06/08/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA JUNE 8, 1978 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 700 p.m. on June 8, 1978 at the City Hall. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Martin, Loken, Thursten, Coates and Thomas. Also present were City staff members Dale Runkle, Zoning Administrator; Barbara Schmidt, Park and Recreation Director; and City Administrator Tom Hedges. Absent were Committee Members Brown, Cooper and Hagen. MINUTES. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved with the following additions to correct typing omissions. Page 2, line 11, after Fire Station add "in the Wilderness Run, Evergreen Park area and has considered the Thomas Lake Park as a possible site. He further," and page 5, at the end of line 16 add, "Ft. Snelling." ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. Upon motion by Thursten, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the June 8, 1978 agenda be approved with one amendment to add a request for additional facilities at Burr Oak Park under Park Department business, PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT. A report from Park Director Schmidt on the Park Construction contract included the following information: grading is completed at the well site, but the City will have to provide clay for the hockey rink as there is none available on the site, grading for the road to Northview Park should begin June 12, 1978, South Oaks Park is completed and ready for the installation of a play perimeter; and at Pilot Knob Park the last course of asphalt and the pathway should be completed op June 9, 1978. The Park Director also stated that the firm of Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik Assoc., Inc., has assigned a field man to the Eagan area who has greatly improved coordination on the contract. June 8, 1978 ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. City Administrator Hedges reported on the following action relating to the Park Department business from recent City Council meetings. He stated that the City Council authorized a payment of $250 to be made to the City of Apple Valley as Eagan's share in a day camp program for retarded citizens which is open to all Eagan residents. He also reported that the City Council has directed that this item be included in the Park Department budget in the future. He further stated that Mr. Greg Rome will be picked up as a full time Park Department employee to be effective September 15, 1978 upon termination of his extended CETA position. The City Administrator reported on small equipment purchases that were authorized by the City Council. It was also reported by the Administrator that the City Council awarded the bid for the Pilot Knob Bike Trail contract to Minnesota Valley Surfacing in the amount of $19,870. SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM REVIEW. Park Director Schmidt reported on the summer recreation brochure which was prepared by Dorothy Peterson stating that copies are available at Cedarvale Shopping Center, City Hall and the Park Department office. She further reported that a $3 fee has been charged for tumbling and dance classes to help cover the cost of the instructors and also to encourage more regular attendance in that program. Park Director Schmidt reported that the fee for tennis instruction has been increased from $6 to $8 for six one- hour lessons to cover the cost of instructors who have been granted an increase in salary which is more consistent with fees charged by surrounding communities. Park Director Schmidt also reported that Summer in the Park remains a free program, however, the registration procedure for field trips has been changed to require that parents sign up and pay for all field trips at the beginning of the session to eliminate the frequent handling of money. 2 June 8, 1978 SATURDAY RECREATION PROGRAM. Park Director Schmidt reported on the Saturday morning recreation program held at Pilot Knob Park from March 14 through April 15, 1978. She stated that attendance at this session was the best ever averaging 25 30 youngsters per Saturday during March. Park Director Schmidt stated that the objective of the program is to offer Saturday recreation when the athletic association programs are between seasons and outdoor activity is limited. GRANTS UPDATE. Park Director Schmidt briefly stated that the City of Eagan has been fortunate to receive tentative and in some cases final approval of state, regional and federal grants involving park and recreation functions. A concern was expressed, however, by Park Director Schmidt, that there may be more grant proceeds received by the City of Eagan than there are local funds available to match the grants which must be sponsored by the City of Eagan. There was some discussion regarding possible methods of funding the City of Eagan's matching grant appropriation. However, no action was taken and the matter was referred to the City staff. PLAY E9UIPMENT PURCHASE. Park Director Schmidt stated that the subcommittee on playground equipment selection may wish to arrange a meeting with residents of the Pilot Knob Park, South Oaks Park and Oak Chase Park areas to allow residents to participate in the selection of play equipment for those parks if the Park Committee recommends such purchases at this time. The subcommittee on playground equipment selection was directed by Chairperson Lundsten to study the matter with Park Director Schmidt. KEHNE HOUSE. Park Director Schmidt reported that the cost for upgrading the Kehne house to date are not available. Some Park Committee Members expressed interest in taking a tour of the Kehne house, therefore, a field trip was set for Wednesday, June 14, 1973 at which time the City's Building Inspector would provide a tour of the Kehne house with all Park Committee Members invited to attend. 3 June 8, 1978 GARDENING IN UNDEVELOPED PARK LAND. Park Director Schmidt reported that the Park Department is continuing to allow gardening in park land by residents of the community whose property abuts City park land. She stated that permits are applied for through the Park Department office and that a special form has been developed which requires the resident to agree to restore adequate ground cover to the area when gardening is discontinued. DISCONTINUANCE OF PROVIDING FREE PLANT MATERIALS. 1. Park Director Schmidt stated that the City is no longer providing plant material obtained from the State of Minnesota to property owners who abut City parks. She noted that Eagan residents are referred to the State or to the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District where they can purchase the seedlings directly. 2. She stated that such use does not fit within the state regulations which allow distribution of plant materials for specific purposes only. After further discussion on the matter and upon motion by Martin, seconded by Loken, all members voting in favor, the free plant material policy was changed in that the City of Eagan will no longer provide planting materials for definition of park boundaries due to a conflict with Minnesota regulations governing the use of state plant materials. Park Director Schmidt was requested to revise the fence policy in the Park Development Guide in accordance with this action. EAGAN VALLEY RANGERS MEETING. Park Director Schmidt reported that she met with the Eagan Valley Rangers on May 3, 1978 and that club members expressed interest in preserving a route out of Eagan for snowmobiling purposes. She stated that the highline trail was suggested as a possible route and further that club members were invited to appear before the park trail subcommittee to discuss their needs. A park trail subcommittee meeting was set for 7 :15 p.m. on Tuesday, June 22, 1978 at the Public Works Building to continue work on a city trail plan. 4 June 8, 1978 RIVER HILLS 9TH ADDITION. Linda Victor appeared representing the River Hills 9th Addition Neighborhood Association and presented the Association's proposal for park land development. The Association is requesting a 4 seat swing set, 2 spring bouncers, 1 tether ball pole, and 2 volleyball poles. Committee Member Loken presented a cost projection stating that the swing set is estimated at $559, the 2 spring bouncers at $108 and the tether ball pole and the two volley ball poles at $50 for a total of $779. Park Director Schmidt recommended that the City purchase the playground egtiment and the Association would buy landscaping, entrance signs, cedar and railroad ties and benches. Mrs. Victor explained that the Association has more than $750.00 to be used for purchasing the above items raised by contributions of individual property owners and through the River Hills Days celebration. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Committee Member Loken, seconded by Thursten, with all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the City of Eagan proceed with matching the funds raised by the Association with the purchase of playground equipment contingent upon the River Hills 9th Park East Neighborhood Association purchasing landscape materials, entrance signs, cedar and railroad ties, and benches in an equivalent amount and that all equipment and landscaping materials purchased by said association will be coordinated by the Eagan Park Department. EAGAN GARDEN CLUB. Committee Member Loken reported that the Eagan Garden Club planted 11 dozen prairie wild flowers in Thomas Lake Park. HIDDEN OAKS. Zoning Administrator Runkle presented the development proposal for Hidden Oaks Phase I which is a 39 unit townhouse development located in Section 15. Zoning Administrator Runkle stated that the property to be platted as the Hidden Oaks Addition was apparently covered by previous park land dedication in the overall PUD for Pilot Knob Heights. After further discussion on the matter 5 June 8, 1978 and in a motion by Thomas, seconded by token, with all members voting in favor, the staff was directed to research the matter of whether this action is a replat as it pertains to park land dedication or whether the park land dedication was satisfied by the dedication of the land around Fish Lake. PARK CLIFF ADDITION. Zoning Administrator Runkle presented the development proposal of Park Cliff Addition which is located east of Parkview Golf Course and abuts Dakota County Holland Jensen Park. Park Director Schmidt illustrated that easements could connect the development and the park property for trail purposes. After reviewing the trail proposal, it was recommended that trails be located as follows: the south 10 feet of Lot 27, Block 1, and 5 feet on each side of the common lot line between Lots 16 and 17, Block 1. Park Director Schmidt stated that the City staff is recommending a cash per lot donation in lieu of park land dedication because of the rugged topography and the fact that the development is surrounded by Dakota County park land. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Thursten, seconded by Thomas, all members voting in favor, the Park Committee recommended that park dedication for the Park Cliff Development consist of cash donation in lieu of land in addition to 8 foot wide asphalt trails to be installed by the developer in conjunction with the road construction; such trails to be located as previously described and the easement area on which they are located to be dedicated to the City by separate document. VIEADOWRIDGE. The City Administrator reported that the Meadowridge Townhouse project proposed in Section 9 was denied by the Planning Commission and City Council and therefore park land dedication is no longer required. CAMERON DEVELOPMENT. The City Administrator presented the Cameron Development project stating that the developer of the proposed Cameron Addition has revised the original Cameron Development plan by reducing the density from 40 units to 32 6 June 8, 1978 units and adding approximately a one -acre park. Zoning Administrator Runkle stated that the one -acre park land is not adequate for any active parkland functions other than a tot lot which is not normally provided by the City. The City Administrator stated that the City Council has directed the Park Committee to review the need for parkland requirements for Cameron Addition and more specifically all of Section 9. Mrs. Thomas Dunn who resides at 3377 Donald Avenue appeared and stated that a neighborhood meeting was scheduled for the Ron Nelson's home located at 3217 Donald Avenue at 7:00 p.m. on June 15, 1978 to discuss the proposed Cameron Addition development plan with the developer. Members of the Park Committee and the Park Director were asked to be present. Park Director Schmidt stated that the entire proposed Cameron Development of 5.65 acres is not adequate for a community park site, which is what is needed to meet park needs in Section 9. There were a number of possibilites discussed by Zoning Administrator Runkle, including the possibilty of leasing or purchasing land from Univac for a community park in this area, pinpointing future park dedication to be obtained from the Michael property when it develops, and providing a trail connection from Coachman Road to Pilot Knob School. Additional research will be done in the study of parkland for Section 9. No action was taken at this time. BURR OAKS BALLFIELD. Park Director Schmidt stated that the residents in Burr Oaks are requesting a ball diamond. There was no action taken, however, Park Director Schmidt was directed to investigate the possibility and report back to the committee. OAK POND HILLS SECOND ADDITION. The City Administrator explained that objection was expressed by members of the City Council at the June 6, 1978 meeting as to the extent of parkland required to be dedicated with the Oak Pond Hills 2nd Addition subdivision. He further reported that action was taken by the City Council to place outlot 8 on the market for sale for single 7 June 8, 1978 family purposes after acquisition of title by the City. Committee members discussed the City Council action at some length and it was agreed that is is advisable that Outlot B be retained, at least at the present time, as part of the park dedication for the Lexington South PUD. Park Director Schmidt again stated that Outlot B was recommended for dedication as parkland as a result to negotiations with Mr. Ed Dunn of Dunn and Curry Real Estate Management Inc. after reviewing the entire parkland dedication requirements for Lexington South. Park Director Schmidt explained that the property for Oak Pond Hills 2nd Addition was purchased from Mr. Ed Dunn and was originally a part of this PUD. After a rather lengthy discussion and in a motion by Thomas, seconded by Coates, all members voting in favor, the Park Committee respectively requested the City Council to delay action on their motion to sell Outlot B in Oak Pond Hills 2nd Addition for the time being for the following reasons: 1. Outlot B provides a connection to the planned entrance of Holland Jensen Park at a point which is designated as a crossing accomodating a major trail link from the Highline Trail to the park and a connection to the County Trail which is planned for Cliff Road, 2. The 100' width accomodates a meandering trail which may be nece- ssary due to topography, 3. Outlot B contains enough land to provide a buffer to the existing single family residents, 4. Outlot B provides enough flexibility to accomodate a below grade underpass which could be appropriate at this location but is not definite at this time due to the uncertainty of county highway and park development plans, 5. A trail extention abutting Oak Pond Road in Oak Pond Hills 1st 8 9 June 8, 1978 Addition does not appear to be feasible in the road right -of -way due to topography, 6. The Park Committee is concerned about the effect of selling dedicated parkland, 7. Action to sell Outlot B could be taken in the future when Holland Jensen Park plans, County Road plans and Eagan Trail plans for this area are firm. BUFFER HILLS. Park Director Schmidt reported that a cash donation is agreeable for the Buffer Hills Development. CARRIAGE HILLS. City Administrator Hedges reported that Carriage Hills proposed plat was denied and therefore cash donation or parkland dedicaiton is not required. RUSTIC HILLS. Park Director Schmidt reported that a cash donation was acceptable for the Rustic Hills Development. With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 12 :15 a.m.