01/19/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OP THE ADVISORY PARK COM ITTEE EAGAN, MINNNESOTA January 19, 1978 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 700 p.m. at the City Hall on January 19, 1978. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten. Brown, Coates, Thursten, Beck, Loken and Thomas. Also present were Dale Runkle, Zoning Aid, and City Administrator Tom Hedges. Absent were Committee Members Cooper, Hagen, and Martin, and also Park Director Schmidt. MINUTES. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. City Administrator Hedges welcomed Park Committee =Members Jean Loken (appointed for a three year term) and hike Thomas (appointed for a one year term) by the City Council at a regular meeting held on January 17, 1978. City Administrator Hedges also stated that the City Council approved the hiring of Andrea Schneider to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dianne Scribner to be employed as a full time office worker in the Public Works and Park Departments. PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT. Chairperson Lundsten commented on the Park and Recreation Report that was prepared by Dorothy Peterson, Recreational Director, specifically stating that the brochure was greatly appreciated by residents and Park Committee Members. There were questions regarding the distribution of the brochure, provisions for free skating for tots, and availability of information to residents as to when rinks are closed, particularly relating to weather conditions. 1 1 -19 -78 PARK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT. Chairperson Lundsten stated that bids and specifications have been rewritten for the proposed park development specifically providing for unit pricing with quanity estimates for grading rather than a lump sum figure. She further stated that a bid letting was scheduled for February 6, 1978 at 3 0 p.n. at the City Hall. ICE RINK MAINTENANCE. Chairperson Lundsten stated that she had discussed with the Park Director the fact that ice maintenance is the most difficult task performed by the park staff, and that after budgetary funds are used for capital and maintenance improvements and many hours and dollars are spent preparing for good ice surface, often unpredidtable weather conditions cause delays in implementing the skating program. City Administrator Hedges stated that the hockey and skating rinks are one of the most visible services that the City provides and it is recommended that scheduling be authorized by the Park Director in a manner that will provide for the best skating conditions possible. Chairperson Lundsten stated that other communi- ties do allow overtime to the park employees in order to provide the maximum number of good skating hours. After further discussion on the matter, and in a motion by Thursten, seconded Coates:, all members voting in favor, Park Director Schmidt was authorized to allow for overtime in the Park Department, if necessary, to provide for the maximum number of good skating hours within the winter months for all skating facilities in the City of Eagan. EAGAN TRAIL COMMITTEE rEETING. Committee Member Beck reported on the last Eagan Trail Committee meeting stating that trail access and design were discussed in detail for future and existing trails as 2 1•-19 -78 located within the City of Eagan. She further stated that Mr. Otto Christenson, from the Department of Natural Resources, was contacted regarding the Minnesota River Valley Trail system and how it relates to the Eagan Trail system. Committee Member Beck stated that the next regular meeting of the Eagan Trails Committee is scheduled for February 2, 1978. DAKOTA COUNTY TRAILS MEETING. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the Dakota County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the Dakota County Trails Plan on Wednesday, February 8, 1978 at 8 00 p.m. in the Board Room. at the Dakota County Government Center and that all members are encouraged to attend. MINNESOTA RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development is in the process of changing the federal regulations which apply to community development block grants, strengthening the provision that all projects must principally benefit low and moderate income persons. This would mean that there will no longer be community development funds available for capital development projects including park and recreation facilities for cities like Eagan. She stated that a sample resolution was sent to many Communities in the State of Minnesota asking for Park Committee and City Council support opposing the more stringent guidelines, thereby, allowing park and recreation related projects eligible funding through the community development block grant program. After discussion on the proposed resolution, a motion was introduced by Committee Member Coates, seconded by Committee Member Brown, all members voting in favor that the following resolution be approved and recommended to the City Council for their consideration: 3 RESOLUTION 4 1-19-78 WHEREAS Community Development Block Grants have been successfully used for the creation of new park and recreation facilities by communities throughout the State of Minnesota; and, WHEREAS, these funds are administered by a local unit of govern- ment that has the ability to best determine their own needs and, WHEREAS, these funds have been available to park and recreation units for the expressed purpose of redeveloping or providing addition- al community facilities; and, WHEREAS, the development of new park and recreation facilities is a benefit to all residents of a community regardless of their economic status; and, WHEREAS, the Council recognizes the need to emphasize the con- struction and development of park and recreation facilities that would be of most benefit to low and moderate income persons' and, WHEREAS, the Council feels that the federal regulations proposed for Community Development Block Grants by the Department of Housing and Urban Development is not in the best interest of all communities. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Eagan takes the position that the proposed regulations of Tuesday, October 25, 1977, should not be adopted by the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment until such time as park and recreation related projects that serve all segments of a community are eligible for Community Development Block Grants. TOWERVIEW ROAD. Chairperson Lundsten stated that a letter was received from Mr. Stuart Henning regarding problems with the unimproved road from the Timberline pumphouse to Pilot Knob Park. City Administrator Hedges reported that alternatives have been discussed with the Public Works Director and it is felt that a solu- tion could be worked out so that the road will be closed to through traffic after improvements are made to Pilot Knob Park. He stated that the back lot line of the pump house could be fenced with a chain link fence and a lockable gate installed at the roadway which would permit park and public works vehicles access to maintain the park and water line to the tower. City Administrator Hedges also 1-19 stated that Park Director Schmidt is recommending installation of a security light at the rear portion of the property. After further discussion on the matter, and in a motion by Coates, seconded Thursten all members voting in favor, the City Administrator was directed to coordinate the closing of the unimproved roadway by arranging for a type of barrier on City property and cooperating with Univac to allow for a type of barrier on their property. EAGAN WOOD. Mr. John Klein appeared and presented a preliminary plat entitled 'Eagan Wood" which is located in Section 15. He stated that a petition was submitted to the Planning Commission to rezone 80 acres of which 37 acres are intended for single family residences and 43 acres for multiple residences. Air. Klein further stated that there are approximately 480 multiple units which include townhouses and 67 single family units. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the Planning staff and Park Director have recommended that a cash donation be considered in lieu of park dedication because of the, heavy woods and the topography of the area. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the Development Committee should review the matter and present their findings to the Advisory Park Committee at the next meeting. The Development Committee meeting was scheduled for 3:30 p.m, on January 26, 1978 at the City Hall and the committee will then leave to tour the proposed Eagan Wood area. DELAWARE ESTATES. Mr. Dick Parranto appeared to discuss the proposed park dedication for Delaware Estates. He has previously discussed dedication of a low area adjacent to Bur Oaks Park but the question of flat land for park purposes is still unresolved. Chairperson Lundsten indicated that because of the proposed 5 1-19-78 high density in the development, there is a definite need for land for active park use for ball fields, courts and rinks, as well as a connecting link between the active and the passive areas. Zoning Aid Runkle stated that the 25 acre park area proposed is passive in nature and provides access to existing Bur Oaks Park. But of that 25 acres, approkiniately 15 acres is below the high water line and will be flooded by drain off from this development. It also contains steep slopes which are not suitable for development of ball diamonds or other active park facilities. Mr. Parrantb statel that until the City of Inver Grove Heights approves a residential development plan fcir the property adjacent to Delaware Estates, he would not be agreeable to dedication Of more than 5 acres in that municipality. The Park Committee next discussed available parcels of flat land. The five flat lots within the development were considered. Mr. Parranto had previously met with City staff and agreed to dedicat- ing these lots in addition to the 25 acre passive area. After con- sultation with his staff, he had changed his mind. The City Engineer has expressed the opinion that if the five flat lots were used for park purposes,the increased cost of utilities would make the entire development not feasible. Committee Member Brown stated that if the five fiat lots cannot be obtained for park purposes, there is no reason not to allow Mr. Parranto to proceed with the utility improvements. Other flat land discussed included accepting five acres in Inver Grove Heights adjacent to the Eagan plat as originally suggested by Mr. Parranto. Mr. Parranto letter of January 10, 1978, suggests two overlapping sites and expresses a preference for what is called the alternate marked in black over the second area which is marked in 6 1 -19 -78 yellow. Dale Runkle showed that the area marked in black could accomodate a ball diamond, hockey rink, open skating area, limited parking, and a double tennis court. In addition, a football field could be overlaid on the ball diamond area Mr. Parranto then objected to dedication of the alternate marked in black because of the cost of the street assessments, and because he felt that houses facing park property are depreciated in value. Mr. Parranto then suggested that the Park Committee accept the area marked in yellow. Zoning Aid Runkle pointed out that there would be no street parking or access to this site. Mr. Parranto suggested that access could be from a cul-de-sac in the Eagan portion of the development. He also suggested that a road could be built over the Williams Brothers pipeline adjacent to a proposed trail. Upon further questioning, Mr. Parranto agreed that there would be a definite change in elevation between the cul -de -sac and the proposed park. Zoning Aid Runkle pointed out that the topography in the yellow alternate was much steeper and would require a great deal of grading to be developed as an active park. In addition, an entrance road would need to be built by the City. He added that the access proposed from the cul -de -sac was undesirable from the stand- point of the traffic that would be generated by the park. Park Committee Members expressed concern over possible future costs to the City of rebuilding the road should the pipeline need to be uncovered for repairs. After review by the Park Committee, it was generally agreed that alternative number 2 as presented by Park Director Schmidt 7 1 -19 -78 "to recommend requiring the 25 acre passive park site in the Eagan portion of the plat plus a five acre active park in Inver Grove Heights with a trail connection between the two, all to be dedicated to Eagan" was the best possible alternative. The staff was directed to pursue an agreement with the City of Inver Grove Heights and the developer, Mr. Dick Parranto, to resolve the park dedication question. After further discussion, and in a motion by Brown, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, the five flat lots are to be eliminated from consideration and developer, City staff, and Park Committee are directed to attempt to pursue alternate #2 with the City of Inver Grove Heights and with the developer and report back to the Park Committee at the next regular meeting. PARK DEDICATION POLICY. Zoning Aid Runkle stated that a .parch timetable is expected for finalizing the Park Dedication Policy which has been under study by the Park Advisory Committee. ORGANIZATIONAL. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the January meeting is the organizational meeting for the Park Advisory Committee. She asked for nominations from the floor for Chairperson. There was a nomination for Myrel Lundsten, and in a motion by Committee Member Loken, seconded by Committee Member Beck, Committee Member Lundsten was moved by acclamation to serve as Chairperson for the Park Advisory Committee in 1978. Chairperson Lundsten asked for nominations for Vice Chairperson. A nomination was made for Committee Member Neil Coates, and after no other nominations from the floor, in a motion by Loken, seconded Thursten all members voting in favor, Committee Member Coates was elected as Vice-Chair- person of the Advisory Park Committee for 1970. Chairperson Lundsten asked for nominations for the position of Secretary. A 8 1 -19 -78 nomination from the floor was made for Committee Member Carolyn Thurstene and after no other nominations, the motion was introduced by Committee Member Loken, seconded by Committee Member Beck, all members voting in favor, Carolyn Thursten was elected as Secretary by acclamation to serve in that position during 1970. EAGAN HILLS WEST. Zoning Aid Runkle stated that Dunn Curry Real Estate Management Inc. is proposing a low density single family residential development of 155 lots on approximately 60 gross acres of property, proposed as Eagan Hills West. He stated that this area is the same land that was originally described as Mission Hills PUD. Zoning Aid Runkle stated that a neighborhood study is to be written for the next meeting and he will comment in further detail on the Eagan Hills West proposel development at that time. Chairperson Lundsten asked the staff to research whether the Eagan Hills West proposal is compatible to the Eagan Hills PUD which has been reviewed and approved in the past by the City of Eagan. Upon motion duly made by Thursten: seconded by Brown, all members voting in favor, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Dated: 9