rahn Road. Total Eagan's Cost Share (251 $26,400 $6,600 $3,375 $10,000 D. North side of Yankee Doodle Rd. from Donald Ave. to Yankee Square, 4000 ft. $20,000 $5,000 then south side of Yankee Doodle to Washington Drive. E. South side of Lone Oak Rd. from Woodlark Lane to Pilot Knob Rd. 1400 ft. 7,000 $1,750 Totals $106,100 $29,525 After reviewing all five trail locations and upon motion by Martin, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Park Committee recommend to the City Council that the Park Director be authorized to submit the grant application to the Minnesota Department of Transportation requesting funding for the development of the five trails as previously described. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT. Chairperson Lundsten asked the staff if a development checklist could be formulated for purposes of coordinating the status of all development as it continues through the various boards and commissions and to the City Council. The City Administrator stated that a development checklist outline was formu- lated and it appears the policy will be completed by the end of December for presentation to the Planning Commission, Advisory Park Committee and City Council. 11 -16 -77 CONFERENCE REPORT PARK DIRECTOR. Park Director Schmidt reported on a recent conference that she attended in the City of Milwaukee which emphasized cost effective park maintenance. She mentioned a number of sessions which she attended on topics of special interest to the Park Department including tree disease control, feasibility of municipal nurseries, current federal funding programs, and many others. She also stated that there was considerable emphasis on consider- ing vandalism when designing and building structures and facilities. TRAIL COMITTEE. There was no report given by the Trail sub committee, however, a meeting was set for Wednesday, November 30, 1977 at 7 °00 P.M. to coordinate various information and recommendations that are under study by the committee members. CITY OF JONATHON TRIP. Zoning Aid Runkle stated that recently members of the Advisory Park Committee and members of the staff were given a tour of the Jonathon trail system by Mr. Rod Hardy. Mr. Runkle specifically discussed the trail functions and concepts stating that 1. The trail is designed as a transportation system, moving people, 2. The trail does not follow specific lot lines or street right -of -way which is applicable to P.U.D. considerations, 3. Grass areas around trails abutting lots are maintained by property owners, and 4. Culverts are not only used for drainage purposes but also for walkway purposes beneath roadways throughout the Jonathon trail system. There was no further discussion on the Jonathon field trip, however, Park Committee members felt the field trip was extremely 4 11 -16 -77 beneficial and Chairperson Lundsten recommended that other committee members take a tour of the Jonathon trail system at their convenience. EAGAN HILLS. Zoning Aid Runkle stated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development was designated as the responsible agent for the Environmental Quality Board for purposes of reviewing the need for Environmental Impact Statements and other related data. He further stated that there are plans by Dunn and Curry Real Estate Management, Inc. to proceed with the development of Eagan Hills in the late fall of 1977. SOUTH DELAWARE HILLS. Park Director Schmidt stated that the City staff has met with Mr. Dick Parranto, developer of South Delaware Mills, regarding whether additional flat land could be obtained for active park purposes in the proposed plat of South Delaware Hills. She stated that at the meeting Mr. Parranto ha.1 been receptive to giving up five lots in the flat area in exchange for other previously designated park land, however, after projecting the costs of realign- ing roads and utilities, he later determined that this would be very costly and informed the staff that he did not wish to give up the five lots. Park Director Schmidt stated that the park land previously suggested for South Delaware Ellis consists of approximately 10 acres of water and 15 acres of land for a total of 25 acres. Chairperson Lundsten stated that since the Inver Grove Heights plat had not been approved there is still a need for active park land to satisfy the park needs of the neighborhood as established in the Eagan Park Development Guide. She further stated that the Park Committee had 5 11-16-77 recommended the acceptance of the 25 acre passive park in the South Delaware Hills Addition because of the proposed active park land which had been planned for the Inver Grove Heights portion of the development. Various alternatives were discussed including: 1. Attempting to pin down future dedication of the five acre park area in Inver Grove Heights adjacent to Argenta Trail to the City of Inver Grove Heights as per "fir. Parranto °s original proposal. 2. The City of Eagan accepting fee title to a 3 acre area por- tion of relatively flat land in Inver Grove Heights immediately adjacent to the Eagan line. Mr. Parranto had indicated his willing- ness to do this in addition to the previously designated passive park area. 3. Recommending to the Council that the dedication include the five lots of flat land. In addition, Chairperson Lundsten asked that the Park Director and City Planner continue to work out the alignment of the proposed trail access on the gas line easement in the South Delaware Hills plat as well as the extension into the development in the City of Inver Grove Heights. The City staff was asked to research the legal implications of Eagan owning and developing land in an adjacent community. Upon motion by Beck, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, the Park Director and the City Planner, Mr. John Voss, were directed to pursue with the City of Inver Grove Heights the possibili- ty of designating a five acre site in the City of Inver Grove Heights that was originally proposed as active park land as a future park to be dedicated when that area is developed. It was noted that if this cannot be accomplished, the Park Committee will further review the entire matter of park dedication for South Delaware Hills. 6 11 -16 -77 THE 1CCARTHY HOUSE. Park Director Schmidt stated that at the October 15, 1977 City Council meeting a question regarding the status of the McCarthy house was again referred to the Park Advisory Committee. Park Committee (Member Thursten stated that it is her opinion that the McCarthy house should not be used by the Eagan Police Department for purposes of a tear gas demonstration at this time and would recommend that the building remain in its present condition until such time as definite use can be established for the building. Committee Member Brown stated that he is concerned as to whether the City is liable for insuring the McCarthy house if the facility is not used in the ensuing months. After further discussion on the matter, in a motion by Thursten, seconded by Martin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Park Committee recommend to the City Council that the McCarthy house not be used at this time by the Police Department for a tear gas demonstration and further that the building remain in its present condition until a specific purpose is found for the use of the building. REPORTS ON ICE RINKS AND RECREATION PROGRAMS. Park Director Schmidt provided the Park Advisory Committee with a report on the teen center and Saturday morning recreation program stating that for the most part the teen center has been extremely successful, however, some of the Saturday morning recreation programs were not very well attended. She further stated that it is anticipated that the ice rinks will open approximately December 18, 1977 so that skating is available during the holiday season. 7 11-16-77 SECTION STUDIES. Zoning Aid Runkle stated that he is continuing hiw work on the section studies which pertain to park land needs in relation to the zoning and land use projections set forth for a given area. He stated that he will continue work on the section studies and eventually have a report on all sections within the City of Eagan for the Advisory Park Committee to review. MEETING TIME SCHEDULE. Chairperson Lundsten stated that she is concerned that the Park Advisory Committee meetings have been running quite late and would like to consider starting the meetings at 7.00 P.M. rather than 730 P.M. After a brief discussion on the matter, in a motion by Thursten, seconded Brown, all members voting in favor, it was determined that the Park Advisory Committee meetings beginning with the December meeting will start at 7,00 P.M. 8