12/08/1977 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TFE ADVISORY PARK COP1ITTEE December n, 1977 A regular meeting of the Fagan Park Committee was held on December 3, 1977 at 700 P.M. at the Fagan City Hall, Those members present were Chairperson Lundsten, Beck, Cooper, Thursten, Coates, Martin Roszak. Also present were Park Director Schmidt and Jean Loken Presicent of the Eagan Garden Club. Absent were Committee Members Norm Hagen and Tom Brown. John Roszak moved and Neil Coates seconded a unanimous motion to approve the minutes of the November 16, 1977 Park Committee :meeting with the following corrections on page one third para- arraph, sentence 10, chance "a total of 106,900`' to`j75% funding . In sentence 11 change 75% funding to "a total of $106. 900 for , on page 5, third. paragraph, sentence 6, change 'neighborhood' to Eagan neighborhood #2`. Park Director Schmidt informer? the Park Committee that the pre - application for grant funds for the Rahn Thomas trail had received preliminary approval and has been programed for 90% funding. The final application will be due February 10. 1978. Chairperson tundsten recommended that metropolitan and local newspapers be con- tacted to provide publicity on this matter. Park Director Schmidt reported on actions by the City Council at their 'Oece nber 6 1977 meetincâ–º 1, The matter of utilities for South Delaware Hills was con- tinued until January 17, 1978, awaiting the Park Committee recommen - dation on park land for that development. 2. The Park Department was authorized to rehire John Weber on a trial basis to complete his CETA project assignment. 1 2 12-8-77 3. The City Council approved the hiring of the recommended list of warming house attendants for the 77-78 seasons 4.. The Council endorser the Dakota County Bikeway Plan, Park Director Schmidt informed the Park Committee of the ten- tative opening date of Saturday. December 17 for the skating season. A list of locations and hours and a list of attendants was provided for each member. Committee members also requested a copy of the v-armina house attendants job description which will be mailed out with the Park Committee minutes. The Park Committee was informed of plans to discuss possible changes in the proposed Park Construction bids and specifications in c'raer to again advertise for bids this winter for early spring construction. The Park Department budget with the chancres made by the City Council was reviewed and discussed. The Saturday recreation program at Pilot Knob and Northview Schools and the Rahn Teen Center were evaluated. The school programs will he tried again in early spring and activities at the Rahn Center will be expanded after the close of skating season. Chairperson Lundsten reported on the public informational meetinc,â–º on the Dakota County Bikeway Plan which was held the previous evening. Council member Jim Smith and Park Director Schmidt were in attendance. Representing the Park Committee were Chairperson Lundsten and members Coates and Thurston, The overall Dakota County Trails concept plans were presented.. The importance of local input on determining actual locations for the regional trail corridor proposed by the metropolitan Council was emphasized. The tentative 12 -8 -77 layout of the Bikeway System was presented and methods for implemen- tation of the system were discussed. Council Member Smith informed the county staff of Eagan's endorsement of the plan and the proposed sharing of cost of bikeways along county roads. Carolyn Thtirsten discussed briefly the work session held by the Eaaan Trail subcommittee of the Park Committee on November 30 1977:. The next meeting of the committee was scheduled for January 5 1978 at 7.00 P J . at the Park Department Office. The -natter of scheduling an appearance before the Eagan Advisory Planning Commission to discuss the Park Dedication Map was referred to staff to arrange an appropriate Fate,. Chairperson Lundsten suggested a written synopsis of the general policies governing our overall park planning be prepared and distributed to the Planning Commission at that time. It was mentioned that the terms of four members of the Park Committee expire at the end of the year, They are Seurer, who has resigned, anA Roszak Martin and Hagen. Members wishing to be con - sic'ere for reappointment were asked to write a letter to the City Administrator to so indicate. Discussion was held on developing a Park Action Plan which would prioritize projects in existing parks which should be accomplished and would include trails and future projects which have been identi- fied, This would form a basis for future grant applications and mould aid in determining when another bond proposal will be necessary.. Park Director Schmidt discussed a list of possible projects which should be included in such a plan. She also " "iscussed the large equipment Capital Improvement Program. John Roszak discussed the 3 12-8-77 need for a similar projection for the operating budget. He expressed a desire to work on a capital improvement projection with the Park ?director and City Administrator, A meeting will be set up in the near future to begin work on this matter. Jean Laken, current President of the Eagan Carden Club pre- sented slides of the plantings made in the Natural Prairie Area in Thomas Lake Park-, She discussed the nee' for approximately one- half mile of trail to provide walking access to the area. She c'iscussed several other prairie areas she had visited and mentioned that the Thomas Lake area is unique because it is a wet prairie. *Kathy Beck reported on a Park Beautification Program which Governor Perpich has discussed with Glen Ray of the Tinnesota Horticultural Society. It was thought that local garden clubs working with existing park departments could obtain funding for special projects and that Thomas Lake could qualify for such funding. Additional information on the program will be obtained when it becomes available. The meeting adjourned at 10 P" . Paten ; ; , (_ .: i e 3 ; ,/ 7 4